Wireless vs Bluetooth: Which Type of Headphone is Better? (2024)

Whether you're going for a run or listening to music at home, your experience can be significantly improved if you don't need to deal with a wire. While the term ‘wireless headphones’ refers to a device that doesn't require a physical connection to your device, several types are available. This includes Bluetooth headphones.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the differences in these technologies and provide expert tips on choosing the right one for your needs.

Are Bluetooth and Wireless Headphones the Same?

The short answer is no. The relationship between wireless headphones and Bluetooth technology is often misunderstood. While all Bluetooth headphones are wireless, not every wireless headphone uses Bluetooth technology. This distinction is crucial in understanding the broader landscape of wireless audio technology.

What are Wireless Headphones?

Wireless headphones are audio devices that don't require a physical connection to the sound source. There are many types of wireless headphones using different technologies including radio frequency, infrared, and the most popular—Bluetooth. Let’s take a look at how each wireless technology works.

Types of Wireless Headphones

Here are the types of wireless headphones that exist in the market today.

Radio Frequency (RF) Headphones

Radio frequency (RF) headphones use a stereo frequency modulation system. This type of headphones usually requires a transmitter or dongle to work. This makes it less convenient than Bluetooth.

However, unlike Bluetooth, RF headphones can transmit audio through solid objects or walls. It can work with minimal audio compression. This means superior sound quality and much shorter latency or delay.

Infrared (IR) Headphones

As the name suggests, these headphones utilize infrared technology through light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit audio signals. Infrared headphones typically have a docking station to help you connect your device to the audio source.

And since infrared headphones use lightwaves, they will require a line-of-sight connection. For them to function properly, there must be a clear path between the audio source and the headphones. One advantage of IR headphones is that they have a lower risk of interference from other wireless devices.

Bluetooth Headphones

These headphones comes with Bluetooth-enabled chips that can transmit audio through a low-powered 2.4 GHz frequency. The newer version, Bluetooth 5.0, offers an extended range of up to 30 meters of open area.

Kleer Headphones

Kleer headphones use a type of wireless connection technology that can operate at 2.4 GHz, 5.2 GHz, and 5.8 GHz. However, they will only work with the dongle or transmitter. The best aspect of using Kleer headphones is that they can provide you with lossless audio, which ensures that the sound doesn't lose any quality even after compression.

What are Bluetooth Headphones?

As briefly described earlier, Bluetooth headphones utilize short radio waves (2.4 GHz frequency) to connect to devices wirelessly. Its popularity is largely due to its convenience and compatibility. They offer users the freedom to move without being tethered to a device.

The technology is also universally adopted. You use a broad spectrum of gadgets as your audio source, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.

Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headsets

Bone conduction technology is redefining how we listen to audio on the move. Unlike traditional headphones that deliver sound through the air into your ear canals, bone conduction headsets use vibrations. These vibrations travel through your cheekbones directly to the inner ear, bypassing the eardrum. This innovative approach lets you stay aware of your surroundings, making it a safer choice for outdoor activities and sports.

At Shokz, we offer a range of bone-conduction headsets tailored to specific needs. Openrun Prois a premium choice for serious athletes. With enhanced bass and improved overall sound quality, Openrun Pro offers a more immersive sound experience. Perfect for long runs or intense workouts.

A great all-rounder, the Openrun headphonesstrike a balance between quality and affordability. They're lightweight, comfortable, and offer a reliable Bluetooth connection. Ideal for daily use, whether you're commuting or hitting the gym.

The Openmove headphonesare an excellent entry point for those keen to try bone conduction technology. They're budget-friendly and provide the essential features of bone conduction, offering a safe and comfortable listening experience.

Wireless vs Bluetooth: Which Type of Headphone is Better? (1)

Last but not least, our Openswim headphonesare designed with swimmers in mind. They are waterproof and game-changers for swim training or any underwater activity.

Wireless vs Bluetooth Headphone: Which is Better?

All types of wireless and Bluetooth headphones have their pros and cons. The "best" headphone depends on your preference and your activities while wearing the device. Here’s a more in-depth look at which headphones are better for audio quality, connection stability, and other factors.

Audio Quality

When it comes to sound quality, Kleer headphones are at the top of the list. As touched upon previously, Kleer is the only technology that offers lossless audio. However, improvements have been made to RF and Bluetooth sound quality over the past decade. Along with the specific wireless technology you use, audio quality is also determined by how well the speakers, firmware, and drivers are made.

Connection Stability

There isn't a perfect form of technology when it comes to connection stability. While RF signals can work through walls and other solid objects, the connection can have interference from devices that create the same signals. IR technology delivers better stability. However, it has a shorter range. Bluetooth stability depends on the audio source and headphones. Keep in mind that Bluetooth 5.0 and 5.2 offer less signal interference.


Bluetooth is most effective at a range of 30 meters but can work for up to 200 meters if you have a 5.0 device. Other wireless headphones have a shorter connection range.


Most types of wireless headphones are outfitted with proprietary transmitters, which means that they can't be used without this device. bluetooth technology doesn't have this same requirement, which makes it possible to connect these headphones to nearly any modern device.

Ease of Use

Bluetooth is easier to use than other wireless headphones. Since you won't need a third-party dongle or transmitter to use these headphones, pairing them with a device is simple. The latest Bluetooth headphones have companion apps that will automatically pair them to your smartphone.

Battery Life

In most cases, wireless headphones provide a lengthier battery life than Bluetooth ones. Since another device is needed for audio transmission, your headphones won't consume as much power. In comparison, Bluetooth devices transmit audio signals directly, which leads to your battery draining at a faster rate.

While there are some clear differences between wireless and Bluetooth technologies, there are reasons to purchase both types of headphones. The choice you make depends on your individual needs. Check out our range of bone-conduction Bluetooth headphones.

Wireless vs Bluetooth: Which Type of Headphone is Better? (2)

Wireless vs Bluetooth: Which Type of Headphone is Better? (2024)


Wireless vs Bluetooth: Which Type of Headphone is Better? ›

In most cases, wireless headphones provide a lengthier battery life than Bluetooth ones. Since another device is needed for audio transmission, your headphones won't consume as much power. In comparison, Bluetooth devices transmit audio signals directly, which leads to your battery draining at a faster rate.

Which is better wireless or Bluetooth headphones? ›

The choice between them ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you prioritize convenience and portability, Bluetooth headphones may be the better choice for you. If you prioritize range and battery life, wireless headphones may be the better choice.

What is the difference between wireless and Bluetooth? ›

Range: WiFi typically has a longer range compared to Bluetooth. WiFi signals can cover a larger area, such as an entire home or office, while Bluetooth is designed for shorter-range communication, usually within a few meters. Speed: WiFi generally offers faster data transfer speeds compared to Bluetooth.

Which headphones are better, wired or wireless? ›

Better Sound Quality: Wired headphones typically offer superior sound quality compared to their wireless counterparts. This is because they can transmit uncompressed audio data without any signal loss or interference caused by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

What is the difference between true wireless and Bluetooth? ›

Connection among the earbuds: Bluetooth headphones use a wire to connect the left and right earbuds of an earphone. TWS doesn't use any form of wire to connect either the individual earbuds or the media player.

Why wireless headphones are better? ›

Wireless headphones may also include some cool functions that justify the higher price. Some wireless headphones allow you to play, skip or pause your music and manage calls without the need of pulling out your mobile phone or MP3 player from your pocket or bag. On the other hand, wired headphones are cheaper.

What is faster Bluetooth or wireless? ›

WiFi has a maximum theoretical speed that is much faster than Bluetooth: nearly 10 Gbps for WiFi , vs. only 3 Mbps for Bluetooth.

Are Bluetooth and wireless headphones the same? ›

The short answer is no. The relationship between wireless headphones and Bluetooth technology is often misunderstood. While all Bluetooth headphones are wireless, not every wireless headphone uses Bluetooth technology.

What is the disadvantage of using Bluetooth? ›

Disadvantages of Using Bluetooth:

Limited range: Bluetooth connections typically become weaker or lost when the devices are more than 10 meters apart. Lower transfer speeds: Bluetooth may have slower data transfer rates than USB or Wi-Fi technologies.

Do you need wireless to use Bluetooth? ›

Yes, Bluetooth can work without WiFi or cellular network. Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that uses radio waves to connect devices. It does not require an internet connection to work. This means that you can use Bluetooth to connect devices even if you are in an area with no WiFi or cellular coverage.

Do wireless earphones last longer? ›

Battery life of any truly wireless earbuds is significantly less than that of our smartphones due to the li-ion cell capacity. It simply means that how long do Bluetooth earbuds last is typically determined by the size of the battery. The lifespan of a battery increases with size.

What do wireless headphones do? ›

Wireless headphones work by connecting, or pairing, with the device you want to use, through a radio or infrared signal. Many devices use Bluetooth technology to make connecting easier for the user. Devices with Bluetooth technology can connect and exchange data over very short distances using radio transmissions.

Should I get wireless earbuds or headphones? ›

Headphones are generally more comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Earbudscan be more convenient because they are small and easy to carry around. Headphones provide better sound quality and noise cancellation. Earbuds are less expensive than headphones.

What does wireless type Bluetooth mean? ›

BLUETOOTH wireless technology is a short-range wireless technology that enables wireless data communication between digital devices, such as a computer and digital camera. BLUETOOTH wireless technology operates within a range of about 10 m (30 feet).

What are the disadvantages of using Bluetooth headphones? ›

Disadvantages of bluetooth head and ear phones.
  • You have batteries you have to make sure you keep charged. ...
  • You have batteries that wear out over time. ...
  • You have a much greater chance of interference with wireless.
  • You can have connection problems.
  • The sound quality is poor compared to wired models.
Oct 9, 2021

What are the pros and cons of Bluetooth vs Wi-Fi? ›

Difference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
Bluetooth consumes low power.While it consumes high power.
The security of Bluetooth is less in comparison to wifi.While it provides better security than Bluetooth.
11 more rows
Jan 5, 2024

Are wired or Bluetooth headphones better for health? ›

Both Bluetooth and wired headphones have their own advantages and disadvantages. For radiation exposure, Bluetooth headphones only emit very low unharmful non-ionizing radiation. While do wired headphones emit radiation? They emit less EMR radiation as they don't use wireless technology to connect to your device.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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