5 reasons why couples may have separate bank accounts (2024)

More and more, married couples and those in long-term relationships are choosing not to combine bank accounts. Here are five reasons to keep your accounts separate.

Money represents more than a practical means of making purchases. It symbolizes independence, success, status and, when given or shared, love. Maybe that’s why it’s a common assumption that when couples cohabitate or marry, they will open a joint bank account.

But that belief is getting a generational shake-up. According to a survey by Bankrate, 31 percent of millennials and 43 percent of Gen Zers said they are likely to keep their finances completely separate. Only 19 percent of Gen Xers keep their finances separate from their partner, whereas baby boomers were at 18 percent.

Couples planning to marry or live together should have a frank talk about finances, including the topic of separate bank accounts. Those who learn to manage their money well – or create that perception for themselves – are more likely to have higher marital satisfaction, according to research from Iowa State University.

Here are five reasons couples keep their money apart.

1. To maintain independence

Sharing money may help you feel like part of a couple, but you will want to make sure you have the same financial management expectations. Many couples keep separate accounts for paying bills or saving for a vacation. This way, partners avoid feeling like they have to ask permission with every purchase. As an option, they may contribute to a joint account to achieve their shared financial goals.

2. To protect a partner from your creditors

If you’re bringing a large student loan or credit card debt to your marriage you should know that your spouse can be on the hook if your accounts are merged. Though creditors can’t target you for your spouse’s previous debt, they may be able to target a joint bank account if it has the debtor’s name on it.

In marriage, prior debt and obligations become “ours,” with both partners responsible. Accordingly, have a plan for how you’ll cover payments before saying “I do.” Maintaining separate accounts avoids this risk. You can always open a joint account later as you pay down debt.

3. To be prepared for a worst-case scenario

No one who’s about to take a leap into marriage likes to think about a future divorce. Keeping separate accounts can protect you from a common scenario where a partner legally drains a joint account without the other’s knowledge. At a minimum, keep a separate account as an emergency fund to protect yourself if your relationship turns sour.

4. To avoid feeling stuck or trapped

Some people say pooling their finances is like having a glue that binds you and your partner together. And that can make it hard to even think about splitting if your relationship changes.. If you’re the type who wants to always make decisions based on feelings and not finances, keep at least some money separate.

5. To help both stay on top of finances

Long-term relationships can show a tendency for one person to take the lead and become an expert in certain areas of life. If that area is finances, one partner could be left financially vulnerable. Should an emergency happen, you’ll be better off if you each know what bills are due or how to access retirement savings, for example. Keeping separate accounts lets both partners stay engaged in thinking about and managing money.

If you need help determining which account is right for you or your partner, make an appointment with a U.S. Bank personal banker today.

5 reasons why couples may have separate bank accounts (2024)


5 reasons why couples may have separate bank accounts? ›

Keeping separate bank accounts after marriage could help you stay engaged with your money. Paying for shared expenses could mean using bill-splitting apps and extra planning for emergencies, but it's worth it for some couples.

Why should couples have separate bank accounts? ›

Keeping separate bank accounts after marriage could help you stay engaged with your money. Paying for shared expenses could mean using bill-splitting apps and extra planning for emergencies, but it's worth it for some couples.

Why is it important to have a separate bank account? ›

Keeping separate bank accounts is essential for tax compliance, making it easier to track and report your business expenses and income. If you mix your personal and business finances, it can be challenging to determine which expenses are deductible and which are not.

Why do you think we should have 2 separate accounts? ›

For example, you may want to have one personal checking account and another business checking account if you're self-employed, do gig work or run a small business. Keeping business income and expenses separate can make filing taxes easier. Separate accounts could also make sense for tracking specific expenses.

Should couples keep their finances separate? ›

Bottom line. If you're married or living with your partner, you can choose to keep your finances separate. But even in this case, you'll still have shared goals and expenses that call for a budget. Just like with anything in a relationship, communication is key.

Do most couples have separate bank accounts? ›

Joint bank accounts are already fairly common, with a slight majority of male–female couples in Western nations reporting using only joint bank accounts (52–65 percent). Still, 10–15 percent report maintaining completely separate accounts, while the rest use a combination of joint and separate accounts.

Is it better to have joint or separate accounts? ›

A joint account can work well if partners can openly discuss money matters and trust each other's financial decisions. However, if there are trust issues or communication barriers, separate accounts might be more appropriate to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.

What are the disadvantages of joint account? ›

A joint account might damage your credit score

Opening a joint account adds a financial link to the other person. This means companies will look at both of your credit histories as part of any credit checks. If they have a poor credit history, this might lower your chances of acceptance.

How many couples keep separate bank accounts? ›

Here's another survey. Zeta, a bank, conducted quite a larger sample with a whopping 20,000 people in their study. This is what they found. 39% of couples had combined all their finances, 39% kept things completely separate, and 22% did a partial combination.

Is it better for a couple to have a joint bank account? ›

A joint account demonstrates a level of trust between a couple, playing an important emotional role. A joint account may also mean you can borrow more, as your income and savings are pooled.

What percentage of married couples keep separate bank accounts? ›

We know that the percentage of married couples with separate bank accounts is 39% at least for those having completely separate accounts. We know that academic research points to more positives by completely combining accounts which is the direction that financial experts also point people in.

What are the disadvantages of a joint bank account? ›

Loss of Individual Control: One of the primary drawbacks of a joint savings account is the loss of individual control over funds. Each account holder has equal rights to the account, which means that any account holder can withdraw or transfer funds without the consent of others.

Are joint bank accounts the secret to a happy marriage? ›

However, research from MarketWatch Guide shows that joint banking could lead to fewer arguments and increased relationship satisfaction. According to the study, 55% of couples who use solely joint bank accounts claim they never fight about money, compared to only 39% of partners who have personal accounts.

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