What is the best heist for money in Payday 2? (2024)

What is the best heist for money in Payday 2?

PAYDAY 2: The 15 Best Heists, Ranked
  1. 1 Hoxton Breakout. Hoxton Breakout sees you rescuing one of the original Payday Gang members, Hoxton, from incarceration.
  2. 2 Golden Grin Casino. ...
  3. 3 Birth Of Sky. ...
  4. 4 Goat Simulator. ...
  5. 5 Shacklethorne Auction. ...
  6. 6 The Big Bank. ...
  7. 7 No Mercy. ...
  8. 8 Alesso Heist. ...
Jan 8, 2022

(Video) Every Heist MONEY ranked WORST to BEST! (Payday 2)
What is the most fun heist in Payday 2?

Firestarter. A favorite among long-time Payday 2 players, Firestarter is a long-form heist that spans three in-game days. Each day is vastly different from one another and mixes up fast-paced action with stealth gameplay.

(Video) 5 Heists For Farming Easy Cash in Payday 2
(The SPUF of Legend)
What loot gives the most money in Payday 2?

The most valuable loot is the Diamond, on the heist "The Diamond". No duh. However, if you're looking for a huge amount of cash, you should make meth in Cook Off. Meth is the second most profitable loot in Payday 2, and you can make an infinite number of bags.

(Video) Every LOOT ranked from WORST to BEST! (Payday 2)
What is the fastest heist in Payday 2?

Jewelry Store is a one-day heist in PAYDAY 2. Contracted by Bain, it involves the crew staging a smash-and-grab of a jewelry store. It is notable for being the fastest heist to speedrun, as well as being the cheapest to buy as a contract.

(Video) Every HEIST ranked WORST to BEST! (Payday 2)
What stealth Heist gives the most XP?

Best stealth heist for getting alot Moneys & Exp? With its numerous methods of entry, 19-20 bags of loot, at least 4 million before bonuses and 10-20 minutes completion time (depending on RNG, player count and loadout), Shadow Raid is undoubtedly the most efficient heist when grinding for money.

(Video) Payday 2 Infamy Tips - OFFSHORE $200 million (Payday 2 tips)
How much XP does it take to get to level 100 in payday 2?

In total, a little over 23 million XP is required to reach level 100, at which point the player can become Infamous. By the time a player has reached level 100 of the 500th and final tier of infamy, they will have attained an equivalent of 50100 levels, and almost 12 billion experience points.

(Video) Payday 2 - Fastest Bank Heist Secure - One minute - Deathwish
What is the best gun in Payday 2?

Payday 2: 15 Best Weapons In The Game, Ranked
  • 8 AK5. ...
  • 7 China Puff. ...
  • 6 Compact 40. ...
  • 5 Akimbo Goliaths. ...
  • 4 Akimbo Krinkovs. ...
  • 3 Pistol Crossbow. ...
  • 2 Buzzsaw. Payday 2's MG42 is the best DPS weapon in the game. ...
  • 1 Union 5.56. The Union 5.56 is widely regarded as the best assault rifle in Payday 2.
Sep 9, 2021

What should I spend money on in Payday 2?

Spend the money on the most expensive weapons you can buy and then sell those weapons after you go infamous. That way you can carry over some of the spare money you've got now. I'd also be tempted to splurge on a few weapon slots as well personally.

(Video) PAYDAY 2 - Bank Heist Cash+ (Custom heists / 284 Bags)
(Cloud Dasher)
How many payday 2 heists are there?

PAYDAY 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter with RPG elements. Up to four players can cooperate in a heist. The base game featured 12 heists, some of which take place over multiple days and locations.

(Video) How I Level And Grind Infamy Quickly In Payday 2! (Whilst Retaining My Sanity)
How do you get more money in payday 2?

[Payday 2] How To Get Money Fast - YouTube

(Video) Payday 2 TOP 5 Heists! (Best Heists in Payday 2)

How do you farm exp in Payday 2?

How I Level And Grind Infamy Quickly In Payday 2! (Whilst Retaining My ...

(Video) PAYDAY 2: Burning all my offshore money
How do you do the cook off glitch?


What is the best heist for money in Payday 2? (2024)
Do guards see loot bags payday 2?

Guards react not to opened-up bags of ammo, but to gym bags of money.

How many pagers do you have in Payday 2?

The 4-pager limit is actually an upgrade from the old days of the game. Originally, a team could only answer 2 pagers-- unless a team member had the Smooth Talker skill. Team members with the skill could answer for a third or fourth time, until a patch removed the skill and gave the ability to everyone.

How do you unlock the death penalty in payday 2?

They're locked until level 80 or reaching infamy 1. After infamy 1 they are still locked behind level 60. And yes, as said, do not try DS untill you are comfortable playing DW. And you won't be comfortable playing DS until you mastered OVK or Mayhem.

Do you get XP for kills in Payday 2?

By killing cops do u get exp? No. If you wanna farm up exp without selecting a new heist every 30 min, choose an endless heist like cook off.

How do you get max XP in rats payday 2?

Payday 2 - How to Speedrun Rats For Fast XP - YouTube

What heist gives most exp?

Best heist for xp? If you like grinding then Cook off is your best bet. Otherwise Hoxton Breakout is good. Crime spree is also good as it can give you a lot of xp if you reach high levels.

What is the most fun heist?

GTA Online Players Discuss Best Heists

This spurred a tidal wave of users to declare that, of all of the heists, the Doomsday Heist is the one they find the most fun to play, even if it isn't the most lucrative.

What is the Doomsday Heist payout?

Criminal Mastermind IV – Complete all Doomsday Heist missions in order, with the same team of 4 players, on Hard difficulty, without losing any lives to receive a massive GTA$3,750,000 cash bonus. Supporting Role II – Complete all Setup and Finale missions as a Heist Crew Member to receive a GTA$50,000 bonus.

What is the best gun in Payday 2?

Payday 2: 15 Best Weapons In The Game, Ranked
  • 8 AK5. ...
  • 7 China Puff. ...
  • 6 Compact 40. ...
  • 5 Akimbo Goliaths. ...
  • 4 Akimbo Krinkovs. ...
  • 3 Pistol Crossbow. ...
  • 2 Buzzsaw. Payday 2's MG42 is the best DPS weapon in the game. ...
  • 1 Union 5.56. The Union 5.56 is widely regarded as the best assault rifle in Payday 2.
Sep 9, 2021

Do you get XP for kills in Payday 2?

By killing cops do u get exp? No. If you wanna farm up exp without selecting a new heist every 30 min, choose an endless heist like cook off.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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