What are the odds of getting Wordle on the second try? (2024)

What are the odds of getting Wordle on the second try?

Since there are 2,315 possible target words in Wordle, the probability that you will guess the target in exactly one try is 1/2315 = 0.000432.

(Video) How To Win Wordle Every Time #shorts
How often do people get Wordle on second try?

Based on his findings, O'Connor has determined that approximately 1% of the players who post their results to Twitter are guessing the correct word on their first attempt, and somewhere between 3% and 9% guess correctly on the second try.

(Video) Jimmy Fallon Attempts to Play Wordle | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
(The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
Can you get Wordle in 2 tries?

Wordle players have up to six tries to guess a five-letter word of the day, with the game offering feedback after every try. If a player identifies one of the correct letters, Wordle will highlight it in a shade of yellow. If the letter is also in the right position in the word, the highlighting is in green.

(Video) Wordle 1000000 IQ guess 2nd guess try to beat my high score world record
What is a good average score in Wordle?

Wordle in Three

A score of three is solidly above average, and it is certainly nothing to frown at. Especially with harder words such as “cynic,” “vivid,” or “swill,” getting it in three is very good. Three takes skill, finesse, and intellect.

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(Andrew Steele)
What is the average streak on Wordle?

A study by the website Word Tips has revealed which countries have the best Wordle scores. The most efficient nation at guessing the daily riddle is Sweden, with the average player guessing the right word in 3.72 tries. It's followed by Switzerland, with an average of 3.78 guesses, and Poland in third place with 3.79.

(Video) Oh, wait, actually the best Wordle opener is not “crane”…
What is the longest winning streak in Wordle?

The approach has led to a 48-game winning streak, according to Harris. The 57-year-old vice president first revealed her Wordle routine last week during a Democratic National Committee fundraiser.

(Video) I Guessed The Wordle On My First Try!!!!
(Hock Gaming)
What is the best first word in Wordle?

The very best opening guess, according to The New York Times Wordle Bot, is 'crane.

(Video) How To Win At Wordle Every Time
(BuzzFeed Multiplayer)
What was the hardest Wordle?

We're now halfway through 2022, and Wordle continues to confound countless contenders with grueling words. In fact, to end the first six months of the year, Wordle's final three puzzles proved to be the most difficult, according to tweets featuring the disastrous “Wordle X/6” phrase.

(Video) Wordle: Best Second Word [Expert Tip]
(AP Now)
What percentage of people solve Wordle?

It is somewhere to run a rudimentary breakdown. 269,929 results found on Twitter. 7,630 hard mode players. Their analysis shows that less than 5% of all players get the word right in 1 or 2 attempts.

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Is 4 a good Wordle score?

The average player — like us! — should be able to guess the word in four or five tries. But if it takes you less than that, you are doing very well. If it takes you only three attempts, then in our eyes, you had a great score and you should be proud of yourself.


What are good Wordle statistics?

The study, by word site Word Tips, has found that Sweden is the most efficient country in guessing Wordle, with the average Swede guessing the correct word in just 3.72 tries. Switzerland placed second, with an average of 3.78 attempts to guess the right answer, while Poland placed third with 3.79.

(Video) Wordle - Why I ALWAYS Guess the Same Four Words
Who is the best Wordle player?

The game challenges participants to solve the mystery five-letter words in six guesses or less. Grabbing the zeitgeist and not letting go, WordTips analysed Twitter data to find the countries and cities with the best Wordle scores in the world. Canberra came out on top, with an impressive average score of 3.58 guesses.

What are the odds of getting Wordle on the second try? (2024)
Can I play Wordle more than once per day?

The latest internet game, Wordle, has become a viral sensation, and now there's a new website, Wordle Archive, that allows players to complete more than one game a day.

How many times can I play Wordle in a day?

Wordle is an interesting word game in existence, and it has a few special features that make this game the preferred one in the race. A user can play only one puzzle in a day. The daily Wordle resets at midnight every day in your current time zone.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

Last Updated: 03/06/2024

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.