Do You Know the RF Fundamentals? (2024)

By Extreme Marketing Team,

Published: September 29, 2021

Wi-Fi is an essential part of many of our lives. We have passed the point at which wireless was simply “nice-to-have”, and now expect it to be a mandatory component of our environment— in our homes, places of work, and even while we are out shopping or on vacation.

Despite how much we rely on wireless technology, a majority of its users have no idea how Wi-Fi actually works!

Very basically, Wi-Fi is made up of stations that transmit and receive data. Wireless transmissions are made up of radio frequency signals, or RF signals, which travel using a variety of movement behaviors (also called propagation behaviors).

RF communication starts when radio waves are generated from an RF transmitter and picked up, or “heard” by a receiver at another location. In order to understand how these signals actually work, we must start with the basics of waves as they relate to the principles of data transmissions.

An RF signal or wave radiates away from an antenna (often in a wireless access point) in a continuous pattern that is governed by properties such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and phase. However, the signal’s movement and behavior are also affected by other components such as absorption, reflection, scattering, refraction, diffraction, free space path loss, attenuation, and gain.

Why are all these terms important? These behaviors determine whether you receive enough of an RF signal to actually use the wireless network! Basic explanations of the RF signal behaviors are below-

  • Absorption: most materials will absorb some amount of RF signal as it is traveling between the antenna and the user device. Drywall absorbs a relatively small amount of signal while brick or concrete will absorb a significant amount of signal.
  • Reflection, scattering, refraction, & diffraction: these are all RF propagation behaviors that cause an RF signal to travel in a different direction than it was originally intended.
  • Free space path loss: RF signals spread out naturally as they move away from an antenna, and as a result the strength of the signal attenuates (decreases).
  • Gain: the amplification of an RF signal.

The combination of the behaviors above determines where and how the signal travels through a specific environment. The radio frequency signals have to deal with obstacles and sources of interference before reaching you and your device.

Overall, there are many RF behaviors that affect the signal as it leaves the transmitter (in our case, the antenna on a wireless access point) and travels toward the receiver (whatever device you are trying to connect and use over the Wi-Fi). Hopefully, this blog gives you a better idea of what is happening on the back end as you use a Wi-Fi network in your daily lives.

Do You Know the RF Fundamentals? (2024)


What are RF fundamentals? ›

Wireless transmissions are made up of radio frequency signals, or RF signals, which travel using a variety of movement behaviors (also called propagation behaviors). RF communication starts when radio waves are generated from an RF transmitter and picked up, or “heard” by a receiver at another location.

What is the basic concept of RF design? ›

RF circuit design is a discipline that focuses on the creation of circuits that operate in radio frequencies. RF stands for Radio Frequency, which represents the oscillation rate of electromagnetic waves. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which is equal to the number of oscillation cycles per second (1/s).

What knowledge do you need to be a RF engineer? ›

Basic skills and requirements:

RF Engineers must use computer software tools such as ADS, HFSS, Microwave Office, Genesys, and Sonnet to design the components, systems, and antennas that make up a typical receive and transmit system.

What does RF mean? ›

Radio frequency (RF) is a measurement representing the oscillation rate of electromagnetic radiation spectrum, or electromagnetic radio waves, from frequencies ranging from 300 gigahertz (GHz) to as low as 9 kilohertz (kHz).

What is RF skills? ›

Those looking to become an RF Engineer should focus on the following. Ability to understand and analyze wireless network KPIs. RF design circuitry skills. Knowledge of cell site design and LTE networks. Problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.

What is RF and why is it important? ›

RF is used in three main areas: Transfer information over long distances without wires or cables, such as TV and radio broadcasts, satellite communications, cell phones, and Wi-Fi. Sense and detect objects, e.g. with radar and airport body scanners. Heat objects in a microwave oven or in industrial applications.

What frequency is RF? ›

The Very Basics. Radio frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation in the range of around 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to the frequency of radio waves, and the alternating currents which carry radio signals.

What are RF components? ›

The major components used in RF front communications in consumer electronics devices are mainly Receivers /Transmitters, Filters, Power Amplifiers, Duplexers, Antenna Switches, and Demodulators.

What are the basics of RF transmitter and receiver? ›

This RF module is a combination of RF Transmitter and RF Receiver. The transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency of 433 MHz. The RF transmitter receives serial data and transmits it wirelessly through through its RF antenna. The transmission occurs at the rate of 1 Kbps – 10 Kbps.

What is the highest salary for RF engineer? ›

Total pay trajectory
  • RF Engineer. ₹4L–₹8L/yr.
  • Senior RF Engineer. ₹6L–₹13L/yr.
  • Rf Engineer IV. ₹24T–₹26T/mo.

What tools do RF engineers use? ›

RF engineering involves a lot of software and simulation tools that help you design, model, and test wireless systems and components. Some of the common software tools used by RF engineers are MATLAB, Simulink, HFSS, ADS, CST, and LabVIEW.

What do RF engineers do? ›

A Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer works with technology and electronic equipment that uses radio waves, from cell phones to radio stations. Designs, installs, and repairs systems and equipment that transmit radio signals.

What are the examples of RF technology? ›

RF technology is heavily present in our everyday lives, encompassing a wide range of applications and systems. Some everyday uses include TV signals, texting, calls, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. It is also used for more advanced applications such as: NFC – near-field communications.

How does RF technology work? ›

RF is generated by a transmitter and detected by a receiver. The transmitter antenna turns electrical signals into radio waves, giving it the ability to travel long distances. The receiver antenna catches the radio waves and turns them back into electrical signals, which feed into a radio, television, telephone, etc.

What does RF mean in work? ›

Radio signals play a very important role in broadcasting, as they carry the pictures and sound to your home. Radio frequency (RF) engineers often work at a transmitter station, which are usually on high ground so they can reach as large an area as possible.

What are the fundamentals of RF propagation? ›

Radio waves can propagate from transmitter to receiver in four ways: through ground waves, sky waves, free space waves, and open field waves. Ground waves exist only for vertical polarization, produced by vertical antennas, when the transmitting and receiving antennas are close to the surface of the earth.

What are examples of RF communications? ›

Humankind communicates with artificially created radio waves that oscillate at various chosen frequencies. RF communication is used in many industries including television broadcasting, radar systems, computer and mobile platform networks, remote control, remote metering/monitoring, and many more.

What are RF characteristics? ›

Fundamental RF Properties

RF or Radio-Frequency radiation is a non-ionizing wave of energy emitted by some electrical systems according to the shape and configuration of the magnetic and electrical fields.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.