Why can't I sell my Luna on Crypto com? (2024)

Why can't I sell my Luna on Crypto com?

Trading and deposits/withdrawals of LUNA will be temporarily suspended on the Crypto.com App and Exchange (Spot, Margin, and Lending)* starting from 26 May 2022, 12:00 UTC, until further notice. Existing LUNA balances will be converted to LUNC after the Terra chain migration.

(Video) You can’t buy or sell Luna anymore on Crypto.com!!!! What’s going on with Luna??
(Crypto journey)
Did crypto com stop selling Luna?

Crypto.com, a popular mobile app and exchange, halted trading of Luna on Thursday after detecting an error that quoted the wrong price for the token for the Terra blockchain.

(Video) How to Sell Cryptocurrency on Crypto.com | Step By Step Guide Selling Shiba Inu 2021
(Bailey Chiu)
Can you withdraw Luna from Crypto com?

Trading Resumption

LUNC will resume trading, deposits and withdrawals in the App and Exchange via Terra Classic. LUNA2 will be listed in the App and Exchange. Trading, deposits and withdrawals will be enabled at the same time.

(Video) Luna is back!! Now you can buy/sell/ transfer on crypto.com | Very IMPORTANT UPDATE ON TERRA LUNA!!
(Crypto journey)
What happens to my Luna on Crypto com?

LUNA is no longer available for new Earn deposits or new loans within Credit. Existing LUNA Earn deposits remain unaffected.

(Video) Crypto.com Official Statement After Reversing LUNA Transactions
(Black Crypto Cartel)
Where can I sell Luna crypto?

The 2 most reputable exchanges that support the trading of LUNA are Gemini and Voyager. Unlike Robinhood and SoFi, these exchanges let users send and receive cryptocurrency from their exchange wallets.

(Market Gains)
Why Luna trading is suspended?

The Terra platform behind the Luna cryptocurrency said Thursday afternoon that it had temporarily shut down its blockchain to stop transactions after the token's price crashed nearly 100% overnight, making the network prone to a possible attack.

(Video) Terra Luna | Why Is The Luna Crypto Not Trading? (when will you get Luna 2.0)
How long will LUNA be suspended?

LUNA deposits and withdrawals suspended May 26, 2022, 4:00 p.m. UTC - Zonda.

(Video) Crypto.com Rate Expired Cannot Sell Crypto Problem WARNING
How do I get my money out of Crypto com?

How to Withdraw Money from Crypto.com
  1. Open the Crypto.com application.
  2. Link a preferred bank account if you haven't already. ...
  3. At the bottom of your screen, you will see a pop-up that gives you two options, respectively “deposit” and “withdraw”.
  4. Select “Withdraw”.

(Video) How To Get Your Terra Luna Classic To Terra Station To Stake It
(Matthew Perry)
How much will LUNA 2.0 be worth?

Terra (LUNA) Price Prediction For 2022
Potential LowAverage PricePotential High

(Video) Sending LUNA To Crypto.com? (WATCH THIS FIRST)
(FIP Crypto)
How do you transfer Luna on Crypto?

Sending LUNA To Crypto.com? (WATCH THIS FIRST) - YouTube

(My Crypto Journey)

What do you do with Luna coins?

What is LUNA coin used for? For those wondering what Terra LUNA is, the coin is used as a protocol token to reduce the volatility of the stablecoins on the Terra blockchain. It is part of a dual token system with terraUSD; to mint more terraUSD, the equivalent value of LUNA must be burned.

(Video) I'm Selling LUNA Crypto Now! Why LUNA Is PUMPING 1000% And How To SELL Your Luna Tokens!
(My Financial Friend)
How do I sell old Luna?

How do I sell Terra Luna Classic?
  1. Enter amount to sell. Enter the amount of Terra Luna Classic (or AUD equivalent) you would like to sell.
  2. Confirm & sell. Click 'Sell' to confirm your Terra Luna Classic sale. Your sale will process within minutes.
  3. That's it! You've sold Terra Luna Classic!

Why can't I sell my Luna on Crypto com? (2024)
How do you buy and sell Luna coins?

Go to CoinMarketCap and search for Luna Coin. Tap on the button labeled “Market” near the price chart. In this view, you will see a complete list of places you can purchase Luna Coin as well as the currencies you can use to obtain it. Under “Pairs” you'll see the shorthand for Luna Coin, LUNA, plus a second currency.

How do I exchange Terra?

How to trade, convert or sell Terra
  1. Sign in to the exchange you have LUNA on.
  2. If you store your Terra in a digital wallet, compare crypto exchanges to convert or sell it on.
  3. Choose Sell or Convert and place a sell order.
  4. Choose the amount of LUNA you'd like to convert or sell.

How do you send Terra from Crypto com to Terra station?

If this is your first time using Terra Station, follow the Terra Station tutorial. Open Terra Station and connect to your wallet. Click Wallet in the navigation bar. Click Send next to the token you want to send.

Is Luna on Crypto COM erc20?

ERC-20 $LUNA is now trading on @OKEx!

How do I transfer my Luna from Crypto to Binance?

How To Transfer From Crypto.com To Binance - YouTube

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

Last Updated: 28/03/2024

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.