Boruto: Will Sasuke ever get his Rinnegan back? (2024)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations featured a ton of exciting content over the past couple of months and the fans had a lot to say. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster since they witnessed the death of Kurama, who had developed a beautiful bond with Naruto over the course of the series.

Apart from that, there were other events that had taken place which seems to have altered the direction in which the plot was heading. One such event was when Sasuke’s Rinnegan was destroyed by Boruto when his body was taken over by Momoshiki Otsutsuki. Since the event occurred, fans have only one question on their mind and that is if Sasuke will ever get his Rinnegan back.

Boruto: Will Sasuke ever get his Rinnegan back? (1)

Let’s take a look at the possibility of the aforementioned event and see how it could shape the very future of the series.

Will Sasuke ever get back his Rinnegan in Boruto?

Boruto: Will Sasuke ever get his Rinnegan back? (2)

When Sasuke was fighting Boruto, whose body was taken over by Momoshiki, he ended up losing his Rinnegan after he was stabbed in the eye. The Rinnegan is one of the most powerful dojutsus and has allowed Sasuke to perform some impressive sets of techniques that he can no longer perform. Without the Rinnegan, Sasuke would be much weaker when compared to his best form. This nerf certainly had the entire Boruto fanbase talking since he can no longer protect the village the way he used to before.

Signs are pointing towards this being a permanent nerf. It is extremely unlikely that Sasuke Uchiha will get his Rinnegan back during the course of the series. One of the most repetitive themes in the series is the current generation surpassing the previous, and making two of the strongest characters become substantially weak can be looked at as a sign of progressing the story. The protagonist is constantly trying to create his own identity and not be compared to his father.

Some fans are certainly hopeful that Sasuke will regain his Rinnegan. They believe that he could take Ashura chakra from Naruto and combine it with his in order to regain it. But some fans are being neutral about this situation and believe that anything is possible and the plot will revolve around what the writers want at the end of the day. If this is the case, their focus would mainly lie on improving the current generation characters’ strength and giving them the spotlight to showcase their skills.

One fan came up with this theory which was quite interesting. This person proposed the idea of Sasuke giving up the life of a shinobi and giving his Sharingan to Sarada Uchiha, his daughter. That way, she will end up having at least one Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. To sum it up, it seems like the series will not be featurw Sasuke regaining his Rinnegan.

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Boruto: Will Sasuke ever get his Rinnegan back? (2024)
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