The Best School Fundraising Idea Your PTA Isn't Doing (2024)

Coming up with school fundraising ideasis the bane of parental existence. And to be frank, your PTA or PTO doesn’t love doing them either.

The lack of adequate funding in our schools makes them absolutely necessary, but a school fundraiser is a LOT of work, usually for very little payoff.

We’ve done all the school fundraising ideas you’ve ever heard of. We’ve done the read-a-thons, the booster-thons, the dance-a-thons.

Basically, we’ve done all the “thons.”

The Best School Fundraising Idea Your PTA Isn't Doing (1)

School Fundraising Ideas: Looking Up

Recently our school’s PTA came up with the holy grail of school fundraising ideas:

  • It didn’t require a lot or planning or up front cost.
  • It didn’t ask parents to sell any products or ask friends and family for money.
  • It was super fun and very popular.
  • Most importantly, it raised a good chunk of money for our school!

What is this amazing school fundraising idea, you ask? How can your school replicate it? I’m happy to share that with you!

This simple, magical, ideal school fundraiser was called: Paint The Tiles Night.

Tile Fundraiser Details:

With the approval of our school administration, we sold the privilege of painting the drop ceiling tiles that hang throughout the building.

For $30 per tile, families came to the cafeteria during our Paint The Tiles school fundraiser and enjoyed a night of creativity together.

The PTA provided the tiles and the painting supplies. We took reservations before the event (to give us an idea of how many we needed to take down from the ceiling) and also sold tiles at the door.

We also invited a local dessert food truck to be present at the event. They donated 10% of their proceeds to the school as well.

The Best School Fundraising Idea Your PTA Isn't Doing (2)

The day before the event, a group of PTA volunteers came in and took down the appropriate amount of tiles. We ordered paints and brushes in bulk which can be used again next year.

The night of the event, we covered the cafeteria tables with paper to make clean up easier. We laid out the tiles throughout the cafeteria, and distributed paper plates for mixing paint and cups of water for rinsing brushes. We collected payment at the door.

There was a fantastic response to this school fundraiser idea from the families of our school. Some families bought one tile per child. Some bought one to paint as a family project.

Many families showed up with stencils and their own imaginative designs. Some even brought their own brushes and special paints. There were lots of smiles and laughs, and lots of interaction between the families who attended.

Clean up afterwards mainly involved just throwing away trash and cleaning brushes. We left the tiles out on the tables to dry overnight.

In the morning, more volunteers showed up early before school to place the tiles back in the ceiling.

The final result was amazing!

The kids loved leaving their mark on the school, and the colorful tiles brightened up the hallways. So many kids chose to put positive, supportive messages on their tiles to encourage other students. It was heartwarming!

The best part was the looks on the faces of the kids as they came into school the next morning.

Those who had participated in the event were so excited to find their tiles on the ceiling. Those who weren’t able to make it wanted to know when we’d be doing it again so they could paint a tile, too!

There were a few things we realized during the course of our planning and executing this school fundraiser idea that would be helpful for you to know.

  • Don’t oversoak the tiles in paint. When they’re wet, they become very breakable.
  • Use paint sparingly, letting it dry thoroughly between coats of paint. Several families brought hair dryers to use to help speed up the drying process.
  • We had each person mark the names of the children painting the tile, the year it was painted and a phone number to reach the family on the back of each tile. In years to come, if we get to the point where we need to take tiles down and replace them with new ones, we’ll be able to try to contact the families who created the tiles.
  • Be prepared for spills and cleanups. Having lots of paper towels around came in handy!

This school fundraising idea cost us very little. Just the cost of the supplies, the time for promoting it, and the manpower to run the event. We sold plenty of tiles that night and made quite a bit of profit. This is definitely an event we’ll host again!

What’s been your most successful school fundraising ideas? Tell us in the comments!

The Best School Fundraising Idea Your PTA Isn't Doing (3)

The Best School Fundraising Idea Your PTA Isn't Doing (2024)


What is the most profitable school fundraiser? ›

Top 5 School Fundraising Ideas that Make the Most Money
  • Walk-a-thons and Fun Runs. ...
  • Community Service Fundraisers. ...
  • Fundraising Product Sales. ...
  • Virtual Fundraisers. ...
  • Raffle Fundraisers. ...
  • Custom Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Campaigns. ...
  • School Carnivals and Fairs. ...
  • Donation-Based Fundraisers.

How do you run a successful school fundraiser? ›

How to Hold the Perfect School Fundraiser: 4 Great Tips
  1. Hold an event-a-thon fundraiser.
  2. Get the community involved.
  3. Encourage and incentivize participation.
  4. Follow up after the fundraiser.
Mar 28, 2024

How can I raise money for my local school? ›

Unique Elementary School Fundraising Ideas
  1. Library Fundraiser. Library fundraisers are an easy, fun way to support local libraries, encourage students to read, and create a flood of incoming donations. ...
  2. Shoe Drive. ...
  3. Book Club. ...
  4. Discount Cards. ...
  5. Food Truck Day. ...
  6. Rubber Ducky Race. ...
  7. School Concert. ...
  8. 50/50 Raffle.

What kind of fundraiser raises the most money? ›

13 Most Profitable Fundraisers
  • Bake Sale. Your organization only needs a few things to organize a bake sale: a location for your sale, volunteers to run it, baked treats, and hungry supporters! ...
  • Art Show. ...
  • 5K Fundraiser. ...
  • Auction. ...
  • Matching Gift Drive. ...
  • Car Wash. ...
  • Drive-In Movie. ...
  • Text-to-Give Fundraiser.

What is the 3 to 1 rule for PTA fundraising? ›

When planning the year's activities, PTAs should use the 3 to 1 Rule: There should be at least three non- fundraising projects to everyone fundraising projects. PTA funds should always be used for PTA work. It is not appropriate to raise money for PTA activities and then donate it to another organization.

What makes a successful PTA? ›

You are a great communicator.

PTAs work with patients and clients on a regular basis and often spend more time with them than many other providers. An important aspect of physical therapy is being able to effectively teach each patient, client, or family member how they can help care for themselves or their loved one.

What to spend PTA money on? ›

What do Parentkind members fundraise for?
  • Educational materials (books, classroom equipment, sports equipment)
  • School trips.
  • Playground equipment.
  • School renovation projects.
  • School costs (e.g. staff training)
Sep 30, 2019

How to raise money quickly? ›

If you borrow money from friends or family, it's best to draw up a contract about the terms of the loan.
  1. Liquidate Your Assets. ...
  2. Take on Odd Jobs. ...
  3. Track Down Your Loose Change. ...
  4. Organize a Garage Sale. ...
  5. Get Money From Your Retirement Accounts. ...
  6. Part With Your Plasma. ...
  7. Borrow Money From Friends or Family.

What food to sell at school fundraiser? ›

The best snacks to sell for fundraising are ones that everyone craves! Sweet or salty treats are always a crowd-pleaser and sure to get you lots of sales. Try selling chocolates, nuts, chips, or baked goods.

What is a 30 pop fundraiser? ›

30 POP! is our quick and easy 30 minute fundraiser! It's the perfect way to provide teams and clubs a simple fundraising option, and can be done with any size group from 2 to 200+!

What is a shoe drive fundraiser? ›

Popular among many schools, this unique fundraising idea involves encouraging your supporters to donate their gently worn, new and used shoes at special drop-off locations that you've set up around your local community.

What is the best way to make money at school? ›

Side hustles for college students (that don't require a time commitment)
  1. Drive for a rideshare service. ...
  2. Look for TV or movie extra roles. ...
  3. Participate in paid experiments. ...
  4. Help people move. ...
  5. Start pet sitting. ...
  6. Sell your old stuff for a profit. ...
  7. Rent your car. ...
  8. Rent your place when you're out of town.

What is the most profitable thing to sell in school? ›

101 Best Things to Sell for Fundraising At School
  1. Gourmet Popcorn. Popcorns are a popular treat hence, easier to sell. ...
  2. Discount Cards. You can sell these cards worth $15 or $20 to offer discounts for local businesses. ...
  3. Cookie Dough. ...
  4. Scratch Cards. ...
  5. Chocolate Bars. ...
  6. T-shirts. ...
  7. Shoe Drive. ...
  8. Lollipops.

What is the largest student run fundraiser? ›

All donations collected benefit Four Diamonds at Penn State Health Children's Hospital. The event is the single largest student-run philanthropy in the entire world. THON has raised over $219 million, helped over 4,800 families and draws 16,500 student volunteers every year.

What is a good profit margin for a school fundraiser? ›

The secret to school fundraising success is properly motivating your sellers, choosing products to sell that are in demand with prices above $7, and sell only products with profit margins of 50% or more. If you don't motivate your sellers, sales will be mediocre.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.