How to get great reviews on Etsy (2024)

Before the advent of the Internet, people relied on reviews in written publications and good old fashioned word of mouth. Failing that, they’d go in blind and simply try their luck with a new business.

Fortunately, that’s not the world we live in today -- but it’s a double-edged sword.

Reviews can make or break a business. So you should always be careful to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Otherwise, you may end up in hot water and a failing business.

Conversely, your business will automatically grow if you get a lot of great reviews on Etsy. People will trust you more if they see those magic five stars on your shop profile.

So in this guide, we’ll explain...

  • How reviews work on Etsy.
  • Why they’re so important to your success.
  • Seven ways you can optimize your workflow.
  • Four ways you can ask customers for a review.
  • What not to do when you ask for reviews.
  • How to deal with bad reviews if you get them.

Once you’ve absorbed the information in this article, you’ll be more than prepared to deal with reviews on Etsy -- whether they’re good or bad.

How Do Reviews Work on Etsy?

Generally, Etsy reviews work the same way as on any other online marketplace like Amazon or Facebook. But there are a few differences you should be aware of on Etsy.

Here are some of the factors you should pay attention to:

  • Buyers have 60 days to leave a review once their order has been processed.
  • Digital orders are considered processed once all the files have been downloaded.
  • They are able to change their review during that 60 day period.
  • All reviewer profiles are public since Etsy doesn’t allow anonymous reviews.
  • Only reviews from the past 12 months will be considered by Etsy.

The last point means that if you put your Etsy shop on hold for more than a year, your reviews effectively reset. That’s great if you had a bad streak -- but terrible if you’ve built up a good rep.

Why Are Etsy Reviews Important?

Reviews are your reputation -- on Etsy, and anywhere else online. Almost 90% of consumers think online reviews of a business is as important as a personal recommendation.

But that’s not all.

Your customers are also more likely to spend more money with you if you have excellent reviews. So it’s not just about staying in business -- it’s about growing it.

7 Ways to Get Great Reviews on Etsy

Before we get into the practice of requesting reviews, let’s look at ways you can optimize your business. You’d be surprised how easily good business can lead to some great Etsy reviews.

1. Offer Quality

Not only are people willing to pay more for quality, but they’re also more likely to leave good reviews. Make sure your materials and process both are of the highest possible standard.

2. Be Honest

Stunning images and compelling copy is important for your product listings. But they have to paint a clear picture of what the customer can expect -- don’t be like a McDonald’s advert.

3. Personalize Messages

It’s important to treat each customer as if they were your first. Don’t rely on automated messages. Instead, send them a quick but personalized “Thank You” after their purchase.

4. Underpromise and Overdeliver

Customers like to have their expectations met, but they love to have them exceeded. Set your processing times to longer than needed and include a handwritten note in your deliveries.

5. Fix Mistakes

The occasional mistake is to be expected despite your best intentions. Own up to them when they happen, and do your best to fix them. It could turn a bad review into a positive one.

6. Provide Customer Service

Tell your customers they’re welcome to ask you questions and preempt any questions you think they might ask. Make sure you communicate with them clearly and offer excellent service.

7. Follow Up

Your customers won’t always let you know if they have a bad experience. Sometimes they’ll just move on. That’s why it’s important to follow up to ask if everything were as expected.

How to Ask Your Customers for Reviews on Etsy

You’ve now optimized your workflow so that you’re likely to garner some great reviews. But what if they still don’t come? Then it’s time to ask your customers to leave a review of your shop.

Sometimes, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

You’ll have several opportunities to secure a good review from your Etsy customers. We’ll go over each of them here below so you’re aware of your options.

1. Confirmation Page

The first opportunity to ask your customers for a review is on the order confirmation page. You can leave a personalized note by going to “Info & Appearance” in the Settings section of your Shop Manager and clicking “Message to Buyers.”

Your customers may not be ready to review your shop before they’ve received their order, but it’s a good place to remind them to leave a review afterward.

2. Confirmation Emails

Etsy also sends out an automatic order confirmation email to your customers. You can also leave a note to the buyer here by heading over to the same section as described above.

2. Insert Cards

When their order arrives, so does your second opportunity to ask for a review. Add an insert card to your order so your customers are reminded to leave a review when they’ve opened the parcel.

3. Follow-Up Message

Finally, you can ask for a review by sending a message to your buyer. Click on “Orders & Shipping” in the Shop Manager, find the order, and click the Message button. Ask if they’re happy with their order, and then remind them to review your store if they’re completely satisfied.

Tip: Check out these review request templates for inspiration to write your own.

4. Etsy’s Follow-Up

Once your customers have received their order, Etsy sends them an automated reminder to leave a review. You can choose to rely on that or not. Just remember that it’s impersonal and that customers can opt-out of Etsy notifications.

Do’s and Don’ts of Asking for Reviews on Etsy

Although you should always apply a good dose of common sense, it’s worth pointing out some big no-nos when it comes to requesting a review.

Don’t do the following:

  • Send more than one follow-up email -- that’s spamming.
  • Offer products in exchange for a positive review -- that’s bribing.
  • Argue with customers who leave a bad review -- that’s harassment.

How to Deal With Bad Reviews on Etsy

So you’ve done everything right but you still got a negative review. A bad review score is typically considered three stars or less. What happens now?

Here’s what to do:

  • Contact the customer privately and ask how you can fix the situation.
  • Offer them to return the item in exchange for a replacement or refund.
  • Leave a public response to the review to explain your side of the story.
  • Ask Etsy’s support to remove the review if the customer is unreasonable.
  • Report any reviews that contain advertising, harassment or violates your privacy.

Remember that you only have 60 days to fix any bad reviews. After that, they’re locked in. It’s also worth noting that if you leave a public response to a bad review, it’ll also lock it.

Also, remember that some customers are impossible to please. They’re few and far in between, but sometimes it’s best to just accept a bad review, learn from it, and then move on.

Boost Your Reputation Today

You now know how to get great reviews on Etsy, and what to do if you get a negative one. All that’s left for you to do now is to put what you’ve learned into practice. Print some insert cards and draft some follow-up emails -- and get some great reviews!

How to get great reviews on Etsy (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.