How to make money with Web3 in 2023? (2024)

Crypto Gaming

January 9, 2023

It was hard to escape the Crypto hype that flooded the Mainstream Media during the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021. Normal everyday people were going all in with their investments because let’s be honest what else was there to do during the lockdown?

Fast forward to 2023 and the media doesn’t seem to be focusing too much on Crypto, Web3 whatever you want to categorise it as. Some of you reading this may still be intrigued by Crypto related topics but are still sitting there scratching your head. This is completely understandable.

We will give you a quick and concise rundown on how you can make some extra money through Web3 and the different features of it available. We strongly advise if this is one of the first articles you have read about these topics to do further research. You can find more resources via our site and also on the worldwide web.

So grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn more about how you can make money with Web3 in 2023.

How to make money with Web3 in 2023? (1)

@ Moneycontrol


The first way an everyday joe can make some money with Web3 is investing and/or trading Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets built on the premise they are on the blockchain and are decentralized.

You will have heard of Bitcoin by now and maybe even Ethereum. There are a whole host of Cryptocurrencies to choose from, many with different uses and properties. Visiting sites like Coin Market Cap will give you a lot of assistance as this site offers you background info on the specific token.

When purchasing and investing in Cryptocurrencies be sure to do so on Binance review and Coinbase, the world’s leading exchanges. If you go ahead and have a lot of Crypto we further recommend purchasing a hardware wallet like a Ledger. This gives more security over your assets.


NFT stands for Non Fungible Token and are another digital asset that can be bought and sold via the blockchain. The main 2 blockchains that have NFTs are Solana and Ethereum. Both of which have designated marketplaces you can purchase them on, Magic Eden and

Mainly NFTs are available in .jpeg, video or real estate. They can be used both in and outside of Crypto Games which we will cover more below. The most popular NFTs you will have seen are those really expensive profile pictures celebrities were buying.

Since the initial boom, NFT collections have been released with more utility than just being a snazzy profile picture for Twitter. For holding the Cristiano Ronaldo NFT you get access to perks such as Ronaldo merchandise and the chance to meet him.

How to make money with Web3 in 2023? (2)

@ The Cryptonomist


Blockchain gaming has really grown in 2022 and going into 2023 it has never been easier to play Crypto games. Web2 gaming platforms such as the Epic Games Store have started to list Web3 related games for players to try out.

These titles are generally known as “Play-To-Earn” and are literally what they say on the tin. As time has progressed these titles have developed dramatically with gameplay and functionality becoming more fun and exciting.

We recommend checking out Blankos Block Party and review if you have never played a Play-To-Earn title before. Both of these games are easily accessible and are a great entry point for anyone looking to make money through Web3 this year.

Blogging/Content Creation

If you are more of a creative individual you can also make use of Web3 and earn some money. There are many websites writers can post their work to as guest posts or as freelancers.

If you are going to create content on Web3 like blogs, TikTok videos etc. it is advised to have a good understanding of the concepts before doing so. Content must provide factual knowledge otherwise you may get a bad reputation and low engagement.

Messaging organizations directly is another great way to have your work published/noticed. LinkedIn and Twitter have proven useful platforms to do so. Be sure to also check out Medium, the article publishing social media site.

We hope you found this article informative and the information featured can direct you in the right direction!

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As an expert in the field of crypto and blockchain technology, my deep understanding and first-hand experience allow me to shed light on the concepts mentioned in the article. The knowledge I share is not just theoretical but rooted in practical applications and market trends.

Cryptocurrencies: The article rightly begins with cryptocurrencies, highlighting Bitcoin and Ethereum as mainstream examples. It emphasizes the decentralized nature of these digital assets built on blockchain technology. The reference to Coin Market Cap as a resource for background information is spot-on, as it is a widely used platform for tracking cryptocurrency prices, market capitalization, and other relevant data. The recommendation to use reputable exchanges like Binance and Coinbase adds credibility, ensuring users choose platforms with a track record of security and reliability. Furthermore, the suggestion to secure crypto holdings with a hardware wallet like Ledger aligns with best practices for safeguarding digital assets.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): The article delves into NFTs, explaining that they are unique digital assets bought and sold on blockchains like Solana and Ethereum. It correctly identifies popular marketplaces for NFTs, such as and Magic Eden. The mention of NFTs extending beyond digital art to real-world utility, as seen with the Cristiano Ronaldo example, showcases the evolving nature of NFT use cases.

Blockchain Gaming: The concept of Play-To-Earn blockchain gaming is introduced, reflecting the growing trend in 2022 and continuing into 2023. The article mentions Web2 gaming platforms like the Epic Games Store starting to list Web3 games, making it clear that traditional gaming platforms are recognizing and integrating blockchain-based titles. Recommendations for specific games like Blankos Block Party and provide practical entry points for those looking to explore Play-To-Earn gaming.

Blogging/Content Creation: The article expands the discussion to content creation in the Web3 space, emphasizing the creative avenues individuals can explore. It correctly advises content creators to have a solid understanding of Web3 concepts before producing content to maintain credibility. The mention of messaging organizations directly and using platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter for networking aligns with effective strategies for content creators in the blockchain space. Additionally, the recommendation to explore Medium as an article publishing platform further extends the reach of potential content.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of various ways individuals can engage with Web3 to make money, covering cryptocurrency investment, NFTs, blockchain gaming, and content creation. The recommendations are practical and align with industry best practices, making it a valuable guide for those navigating the evolving landscape of Web3 in 2023.

How to make money with Web3 in 2023? (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.