Steps to Creating a Nonprofit Budget - Nonprofit Budgeting Tips (2024)

A nonprofit budget is more than just an Excel sheet filled with numbers. When prepared and monitored correctly, your budget is your roadmap for planning the year’s income and expenses, and ultimately impact. Many non-numbers people shudder when they think of the annual budgeting process, but it serves a higher purpose than just checking a box for good governance.

A budget gives us the green light or red light on whether something is realistic. The budget will give us a quick answer as to whether or not we can expand to a new location this year. A budget helps with sequencing and planning. By breaking out our income and expenses by month and tying it to a cash flow, we can easily see when we might be able to buy that new vehicle we need. And finally, a budget serves as a KPI (key performance indicator) tracking mechanism. When created well and input into the accounting system, we can use the budget each month to track our performance, make course corrections throughout the year, and ensure we are making an impact while staying financially sustainable.

Budgeting is one of the most critical activities an organization will undergo each year, but the annual budgeting process is not usually an enjoyable process for anyone outside the finance department. It can be challenging with unpredictable revenue streams, frustrating when it feels like there’s not enough money, and confusing when trying to ensure that all departments’ budgets are captured accurately.
These common challenges often stem from the budget creation process, and not the numbers themselves. Many organizations create their budget in a vacuum; one or two people pull some numbers together based largely on last year’s budget and what they think they can fundraise this year, then present it to the board for approval. The result? Not enough funds budgeted to accomplish their impact goals, no buy-in from the rest of the staff, and an under-resourced organization.

Nonprofit Budgeting

However, there are three key steps to creating a successful budget, before you even get to the numbers.

1. Create teams of stakeholders.

In order to ensure that we have organizational buy-in and engagement on our numbers, we need to make the budget creation process a team effort, no matter how small your organization. I like to create a uniform template for each department or program area and instruct the leaders how to fill it out, then pull them all together in a summary page when everyone is done. This collaborative and inclusive process ensures that all budget needs are met, because you may not know that Chris’ computer is 12 years old and crashes a few times an hour. This is not to say that all expenses are included in the final budget, no questions asked, but it does mean that all voices are heard and ownership is shared.

2. Align your budget with your strategic plan.

If your budget is the roadmap for your annual income and expenses, your strategic plan is the globe. It’s the longer-term, big picture plan for where you’re going and the massive impact that you’re going to have on those you serve. Hopefully it’s not a plan that get created then shoved in a filing cabinet somewhere, but one mistake I see many nonprofits making is that they don’t ensure their budget is aligned with their strategic plan. In other words, both important documents are created in their own silos. Instead, look at your strategic plan goals for this year and build into the budget exactly how much money you will need to achieve those goals in this fiscal year. Tie your numbers to outcomes.

3. Build the budget backwards.

Most organizations look at how much money they raised last year, maybe add 3-5%, and declare that number as this year’s budget. Then they fill in the expenses to match that income number and cross their fingers that there will be enough to accomplish their programmatic goals. But this is wildly limiting and almost always results in there not being enough. Therefore, I encourage organizations to start with their expenses. Figure out exactly how much money you will need to accomplish what you’ve laid out in your strategic plan, including staff, equipment, and any other investments. Then, and only then, back into an income number.

The annual budgeting process is a great opportunity to increase engagement within your team and help the organization become crystal clear on your goals, even if you’re not all numbers people. When done thoughtfully, the budgeting process will develop a roadmap to help you increase fundraising, provide the resources you need for your team, increase the impact you have on those you serve, and promote long-term financial sustainability within your organization.

Stephanie Skryzowski

Stephanie Skryzowski is the Founder & CEO of 100 Degrees Consulting which helps purpose-driven leaders make smart decisions based on their numbers, so they can do more and serve more. A Chief Financial Officer, she is also the creator of Master Your Nonprofit Numbers, an online course in financial management for nonprofit leaders.

Steps to Creating a Nonprofit Budget - Nonprofit Budgeting Tips (2024)


Steps to Creating a Nonprofit Budget - Nonprofit Budgeting Tips? ›

In nonprofit budgets, around 35% of your expense budget should be used for administrative expenses (overhead) and the other 65% for program expenses. Among your annual projected expenses, include fixed expenses like rent and loan repayments as well as variable expenses like marketing and fundraising costs.

How to build a budget for a nonprofit? ›

Steps for Creating a Budget
  1. Choose Who Will Be Involved. The first step in creating a nonprofit budget is deciding who will be involved in the process. ...
  2. Identify Goals. ...
  3. Create a Calendar. ...
  4. Choose a Model. ...
  5. Identity Income and Expenses. ...
  6. Present Your Budget to Your Board of Directors.
May 14, 2023

What does an operating budget look like for a nonprofit? ›

In nonprofit budgets, around 35% of your expense budget should be used for administrative expenses (overhead) and the other 65% for program expenses. Among your annual projected expenses, include fixed expenses like rent and loan repayments as well as variable expenses like marketing and fundraising costs.

How to draft a budget for NGO? ›

Your budgets should be based on reliable data and assumptions, as well as clear and measurable objectives and indicators. You should also consider the costs and benefits of different activities and programs, and allocate your resources accordingly.

How much of a nonprofit budget should be salaries? ›

Budget Allocation

The Better Business Bureau's Charity Accountability Standards state that nonprofits should spend at least 65% of their operating budget on program expenses. About 75% to 90% of this 65% should go toward paying employees.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

How to create a budget for beginners? ›

Follow the steps below as you set up your own, personalized budget:
  1. Make a list of your values. Write down what matters to you and then put your values in order.
  2. Set your goals.
  3. Determine your income. ...
  4. Determine your expenses. ...
  5. Create your budget. ...
  6. Pay yourself first! ...
  7. Be careful with credit cards. ...
  8. Check back periodically.

What is the average budget for a small nonprofit? ›

Nonprofits by the Numbers

97 percent of nonprofits have budgets of less than $5 million annually, 92 percent operate with less than $1 million a year, and 88 percent spend less than $500,000 annually for their work. The “typical” nonprofit is community-based, serving local needs.

What percentage of nonprofit budget should be overhead? ›

Calculating your nonprofit's overhead ratio is as simple as dividing the total overhead costs by the total amount of monthly income. Ideally, nonprofits should not exceed a 35% overhead rate. A percentage higher than this might indicate spending that's disproportionate to the amount of money a group can raise.

How much operating cash should a nonprofit have? ›

As a baseline for how much a nonprofit should have in reserves, we typically recommend that most organizations hold between 3–6 months in cash, with a median of 4–5 months. However, higher risk translates to more months of reserves, while organizations with lower risk can justify shorter time frames.

What are the 7 steps in the budget process? ›

Budgeting Basics: 7 Steps to Building Your First Budget
  • Why is Budgeting Important? ...
  • Define Clear Financial Goals. ...
  • Digitalize Your Expense Tracking. ...
  • Calculate Consistent Monthly Income. ...
  • Categorize and Analyze Expenses. ...
  • Craft and Fine-tune Your Budget. ...
  • Regularly Update Your Strategy. ...
  • Prioritize an Emergency Fund.

Which one is not a successful budgeting strategy? ›

The correct answer is option b. pay with a credit card if you have a hard time sticking to a budget. There is sound personal finance when income exceeds the expenses. It is advisable that an individual must track those incoming and outgoing money by sticking to what is his budget.

What does a budget proposal look like? ›

A proposal budget is composed of two different pieces of information: a budget table, and a budget narrative. Funders can request these items in many different ways-- or provide no guidelines at all. There are two general forms: (1) Combined Table/Narrative, and (2) Separate Table/Narrative.

Who sets the budget for a nonprofit? ›

For nonprofits with employees, creating the annual budget is usually staff's responsibility, but board members often review the proposed budget and the full board typically adopts the budget at a full board meeting.

How do nonprofits afford to pay employees? ›

Also, keep in mind that nonprofit employees are paid with revenue earned through income, grants, or donations.

How much should a non profit spend? ›

According to the Charities Review Council open_in_new, at least 65 percent of funds should be spent on total annual expenses for programs, and no more than 35 percent on fundraising and administration combined—although there could be acceptable reasons for deviation from that standard.

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