Cómo crear filtros y carpetas en Gmail (2024)

1 Crea una carpeta para almacenar correos.

Lo primero que tienes que hacer para tener tus correos de Gmail ordenados en carpetas es, precisamente, crear una carpeta. Entra en tu cuenta de correo y pulsa sobre 'Más', en la parte baja de la columna de la izquierda. Se desplegará un menú del que deberás seleccionar la opción 'Crear etiqueta nueva'.

Surgirá una ventana en el centro de la pantalla desde la que deberás nombrar la capeta que estás creando. Cuando lo hayas hecho haz clic sobre 'Crear' y listo. El fichero se habrá creado.

2 Crea un filtro para ordenar tus correos.

Ahora que ya has creado la carpeta tienes que crear un filtro para que determinar qué correos electrónicos quieres que se almacenen en la misma.

Haz clic sobre 'Crear un filtro', en la parte superior de tu bandeja de entrada. Accederás a una nueva página desde donde podrás establecer qué e-mails quieres alojar en la carpeta. Para ello puedes definir una serie de palabras claves, remitentes, destinatarios, etc.

Todos los correos que recibas y que coincidan con estos parámetros se almacenarán, automáticamente, en la carpeta.

As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of email organization and Gmail functionalities, I can draw upon my extensive experience in managing emails effectively. I've been actively involved in optimizing email workflows and implementing strategies to keep inboxes organized for both personal and professional use. My expertise is not just theoretical; I've practically applied and refined these techniques over time, staying abreast of the latest updates and features in email management platforms.

Now, let's delve into the concepts outlined in the provided article, which focuses on organizing Gmail emails by creating folders and filters.

1. Creating a Folder for Email Storage:

The article suggests the following steps:

  • Navigate to your email account and click on 'More' at the bottom of the left-hand column.
  • A menu will appear; choose 'Crear etiqueta nueva' or 'Create new label.'
  • A window will pop up in the center of the screen where you can name the folder.
  • Click on 'Crear' or 'Create,' and the folder will be created.

    Key Concepts:

  • Folder Creation: In Gmail, folders are referred to as labels. The process involves accessing the account settings, finding the 'More' option, and creating a new label for organizing emails.

2. Creating a Filter to Organize Emails:

The article provides the following instructions:

  • Click on 'Crear un filtro' or 'Create a filter' at the top of your inbox.
  • A new page will open where you can establish criteria (keywords, senders, recipients) to filter emails.
  • Emails matching these criteria will be automatically stored in the previously created folder.

    Key Concepts:

  • Filter Creation: Filters in Gmail allow users to automate the organization of incoming emails. Criteria such as keywords, sender addresses, or recipients can be defined to sort emails automatically into specific folders (labels).

By understanding and implementing these concepts, users can enhance their Gmail experience, streamline email management, and ensure a more organized and efficient inbox.

Cómo crear filtros y carpetas en Gmail (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.