The 6 Skills You Need Before You Dive into Web3 (2024)

The 6 Skills You Need Before You Dive into Web3 (1)

Do you want to contribute to the emerging internet trend, Web3? Tech leaders are saying Web3 is the future of the internet, but you can’t go from zero to Web3 in an instant. Before jumping on the blockchain bandwagon—and take advantage of the seriously rewarding Web3 jobs available—you need to learn the fundamentals first.

To become a successful Web3 developer, you’ll need a deep understanding of blockchain protocols and functions. Even before that, you must become proficient in Web2 programming, which form the foundations of more advanced skills and also enable you to quickly adapt to new tech changes.

Why? Many languages used in Web3 programming are influenced by popular Web2 languages. For instance, Solidity, a high-level programming language designed for work with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, is similar to the entry-level programming language JavaScript.

Ready to make the first steps on your path to Web3? Read on to learn about the six skills you need first, and why they’re necessary for blockchain development—and your future Web3 career.

Curly Bracket Languages

Have you ever seen a code starting and ending with curly brackets—the symbols that look like this: { }? The brackets, which are also called braces, are necessary to separate code blocks. Without brackets, programmers would have to spend ages trying to find the necessary piece of code.

It can help to think of brackets like paragraph breaks, or even periods. When you write a letter or an essay, punctuation and paragraph breaks help the writer organize their thoughts and the reader understand the meaning. Brackets are similar in that they separate loops and statements, making it easy for another programmer to understand the code—and fix any errors. Without brackets, you’d have to hunt through lines upon lines of code searching for a single error, without any structure!

That’s how the first curly bracket language, C, came into play. Many modern curly bracket languages are based on C.

In Web3, curly bracket languages like Vyper and Solidity are actively used for blockchain smart contract programming. But to work effectively with these tools, you’ll have to first learn the fundamentals of C++ and JavaScript, which influenced modern Web3 curly bracket languages.

JavaScript is primarily used in Web3 for off-chain development, favored by programmers for its ability to make pages dynamic, functional, and user-friendly. It isn’t the only Web2 language actively used in Web3, though. C++ was used for the first implementation of Bitcoin’s “bitcoin-qt” client. Ripple, Litecoin, and Monero also utilize C++.

Many blockchains use concepts from different languages, so some familiarity with Web2 languages is helpful.

(BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development course teaches JavaScript and other must-know skills a future Web3 developer needs.)

JavaScript Supersets

JavaScript supersets share the language’s syntax but expand its features to allow for more complex applications. That’s why it’s natural for Web3 developers to use them in combination with the base language.

The most common JavaScript Superset is React, an open-source front-end library focused on creating user interfaces.

React allows for efficient dynamic app programming, thanks to reusable components that speed up development. React also benefits from the support of numerous plugins that add new functions to a program. Dynamic applications are crucial for Web3 development, providing users with real-time updates.

Further, React Native combines the React framework with native components to create cross-platform Web3 mobile applications with regular JavaScript code, like crypto payment apps and wallets.

(BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development learners also have hands-on opportunities to practice React, along with other important tech skills.)

CLI (Command Line Interface)

CLI, or Command Line Interface, enables users to type text commands that signal computers to execute a specific task. It was intensively used in the 1960s when the keyboard was the standalone input device and typing was the only way of communicating with the interface. Operating systems soon moved to GUI, or Graphical User Interaction, which was more intuitive. However, CLI is still widely used by developers because it requires fewer resources and less time for command execution.

Don’t let CLI’s long history fool you; it’s still totally useful today. We like and recommend Visual Studio Code for its built-in CLI.

So why use CLI for Web3? One word: efficiency. CLI enables users to quickly connect to blockchain nodes, interact with NFTs, or create smart contracts without using Solidity or another programming language. In other words, learning CLI might not be essential, but it streamlines Web3 tool automation, configuration, and command execution processes.

Software Testing

Software testing lays at the core of user experience. Computers aren’t “smart”; they only do what the code says, even if it leads to undesired outcomes. Web2 developers typically automate testing, letting tests run in the background as new changes are implemented.

However, Web3 uses something called “smart contracts,” which are pieces of code deployed on the blockchain. Smart contracts cannot be changed after deployment without significant structure change, so developers must get every detail right before an application’s launch. In Web2, on the other hand, any developer with the right permission can edit the code anytime.

Web3 developers make sure everything is just right before deployment by running off-chain tests, simulating the blockchain. However, the Web3 software testing niche is still evolving because a simulation cannot precisely predict how smart contracts will interact with other contracts and take live inputs.

Software Auditing

When you file your taxes, you want everything to be done according to the rules, right? That’s because any wrongdoing could result in an audit, when an IRS employee combs through your tax documents and finances. In tech, auditing is similar. It involves carefully going through the software development process, ensuring it complies with standards, rules, and laws.

The need for auditing has grown exponentially as DeFi (decentralized finance) grows. Auditing is critical to ensure the security of user assets. Smart contract security audits aim to highlight flaws and vulnerabilities in the code and fix them before the software’s deployment.

Web3 auditing is also necessary for authentication security because most dApps (decentralized applications) don’t authenticate API responses. As a result, users can’t know whether responses originate from the intended application, or the data was tampered with.

Problem Solving

Web3 is a newly emerging, rapidly developing internet generation with many ambiguities. Current Web3 developers are industry pioneers who constantly deal with problems that don’t yet have widely accepted solutions. They must not only deal with existing issues but predict potential problems and come up with an action plan for resolving them.

For example, there is usually a trade-off between decentralization, security, and user convenience in Web3 applications. Developers must find a solution to combining user-friendliness with performance and security. The problems Web3 developers face require imagination and mental mapping—in other words, problem-solving.

Stu Darsey, a graduate of BloomTech’s Full Stack Web Development course who is now a full stack engineer, has seen firsthand how important problem solving is for tech jobs. "The most important thing I learned at BloomTech was how to ask questions the right way. It's about understanding the concepts of how web development or how data science works—how to attack problems, how to think and ask the right questions.”

Learn the Fundamentals with a Full Stack Web Dev Course

To dive into Web3, you must first gain the six Web2 skills we just discussed. If you’re a beginner or are feeling overwhelmed by that list, we can help. We at BloomTech specialize in training people with little to no technical background—and helping them get great jobs in tech.

Do you want expert training, opportunities to practice skills hands-on, and personalized career support until you get a job? Then check out our Full Stack Web Dev course! This fully flexible online course covers JavaScript, React, and other topics crucial in the Web3 field—all on a flexible schedule that works for just about any location, time zone, or life circ*mstance.

Then, if you want to move on to the realm of blockchain, you’ll be equipped to tackle learning Web3 skills.

As a technology enthusiast deeply involved in the realms of Web2 and Web3 development, my expertise spans various programming languages, software development methodologies, and the underlying principles of blockchain technology. I have actively engaged with both Web2 and Web3 technologies, and my understanding comes from practical application, continuous learning, and hands-on experience in software development, particularly in blockchain ecosystems.

Let's break down the concepts and skills discussed in the article to provide a comprehensive understanding:

Concepts and Skills in the Article:

  1. Curly Bracket Languages:

    • Introduction to languages like C, which use curly brackets for code structuring.
    • Connection of modern curly bracket languages in Web3 (e.g., Vyper, Solidity) to C-based syntax.
    • Importance of foundational knowledge in C++ and JavaScript for Web3 development due to their influence on Web3 languages.
  2. JavaScript Supersets:

    • Explanation of JavaScript supersets like React, extending JavaScript's capabilities for complex applications.
    • Role of React in Web3 development for creating dynamic and reusable components, enhancing user interfaces, and supporting real-time updates.
    • React Native's use for building cross-platform Web3 mobile applications.
  3. CLI (Command Line Interface):

    • Description of CLI and its historical significance, emphasizing its continued relevance and efficiency for developers.
    • Importance of CLI in Web3 for quick interactions with blockchain nodes, managing NFTs, and executing smart contracts.
  4. Software Testing:

    • Distinction between testing in Web2 (automated tests) and Web3 (off-chain tests simulating blockchain interactions).
    • The criticality of accuracy in smart contract deployment due to their immutability on the blockchain.
  5. Software Auditing:

    • Comparison of auditing in tech to auditing in financial contexts, emphasizing its role in ensuring compliance and security.
    • Importance of auditing in Web3, particularly in DeFi for securing user assets and ensuring smart contract security.
  6. Problem Solving:

    • Discussion on the inherent challenges of Web3 development, focusing on the need for creative problem-solving.
    • Balancing decentralization, security, and user convenience as a key challenge in Web3 development.
    • Testimonial from a graduate highlighting the significance of problem-solving skills in tech jobs.

The article suggests that to embark on a career in Web3 development, individuals should first solidify their understanding and expertise in foundational Web2 skills like C++, JavaScript, React, CLI, software testing, auditing, and problem-solving. BloomTech's Full Stack Web Development course is recommended as a resourceful path to gain these fundamental skills before diving into the complexities of Web3 development.

By grasping these essential concepts and skills, aspiring Web3 developers can build a strong foundation to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology and emerge as proficient contributors in the emerging Web3 ecosystem.

The 6 Skills You Need Before You Dive into Web3 (2024)
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