Change axis labels in a chart (2024)

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In a chart you create, axis labels are shown below the horizontal (category, or "X") axis, next to the vertical (value, or "Y") axis, and next to the depth axis (in a 3-D chart). Your chart uses text from its source data for these axis labels.

Don't confuse the horizontal axis labels—Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3, and Qtr 4, as shown below, with the legend labels below them—East Asia Sales 2009 and East Asia Sales 2010.

Change axis labels in a chart (1)

Change the text of the axis labels

  1. Click each cell in the worksheet that contains the label text you want to change.

  2. Type the text you want in each cell, and press Enter.

    Change axis labels in a chart (2)

    As you change the text in the cells, the labels in the chart are updated.

Make label text that's different from the worksheet labels

(This procedure only works in Excel) To keep the text in the source data on the worksheet the way it is, and just create custom labels in the chart, you can enter new label text that's independent of the worksheet data:

  1. Right-click the category labels you want to change, and click Select Data.

    Change axis labels in a chart (3)
  2. In the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels box, click Edit.

  3. In the Axis label range box, enter the labels you want to use, separated by commas.

    Change axis labels in a chart (4)

    For example, type Quarter 1,Quarter 2,Quarter 3,Quarter 4.

Change the format of text and numbers in labels

To change the format of text in category axis labels:

  1. Right-click the category axis labels you want to format, and click Font.

  2. On the Font tab, choose the formatting options you want.

  3. On the Character Spacing tab, choose the spacing options you want.

To change the format of numbers on the value axis:

  1. Right-click the value axis labels you want to format.

  2. Click Format Axis.

  3. In the Format Axis pane, click Number.

    Tip:If you don't see the Number section in the pane, make sure you've selected a value axis (it's usually the vertical axis on the left).

    Change axis labels in a chart (5)

  4. Choose the number format options you want.

    Change axis labels in a chart (6)

    If the number format you choose uses decimal places, you can specify them in the Decimal places box.

  5. To keep numbers linked to the worksheet cells, check the Linked to source box.

    Note:Before you format numbers as percentages, make sure that the numbers shown on the chart have been calculated as percentages in the worksheet, or are shown in decimal format like 0.1. To calculate percentages on the worksheet, divide the amount by the total. For example, if you enter =10/100 and format the result 0.1 as a percentage, the number is correctly shown as 10%.

Tip:An axis label is different from an axis title, which you can add to describe what's shown on the axis. Axis titles are not automatically shown in a chart. To add them, see Add or remove titles in a chart.

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Change axis labels in a chart (2024)


How do I change the axis labels on a chart? ›

Right-click the category labels to change, and click Select Data. In Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, click Edit. In Axis label range, enter the labels you want to use, separated by commas. For example, type Quarter 1,Quarter 2,Quarter 3,Quarter 4.

How do you change the axis on a chart in Excel? ›

Click anywhere in the chart. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design and Format tabs. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow in the Chart Elements box, and then click the axis that you want to select.

How do I change the label in an Excel chart? ›

Click each cell in the worksheet that contains the label text you want to change. Type the text you want in each cell, and press Enter. As you change the text in the cells, the labels in the chart are updated.

How do you change the axis label angle? ›

Highlight and Right-Click x-axis the graph. Go to and Select to the “Format”. In the Format Axis pane, under “Axis Options”, click third icon from the left(Size and Properties). Under the Alignment section, in “Text Direction”, enter the angle you want.

How do I select multiple data labels? ›

Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key to select multiple labels, and apply an attribute to more than one label. You can also hold down your mouse key and drag to create a "lasso" around several labels to select several labels at once.

How do I adjust all data in Excel? ›

Go to Home > Cells > Format. Under Cell Size, select AutoFit Row Height. Tip: To quickly autofit all rows on the worksheet, select Select All, and then double-click the boundary below one of the row headings.

How to change data labels in Excel chart to millions? ›

If you want an M, indicating Millions, to appear at the end of the labels, enter this in the FORMAT CODE box: $#,##0.0,,”M”. Anything in the quotes will display as text after your data. The best part is that if your data changes, the numbers will update, formatting included!

How do I change the order of labels in a bar chart in Excel? ›

Under Chart Tools, on the Design tab, in the Data group, click Select Data. In the Select Data Source dialog box, in the Legend Entries (Series) box, click the data series that you want to change the order of. Click the Move Up or Move Down arrows to move the data series to the position that you want.

How do I change the axis labels in Pyplot? ›

With Pyplot, you can use the xlabel() and ylabel() functions to set a label for the x- and y-axis.

Can you move axis labels in Excel? ›

To avoid spacing problems caused by lengthy chart or axis titles in a chart, you can change the way that titles are positioned. You can drag the titles to the location that you want, or you can select a specific position for the titles.

How do I move axis labels in Word? ›

Click the label on the horizontal axis and expand "Labels" from the Format Axis sidebar. Click the "Label Position" drop-down menu and select "Low" to move the label to the bottom of the chart. Alternatively, select "High" to move it to the top or "None" to remove it entirely.

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