Elements of an obligation (2024)

Elements of an obligation (1)An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do. (Art. 1156 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines)An obligation is a legal bond (vinculum iuris) by which one or more parties (obligants) are bound to act or refrain from acting. Thus, an obligation imposes on the obligor a duty to perform, and simultaneously creates a corresponding right to demand performance by the obligee to whom performance is to be tendered. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_obligations.

Justinian first defines an obligation (obligatio) in his Institutiones, Book 3, section 13 as "a legal bond, with which we are bound by necessity of performing some act according to the laws of our State." He further separates the law of obligations into contracts, delicts, quasi-contracts, and quasi-delicts. (Justinian. "Institute." Trans. John B. Moyle. (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1889) at 132.)

Every obligation has four essential elements: an active subject; a passive subject; the prestation; and the legal tie.

The ACTIVE SUBJECT is the person who has the right or power to demand the performance or payment of the obligation. He is also called the obligee or the creditor.

The PASSIVE SUBJECT is the person bound to perform or to pay. He is the one against whom the obligation can be demanded. He is also called the obligor or the debtor.

The PRESTATION is the object of the contract. It is the conduct required to be observed by the debtor or the obligor. It may be an obligation to give, to do, or not to do.

The VINCULUM JURISis also known as the juridical or legal Tie. Other authors call it the efficient cause. It is that which binds or connects the parties to the obligation. (De Leon) In other words, it is the legal relation between the debtor and the creditor (or obligor and obligee).

If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing. www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/legal-obligation.

In Black's Law Dictionary, obligation is a moral or legal duty to perform or not perform an act. Some legal scholars, including Fredrick Pollock, claim that obligation is another word for duty. The legal sense of obligation from early Roman law claims that obligations are the bond of vinculum juris, or legal necessity, between at least two individuals or parties. www.upcounsel.com/definition-of-obligation-in-law.

In Roman law, as with its successor, the civil law, theorists describe a fundamental feature of obligations (torts and contracts) by the legal tie, the vinculum juris that it creates between two persons. www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/V/VinculumJuris.aspx.

Vinculum iuris wēn´kūlūm yū´rēs . vin´kyūlum jɜ´ris . n. “Chain of law.”(1) A reference to the binding nature of law.(2) A specific, legally binding obligation. www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780195369380.001.0001/acref-9780195369380-e-2107.

As an expert in legal theory and the law of obligations, I bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to shed light on the concepts discussed in the provided article. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, making me well-equipped to delve into the intricacies of legal obligations.

The article begins by defining an obligation as a juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do, as stated in Article 1156 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines. This legal concept is further expounded as a legal bond (vinculum iuris) that binds one or more parties, obligating them to either act or refrain from acting. I can attest to the accuracy of this definition, drawing from my extensive knowledge of legal principles and codes.

The historical context is provided through a reference to Justinian's Institutiones, where he defines obligation as a legal bond that necessitates the performance of some act according to the laws of the state. My deep understanding of legal history affirms the significance of Justinian's contribution to the conceptualization of obligations.

The breakdown of obligations into contracts, delicts, quasi-contracts, and quasi-delicts, as outlined by Justinian, aligns with my comprehensive knowledge of legal classifications and categories.

Moving on to the four essential elements of every obligation, I can confidently affirm the accuracy of the information presented. The active subject, passive subject, prestation, and the vinculum juris are fundamental components that constitute the structure of legal obligations. My in-depth knowledge of legal theory allows me to articulate the significance of each element within the context of obligations.

The active subject, also known as the obligee or creditor, holds the right to demand performance, while the passive subject, the obligor or debtor, is bound to perform or pay. The prestation refers to the object of the contract, encompassing obligations to give, to do, or not to do. The vinculum juris, or legal tie, is the binding force that connects the parties involved. This detailed breakdown reflects a nuanced understanding of legal obligations, demonstrating my expertise in the subject matter.

The article also references various legal dictionaries and sources, such as Collins Dictionary and Black's Law Dictionary, to reinforce the definition of obligation as a moral or legal duty to perform or refrain from an act. The connection between obligation and duty is highlighted, a point on which legal scholars like Fredrick Pollock concur. These references align with my comprehensive knowledge of legal terminology and authoritative sources.

In conclusion, my expertise in legal theory, historical legal frameworks, and practical applications allows me to navigate the complex terrain of legal obligations. The concepts discussed in the article, from the definition of obligations to the essential elements and historical context, are well within the scope of my demonstrable expertise.

Elements of an obligation (2024)
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