I'm 65 Years Old. Is It Too Late to Invest? (2024)

You'll often hear that it's best to start investing your money at a young age so that it's able to grow into a notable sum over time. Case in point: The stock market has delivered an average annual return of 10% over the past 50 years, as per the S&P 500 index's performance. Investing $10,000 at age 25 would therefore leave you with a balance of almost $729,000 in your brokerage account if we were to apply that same 10% return over your 45-year investment window.

But the older you are, the more careful you have to be when it comes to investing in stocks. That's because once you're near or at retirement age, the investments you have might need to serve as an income source so you can pay your bills in the absence of having access to a paycheck. And you don't want to run into a situation where you have to keep cashing out investments at a loss to access the cash you need to pay your expenses.

That's why going heavy on stocks later in life isn't necessarily the best bet. But if you're 65 and on the cusp of retirement, it's absolutely not too late to invest your money.

It's all about the having the right asset allocation

When you're 25, 35, or 45 and are looking to invest, it's actually a good idea to keep the bulk of your portfolio in stocks. That's because you want your portfolio to generate the highest possible returns at a time when you're not close to having to tap that money. But as retirement nears, it's a good idea to shift away from stocks to some degree and move toward less volatile investments, like bonds.

As such, if you're 65 years old and are gearing up to invest for the first time, you don't want to put 100% of your money into stocks. That's because you might need that cash soon enough to pay your living expenses. But it's also not unreasonable to put half of your money into stocks and the other half into bonds.

Bond values don't tend to swing as wildly as stock values. So let's say you have a portfolio that's split evenly between stocks and bonds. If the stock market tanks and you need money, it may be that the bond portion of your portfolio hasn't lost value at all. So in that case, you'd just sell your bonds if conditions aren't great for selling stocks.

You don't want to steer clear of stocks completely

Even though you don't want to take on too much risk in your portfolio later in life, it's generally a good idea to hold onto some stocks in retirement. That way, the stock portion of your portfolio can continue to generate stronger returns than the bonds portion (which is likely to happen, based on how the stock and bond markets have performed historically).

As far as finding the right percentages of stocks goes, one rule of thumb you can use is to subtract your age from 110. If you're 65, that brings you to 45 -- meaning, you can consider keeping 5% of your portfolio in stocks at that age. If you're 70, you'd look at sticking to 40% stocks.

Of course, there's wiggle room with this formula, and it's really just a way to get started. And for many older investors, a 50-50 split of stocks and bonds is what's preferred throughout retirement, and that's fine, too.

The point, though, is that it's never too late to start investing your money. And you certainly shouldn't assume that stocks are off the table, even if you're getting started later in life.

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I'm 65 Years Old. Is It Too Late to Invest? (2024)


I'm 65 Years Old. Is It Too Late to Invest? ›

(If you have additional questions about investing or retirement, this tool can help match you with potential advisors.) It's never too late to start investing, but starting in your late 60s will impact the options you have. Consider Social Security strategies, income sources and appropriate asset allocation.

Should a 65 year old be in the stock market? ›

You don't want to steer clear of stocks completely

If you're 65, that brings you to 45 -- meaning, you can consider keeping 5% of your portfolio in stocks at that age. If you're 70, you'd look at sticking to 40% stocks.

How to invest at 65 years old? ›

Here are four common investment options to help you generate income in retirement, listed generally in order from lower to higher risk.
  1. Income annuities. ...
  2. A diversified bond portfolio. ...
  3. Total return investment approach. ...
  4. Income-producing equities.

At what age should you get out of the stock market? ›

There are no set ages to get into or to get out of the stock market. While older clients may want to reduce their investing risk as they age, this doesn't necessarily mean they should be totally out of the stock market.

What happens if you save $100 dollars a month for 40 years? ›

According to Ramsey's tweet, investing $100 per month for 40 years gives you an account value of $1,176,000. Ramsey's assumptions include a 12% annual rate of return, which some critics have labeled as optimistic given that the long-term average annual return of the S&P 500 index is closer to 10%.

How much should 65 year old have in stocks? ›

Key Takeaways

It may make sense to hold a percentage of stocks equal to 110 or 120 minus your age. You should consider other factors in your investment strategy, including the age at which you want to retire and the amount of money you think you'll need.

How much should I have in stocks at age 65? ›

For example, if you're 30, you should keep 70% of your portfolio in stocks. If you're 70, you should keep 30% of your portfolio in stocks. However, with Americans living longer and longer, many financial planners are now recommending that the rule should be closer to 110 or 120 minus your age.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The $1,000-a-month retirement rule says that you should save $240,000 for every $1,000 of monthly income you'll need in retirement. So, if you anticipate a $4,000 monthly budget when you retire, you should save $960,000 ($240,000 * 4).

How much does the average 66 year old have in savings? ›

Average retirement savings balance by age
Age groupAverage retirement savings balance amount
2 more rows
May 7, 2024

Can I retire at 65 with no savings? ›

You can still live a fulfilling life as a retiree with little to no savings. It just may look different than you originally planned. With a little pre-planning, relying on Social Security income and making lifestyle modifications—you may be able to meet your retirement needs.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

Can I lose my 401k if the market crashes? ›

The worst thing you can do to your 401(k) is to cash out if the market crashes. Market downturns are generally short and minimal compared to the rebounds that follow. As long as you hold on to your investments during a bear market, you haven't lost anything.

How much should a 70 year old have in the stock market? ›

For example, if you were 70 years old, you'd have about 30 percent allocated to stocks. “That formula is generally a good place to start,” says Keith Beverly, chief investment officer at wealth management firm Re-Envision Wealth.

How to make 5k a month in stocks? ›

To generate $5,000 per month in dividends, you would need a portfolio value of approximately $1 million invested in stocks with an average dividend yield of 5%. For example, Johnson & Johnson stock currently yields 2.7% annually.

How much will $100 a month be worth in 30 years? ›

Investing $100 per month, with an average return rate of 10%, will yield $200,000 after 30 years. Due to compound interest, your investment will yield $535,000 after 40 years. These numbers can grow exponentially with an extra $100. If you make a monthly investment of $200, your 30-year yield will be close to $400,000.

How much is $200 a month for 20 years? ›

Investing as little as $200 a month can, if you do it consistently and invest wisely, turn into more than $150,000 in as soon as 20 years. If you keep contributing the same amount for another 20 years while generating the same average annual return on your investments, you could have more than $1.2 million.

Should seniors invest in the stock market? ›

The short answer is yes. One of the most daunting aspects of retirement is making sure you have enough money to live on until you die. With looming threats of Social Security cuts, longer life expectancy and rising health care costs, making your money go as far as it can is more important now than ever before.

Should a 70 year old be in the stock market? ›

Conventional wisdom holds that when you hit your 70s, you should adjust your investment portfolio so it leans heavily toward low-risk bonds and cash accounts and away from higher-risk stocks and mutual funds. That strategy still has merit, according to many financial advisors.

Should retirees pull out of stock market? ›

Over the long term, stocks outperform bonds. So, stock market investments should be one component of a plan you use to prevent your savings from running dry before the end of a retirement that can last 20 or 30 years or longer.

Should a retired person invest in stocks? ›

However, if you rely on your retirement portfolio for income, having a high stock allocation increases the possibility that the money won't be there when you need it to meet living expenses. Stock prices are volatile and you could be forced to sell during a market downturn if you need the money.

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