How to Turn an Image into a URL Link on Your Device | WBL (2024)

Nowadays, it’s not surprising that images capture the most attention from potential consumers. So, it’s crucial for any business to share favorite pictures with its audience on social media, blogs, and other relevant marketing channels.

But, do you know how to turn an image into a URL link? Keep reading to understand how to do it on desktop and iPhone and why companies should adopt this easy yet meaningful strategy to increase their traffic.

Key Points

  • Why Turn an Image Into a Link
  • How to Make a Picture Into a Link Using HTML
  • How to Turn an Image Into a URL Link on a Computer
  • How to Turn an Image Into a URL Link on an iPhone
  • Our Takeaway

Why Turn an Image Into a Link?

If you run a website or blog, you can use an image as a button that visitors can click on to go to your home page or a specific page on your site. On top of that, it’s possible to use images as links in email signatures or social media posts. Moreover, it’s a great way to promote your website or blog and increase traffic. Here are only some of the most meaningful reasons to convert an image to a URL.

Larger Clickable Area

Turning an image into a link can make it easier for people to click on your link. For example, if you have a small picture that you want people to click on, turning the image into a URL will give them a larger area to click on.

Finding new products or services can be much easier if you share your own content with others. As mentioned earlier, including a URL in your email signature or linking an article on social media can be more than beneficial.

Drive Higher Traffic and Leads

While 43% of people will only skim a blog post, using images as links is a great way to increase traffic and leads to your website or blog. When people click on the image, they will be taken directly to your website, encouraging a call-to-action as a result.

How to Make a Picture into a Link Using HTML

The code to create the URL for an image is actually quite simple. First, you will need to find the image that you want to use and copy the URL. Then, you will need to open the HTML code for your website or blog.

For instance, if you are using WordPress, this can be done by going to the Appearance tab and clicking on Editor. Once you have opened the HTML code, find where you want to insert the image link. The last step requires you to insert the following code:

<a href=”URL-of-image”img src=”URL-of-image” /a>

Replace URL-of-image with the link you want to use. At this point, when someone clicks on the image, they will be taken to the URL specified.

How to Turn an Image Into a URL Link on a Computer

Creating an URL from an image can be quite different depending on the device used. Follow these easy steps to know how to generate a link on a computer:

  • Open the HTML file in a text editor
  • Paste the image URL into the code where you want the image to appear
  • Add the code around the image URL: <a href=”URL-of-image”img src=”URL-of-image” /a>

How to Turn an Image Into a URL Link on an iPhone

While the above steps showed you how to turn an image into a URL link on a computer, now you will learn how to do the same on your iPhone.

  • Find the image that you want to use as a link. You can use an image from your website or blog. Alternatively, you can search for an image on the internet.
  • Click on the image and hold down the mouse button
  • Select Copy
  • Open the HTML file in a text editor
  • Paste the image URL into the code where you want the image to appear
  • Add the following code around the image URL: <a href=”URL-of-image”img src=”URL-of-image” /a>

Images as URL Links: Our Takeaway

Turning an image into a URL link is a great way to make your website more user-friendly and also help improve your SEO. By following the simple steps explained in this post, you can easily create links for all of the images on your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find the URL of an image on a website?

To find the URL of an image on a website, right-click on the image and select Copy Image Link. This way, it’s possible to share the URL on social media, email, and other platforms or open it in a new tab to save the image.

Can I turn any image into a link?

It’s possible to turn every single image uploaded on the web into a URL. However, keep in mind that not all images will be suitable for use as links. For example, if you have a small image, it may be difficult for people to click on it. Additionally, some images may not be appropriate for linking to your website or blog (such as an image of a product that you are selling).

How to Turn an Image into a URL Link on Your Device | WBL (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.