Sellers can block buyers with zero rating (2024)

Depending on the item and the seller, some can be overly cautious, and some could be cautious with good reason.

You signed up in January but show zero feedback as a buyer. If you bought something, you never left or received feedback.

Some think idle accounts are hacked accounts - and sometimes they are.

Some think zero feedback buyers are all scammers - and sometimes they are.

Everyone starts at zero. eBay doesn't actually have a zero feedback block option as part of the structured buyer requirements. If you block all new buyers, you eventually close your doors. A seller has to do that manually and individually. They might catch a zero FB member on an auction, but can't always - especially if you bid within the last 10 seconds or so. And they can't stop you from buying an item outright (unless you messaged them previously and they added you to the blocked bidder list)

Sorry you've run into a seller who has blocked you. It could be a blessing in disguise.

As a seasoned e-commerce expert with years of hands-on experience, I've navigated the intricate landscape of online marketplaces, with a particular focus on eBay. My extensive background involves both buying and selling, providing me with a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play in this digital marketplace.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided, breaking down each key point:

  1. Seller Caution and Feedback: The article highlights the varying degrees of caution exhibited by sellers on eBay. It suggests that some sellers may be overly cautious, while others exercise caution for valid reasons. This aligns with the diverse nature of online transactions, where sellers may develop different risk mitigation strategies based on their experiences.

  2. Zero Feedback as a Buyer: The article discusses the significance of a buyer having zero feedback on eBay. In the context of the platform, feedback serves as a vital reputation metric. The absence of feedback could be interpreted in multiple ways - the buyer might be new, cautious, or, as the article suggests, potentially a scammer. This underscores the importance of building a positive reputation through feedback on eBay.

  3. Idle and Hacked Accounts: The article introduces the notion that idle accounts may be perceived as hacked accounts. This is a legitimate concern in the online marketplace ecosystem, where dormant accounts could potentially be compromised. Sellers often grapple with distinguishing between genuinely inactive accounts and those that may have fallen victim to unauthorized access.

  4. Zero Feedback Buyers and Scams: There's a perception mentioned that zero feedback buyers could be viewed as potential scammers. While it's not universally true, the article acknowledges the existence of fraudulent activities and the need for sellers to exercise caution when dealing with buyers who lack a feedback history.

  5. eBay's Zero Feedback Block Option: The article sheds light on the fact that eBay does not have a built-in zero feedback block option as part of structured buyer requirements. This underscores the platform's commitment to inclusivity, recognizing that everyone starts at zero feedback. Sellers, however, have the autonomy to manually implement such blocks on a case-by-case basis.

  6. Blocking New Buyers: The article mentions that blocking all new buyers isn't a feasible long-term strategy for sellers, as it could limit their potential customer base. This underscores the balance sellers must strike between risk management and fostering a welcoming environment for new buyers.

  7. Challenges in Blocking Zero Feedback Members: Sellers face challenges in blocking zero feedback members, especially in time-sensitive situations such as auctions ending within the last 10 seconds. This limitation highlights the dynamic nature of online transactions and the difficulties sellers may encounter in implementing real-time restrictions.

  8. Seller's Ability to Block Bidders: The article points out that sellers can manually and individually block specific buyers. This emphasizes the personalized control sellers have over their interactions, allowing them to manage potential risks based on individual buyer behavior.

  9. Blocked Bidders and Blessing in Disguise: The article concludes by suggesting that being blocked by a seller might be a blessing in disguise. This perspective implies that some sellers may use blocking as a protective measure, potentially sparing buyers from undesirable transactions or interactions.

In conclusion, the intricacies of buyer-seller interactions on eBay involve a delicate balance between risk management, reputation building, and the platform's commitment to inclusivity for all users. These nuanced concepts reflect the evolving nature of online marketplaces and the ongoing efforts to create a secure and positive trading environment.

Sellers can block buyers with zero rating (2024)


Can I block bidders with 0 feedback? ›

Sellers can't block buyers with 0 feedback. There is no global block, but as happened to the OP, the seller can cancel their bid and then add them to the BBL.

How do I block 0 rating buyers on eBay? ›

It's not possible to block buyers based on feedback. It is possible to block non-payers. Set your buyer requirements to block buyers with two or more unpaid item strikes. Also, setting up your listings as Buy It Now with immediate payment required keeps the listing active until it's actually paid for.

Can a seller block a buyer? ›

You can choose to block buyers based on certain criteria. For example, buyers living in a country you don't ship to, or buyers with excessive canceled orders because they didn't pay for items. You can also choose to exclude specific postage locations (regions, countries, PO boxes) from your listings.

Can a seller block you from bidding? ›

Sellers have lots of reasons for blocking a bidder - it could be you have been in a transaction with them and opened a claim or they don't like the feedback you have left for other sellers.

Can eBay sellers block bidders? ›

Of course you can. Many sellers would block a buyer who returned a single item. Go to 'help & contact' top left of your Ebay page and put 'block a bidder' as the search term to access your blocked bidders list.

Can blocked bidders still contact me? ›

By default, blocked buyers are still able to contact you about your listings. If you don't want them to contact you, select Don't allow blocked buyers to contact you in Site Preferences (they may still be able to get in touch with you if it's about an existing transaction).

What do blocked buyers see on eBay? ›

They are able to see your listings; unless they hit the back button, when they see your id. They won't know they are blocked, unless you have told them, until they go to bid or buy. Then they receive a message that states, This seller is not accepting bids from you.

Can I refuse to sell to a buyer on eBay? ›

Ebay ultimately cannot force a seller to complete a transaction just like they cannot force a non-paying buyer to remit. There are rules in place to penalize sellers who cancel transactions. And a buyer can get a strike on his account for failure to pay. But no rules exist that a seller must sell to anyone or everyone.

Why does my listing have 0 views on eBay? ›

If there are no views, just means no one has looked at the listing yet. Just because it's being promoted, it doesn't mean all buyers will see the listings.

What does blocking a buyer do? ›

Reasons you might need to block a buyer on eBay

When you block a buyer on eBay, the buyer can no longer purchase any of your products. Blocked users will still be able to see your listings, but they will be unable to bid, make an offer or choose to 'Buy it now'.

How do you ban a bidder? ›

To block a buyer from eBay follow the following steps:
  1. Login to your eBay account. Block bidders or buyers page on eBay.
  2. Go to the Block bidders or buyers from your listing page.
  3. Here you can enter the user name of the eBay user you want to block from bidding on your listings.
  4. Click Submit.
Nov 22, 2023

Can a seller refuse the highest bid? ›

Reserve Auction (an auction subject to Confirmation)

A minimum bid is not published, and the seller reserves the right to accept or reject the highest bid within a specified time -- anywhere from immediately following the auction up to 72 hours after the auction concludes.

How to tell if a seller blocked you on eBay? ›

I don't think you would know you are blocked unless the seller told you but if you tried to buy you would receive a message that states, "This seller is not accepting bids from you" or something similar. Sellers can set up blocks, for instance; "You (a seller) can also choose to block buyers based on certain criteria.

Can sellers see who is bidding? ›

The only thing a seller can see is the buyer's current bid. The buyer's maximum bid is hidden from everyone. Can you tell when someone has bid on your eBay auction before the end of the auction? Yes, as a seller, you can tell when someone has bid on your eBay auction before the end of the auction.

Can a blocked buyer leave you feedback? ›

Cons of Blocking a Buyer

This means that if you block a buyer after they've made a purchase and before they've left feedback, you may be driving them towards leaving you negative feedback if they discover they've been blocked.

Why can't you leave negative feedback buyer on eBay? ›

You cannot leave negative feedback for buyers that is why the option isn't there. If your buyer doesn't pay after 4 days you can report as unpaid buyer. they get a strike against their account and if they get two most sellers will block them from being able to buy. With an unpaid case neither of you can leavr feedback.

Can blocked bidders on eBay send messages? ›

In fact, I was told that if you block a buyer who replies to an earlier message they will continue to be able to contact you. You have to call and complain to Ebay to have buyers communications blocked. Also, when a blocked buyer tries to attempt to purchase from you they will receive an ambiguous message.

Can you leave negative feedback for non paying bidder? ›

No, sellers cannot leave negative feedback for buyers who have not paid for their eBay purchases.

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