How Impact Investors Actually Measure Impact (SSIR) (2024)

Impact Investing

A systematic look at leading impact investors’ wide array of impact measurement practices—and how best to combine them.

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Those of us who study impact investing all can agree that measuring an investment’s social effect is important, that measurement can help organizations make better decisions and communicate their value, and that financial returns should be balanced with social returns. But most of these points of agreement remain theoretical: Few resources discuss the specific practices and methodologies that investors actually use to measure social impact. This is what we set out to do in our study, Measuring Impact in Impact Investing.

For this independent research project at the Harvard Business school, we interviewed more than 20 leading impact investors and practitioners in related fields, from organizations such as Acumen, Bridges Ventures, and Root Capital. Through these interviews, we learned that investors use impact measurements for different objectives in different parts of the investment cycle, and that methods for measuring impact vary based on the objective.

These objectives fall into four main phases. Investors first work on estimating impact, conducting due diligence to assess the potential social return before committing to an investment. Then comes planning impact, choosing the metrics and data collection methods that the investor will use to monitor a program’s effects. Once the program is underway, investors and investees focus on monitoring impact, measuring and analyzing impact throughout the life of the investment to track the intervention’s effects. And finally, sometimes investors turn to evaluating impact, measuring an investment’s social consequences after the program concludes to assess portfolio performance and next steps for the investor, including re-investment.

Investors have different measurement objectives in different phases of the investment cycle.

It was no surprise that impact investors have developed a range of different measurement methods to accomplish these objectives. What did surprise us, however, was that we didn’t find any previous analysis of how these methods relate to each other, or how to classify them in a way that could help investors choose which method would be best suited to achieving a particular objective. To that end, we took a stab at grouping these methods into four main categories:

  • Expected return methods weigh the anticipated benefits of an investment against its costs; social return on investment (SROI), in particular, provides a framework to calculate an investment’s present social value of impact compared to the value of inputs. For example, the Robin Hood Foundation’s benefit-cost ratio (BCR) estimates the poverty-fighting benefits of a program compared to the costs to the foundation in order to determine which grants would yield high impact. Robin Hood computes its BCR on an ongoing basis, and during the re-investment or re-granting process it may increase investment in programs with high BCRs, though the foundation does not make decisions on the basis of these calculations alone. Among the organizations we spoke to, grants-based organizations made the greatest use of expected return methods, but some impact investors also used it. 

  • Theory of change methods outline the intended process for achieving social impact, often using a logic model, a tool that maps the linkages between input, activities, output, outcomes, and ultimately impact. When estimating impact, Acumen uses a logic model to identify assumptions in an intervention’s theory of change that may need further review (for example, would x output really translate into y outcome?). Logic models also help assess impact risk, the factors that could jeopardize the expected social impact of an intervention. For each of their investments, the Acumen team outlines what they think the biggest impact risks are and then comes up with risk mitigation strategies to monitor and manage any potential challenges. LGT Venture Philanthropy also uses a logic model, thoughin their case to identify specific metrics for input, activities, output, outcomes, and impact.
  • Mission alignment methods measure the execution of strategy against the project’s mission and end goals over time, using rubrics such as scorecards to monitor and manage key performance metrics on operational performance, organizational effectiveness, finances, and social value. Meaningful analysis often compares current key performance indicators to a historical baseline, to an original forecast, or to those of industry peers. Bridges Ventures developed its Impact Scorecard for such purposes.
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental methods are after-the-fact evaluations that use randomized control trials or other counterfactual approaches to determine the impact of an intervention compared to the situation if the intervention had not taken place. Where possible, Bridges Ventures draws on such data from previous studies when assessing a new potential investment’s impact risk. Various social impact bonds have also employed quasi-experimental and experimental methods to evaluate a program’s impact, which determines the financial return on investment.

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Of course, each measurement method carries advantages and disadvantages (which we discuss in detail in our paper), but the main point is that they do not all accomplish the same objectives. As seen below, we analyzed our case studies to determine which measurement method leading impact investors use to accomplish each objective:

Investors use different measurement methods in each phase of the investment cycle.

Based on these observations, we propose an integrated model for investors looking to improve their impact measurement practices. We understand that impact measurement can be cost- and time-intensive, and that both impact investors and investees vary in their levels of organizational maturity and resources. We therefore recommend different sets of impact measurement methods based on the maturity of the investor and the investee.

Our research on existing practices also revealed best practices for executing these measurement efforts:

  • Consider how to make a survey process valuable to respondents. This may help convince investee organizations of the value of impact measurement, and may lessen survey fatigue among beneficiaries. One investor that takes this approach, Root Capital, positions itself as a value-added partner that observes and measures impact to help farmers and enterprises increase their value, rather than as an impartial outsider measuring impact for its own purposes alone.
  • Design incentive structures, such as a social impact carry, a method that rewards portfolio managers based on the measured social impact of investments under their management. Core Innovation Capital, for example, ties a general partner’s financial compensation to an impact score, providing a clear incentive for general partners to manage portfolios in a way that yields strong social as well as financial results.
  • Embed impact measurement in the broader investment process. Instead of assigning the work of impact measurement to a dedicated resource outside of the core investment system, impact investors should consider integrating their impact measurement work closely with their investment and portfolio management work. At LGT Venture Philanthropy, investment managers are responsible for impact measurement, including building the theory of change, conducting site visits, and working with the funded projects to collect impact data.
An integrated model of impact measurement methods.

While impact investing continues to gather momentum, inadequate and unstructured measurement approaches could prevent it from realizing its full potential. If a certain level of rigor in impact measurement is not established across the industry, the label “impact investing” may risk becoming diluted and used merely as a marketing tool for commercial investors. Our recommendations can help investors stay focused and ensure that impact investing continues to deliver real impact.

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Read more stories by Ivy So & Alina S. Capanyola.


So, I., & Capanyola, A. S. (2016). How Impact Investors Actually Measure Impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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How Impact Investors Actually Measure Impact (SSIR) (2024)


How do you measure impact of impact investing? ›

The method consists of six steps.
  1. Assess the Relevance and Scale. ...
  2. Identify Target Social or Environmental Outcomes. ...
  3. Estimate the Economic Value of Those Outcomes to Society. ...
  4. Adjust for Risks. ...
  5. Estimate Terminal Value. ...
  6. Calculate Social Return on Every Dollar Spent.

How to measure social impact assessment? ›

Methods for measuring social impact
  1. For example, the University of Leicester's “Encountering the Unexpected” project which used response cards to capture a wide variety of information. ...
  2. Qualitative evaluation. ...
  3. Interviews and questionnaires. ...
  4. Observations. ...
  5. Testimonials. ...
  6. Creative methods. ...
  7. Off-the-shelf tools. ...
  8. Further reading.

What is impact investing and what is an indispensable factor to assess impact? ›

Key Takeaways. Impact investing is an investment strategy that seeks to generate financial returns while also creating a positive social or environmental impact. Investors who follow impact investing consider a company's commitment to corporate social responsibility or the duty to positively serve society as a whole.

How to measure the impact of an initiative? ›

How do you measure the impact and outcomes of your change...
  1. Define your change objectives.
  2. Identify your change indicators. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Use a change model. ...
  4. Apply a change scorecard. ...
  5. Communicate your change results. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
May 11, 2023

What are the indicators for measuring impact? ›

An impact indicator is a measurable variable or metric used to assess the progress and effectiveness of an organization's activities in achieving its intended impact. It provides quantitative or qualitative evidence of the outcomes or changes resulting from implementing programs or initiatives.

What are the five dimensions of impact? ›

The five dimensions include what the intended outcome is, who experiences it, how much of the outcome is experienced, the contribution of the business to that outcome, and the risk that the impact doesn't happen as planned.

What is KPI for measuring social impact? ›

A Social Impact KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a measurable value used to track and evaluate the progress of an organization's social impact goals. It is a specific metric that reflects the positive change that an organization is creating in society or the environment.

What is the framework to measure social impact? ›

An impact framework, or social impact measurement framework, is a step-by-step approach for how your organization collects, measures, assess, and reports its data and impact performance.

What tool measures social impact? ›

The ASVB is the only social impact tool in the world that can measure the value created for individuals, for example increased sense of safety, improved job readiness and improved overall health, as well as the benefits for secondary parties, such as cost savings to the state.

What are the three components of impact investing? ›

The main elements of impact investing include:
  • Intentionality. Impact investing is purpose-driven. ...
  • Measurable Impact. Impact investments have measurable, quantifiable and transparent outcomes. ...
  • Expected Returns. Like traditional investments, impact investments involve an assessment of risk and return.
Oct 25, 2023

What are the disadvantages of impact investing? ›

The cons of impact investing

Mismanagement: If you aren't able to do your research properly, there is a risk that your funds can be mismanaged. Risk of loss: In the event that a project fails to reach completion or recipients of the investment are found guilty of mismanagement or fraud, impact investors can lose money.

What is impact investing for dummies? ›

Impact investing firms support causes like renewable energy, healthcare, education, and economic development. The companies and projects these funds invest in are creating innovative solutions to issues like poverty, lack of access to resources, inequality, and environmental degradation.

How is impact evaluation measured? ›

A well-designed impact evaluation measures both types of impacts, accounts for external factors and assesses how well a project benefits all members of the community equally. There is varied level of rigor that can be included in an impact evaluation, and many impact evaluations can include counterfactual studies.

How do you evaluate the impact of something? ›

To conduct an effective Impact Analysis, use the following steps:
  1. Prepare for Impact Analysis. The first step is to gather a good team, with access to the right information sources. ...
  2. Brainstorm Major Areas Affected. ...
  3. Identify All Areas. ...
  4. Evaluate Impacts. ...
  5. Manage the Consequences.

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