Why you should create an 'essentials only' budget before you actually need it (2024)

CNBC Make Itis posting a new financial task to tackle each day for a month. These are all meant to be simple, time-sensitive activities to take your mind off of the news for a moment and, hopefully, put you on sturdier financial footing. This is day eight of 30.

If you are worried about losing your job or an uncertain economy, create an "essentials only" budget now. That way, if an emergency situation arises, you'll already be prepared.

First, go through your last few months worth of bank account and credit card statements — or the spreadsheet you've made to track your expenses — and categorize your spending into four categories: Fixed, lifestyle, discretionary and savings, Chantel Bonneau, awealth management advisor at Northwestern Mutual, tells CNBC Make It. This will help you see where you can completely cut out costs or reduce spending if money gets tight.

Fixed expenses are the bills you can't negotiate for the time being, like your rent or mortgage payments. Lifestyle expenses, per Bonneau, are the things you need to buy, but you have control over the cost, like groceries. Discretionary expenses are "extras" you could cut out completely if you had to, like beauty products or vacations. And savings are any savings and investments.

"Thinking through your budget this way helps you identify where you have options," Bonneau writes in an email.

When trying to cut back, your lifestyle and discretionary categories will likely offer the most potential relief. Subscription services in particular are an obvious place to look for extras that you don't take full advantage of, says Bonneau. If you have an iPhone, for example, check which subscriptions you're paying for and make sure you actually use them. You can do this by going to: Settings > [your name] > iTunes & App Store > View Apple ID > Subscriptions. You should also review your credit card statements for others you might have forgotten.

After that, research cheaper options for lifestyle expenses you don't want to completely cut out, Bonneau suggests. "Maybe you love your weekly juice delivery, but perhaps you indulge less often and opt for every other week," she says.

Then, make note of any annual fees you could pause or cut out. "Some may be necessary or appropriate, but if you could ... get rid of a credit card that has a $99 yearly fee, that could help," she says.

Finally, look to your fixed expenses, which includes things like rent or mortgage payments, student loans and other bills. If you have debt, call your providers and see if they can lower your interest rate. You still need to make payments if you can, but remember that deferment and forbearance canbe last-resort options.

If you're still having trouble, Bonneau recommends turning it into a game."Challenge yourself to cut out 5 or 10%," she says. "Rank things in order of your priorities, track your spending in an area and even find a friend who will take the same challenge with you."

Once you have a list of everything you can cut, keep it somewhere easily accessible, like in a Google doc or a money diary. Review it every so often to make sure it still reflects your spending. Then it will be ready when you need it.

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Why you should create an 'essentials only' budget before you actually need it (1)


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Why you should create an 'essentials only' budget before you actually need it (2024)


Why you should create an 'essentials only' budget before you actually need it? ›

An essentials-only budget is a budget that focuses on your most important expenses. This type of budgeting is usually only temporary. It can help you reach your financial goals (like paying off debt) while managing your current expenses.

Why is creating a budget essential? ›

A budget can often help build financial independence and freedom. A budget can also set you on the right path to achieving your financial goals, spending within your means, saving for retirement, building an emergency fund, and analyzing your spending habits.

Why is it important to make a plan first before budgeting? ›

That's why consideration of the strategic plan is crucial to the budgeting process. The strategic plan is a guide to help an organization accomplish its mission and goals. The budget should be a reflection of the funding necessary to carry out the tasks and actions to achieve the desired outcome.

Why is there a need to prioritize your needs when preparing a budget? ›

Since your needs are essential to your survival, they take priority in your budget. It's important to make sure your needs are covered before allocating money to your wants. Otherwise, if you under budget for your needs, you could miss payments on essential spending.

Why is it necessary to prepare a budget? ›

A budget can help you determine your long-term goals and put you on the path of working towards them. Having a set criteria or map of how to allocate your spending will ensure you can live within your means and work towards the purchase of those items such as a new car, down payment on a house or even a family holiday.

Why is having a budget is important? ›

A budget is the foundation of your financial life—it's there to help you build your spending and saving habits. It can help you direct your income toward your needs and wants, and steer clear of overspending and consumer debt.

When should you create a budget and why? ›

In whatever form it takes, a budget helps you maintain or adjust your financial habits so you can achieve goals such as paying your bills on time, buying a house or stashing money for retirement. The best time to start budgeting is as soon as you possibly can.

What is the importance of a budget? ›

Why is budgeting important? Having a budget helps you get a clear idea of how much money you have every month, and how much you can afford to spend while still saving for emergencies and financial goals.

Why is it important to prepare an IT budget? ›

A well-defined IT budget can provide a clear roadmap to your business IT strategy. In addition to helping you identify and carry out critical IT activities for your firm, IT budgets are prepared to help you obtain funding from your C-level executives.

What is the essential first step in budgeting? ›

Assess your financial resources

The first step is to calculate how much money you have coming in each month. This might be investment income, government assistance, student loans, employment income, disability benefits, retirement pensions or money from other sources.

Why is it important to budget enough time to take? ›

Moreover, sticking to a time budget is critical because, unlike money, you can't get back your time spent on out-of-budget tasks. Create a time budget to have a better life balance as you spend time on valuable activities.

Why is it important to prioritize requirements? ›

Requirement prioritization is the process of identifying and ranking the importance of different requirements to achieve the project goals and objectives. Prioritization is important because it helps to ensure that resources and efforts are focused on the most critical requirements to achieve maximum value.

Why is it important to prioritize your needs? ›

Overspending on wants can quickly lead to financial instability, making it difficult to cover your needs in the long term. By prioritising your needs and creating a budget that reflects this, you can ensure that you are making the most of your income and avoiding financial stress.

What are the 3 main reasons to have a budget? ›

Here are 7 reasons why budgeting your money is a must:
  • It shows you where your money is going. ...
  • It helps you identify waste. ...
  • It helps you make financial decisions. ...
  • It helps you reach your goals. ...
  • It keeps you from accumulating too much debt. ...
  • It gives you a clear picture of your finances. ...
  • It provides peace of mind.

How important is the budget process? ›

But beyond simply ensuring the business sustains, there are several great reasons to cherish your budgeting process: It helps to set clear targets and expectations. Your budget sets targets for costs and revenues, which helps other teams tailor their work to achieve them. It's vital for funding.

What are the benefits of a budget? ›

Advantages of a budget

With an accurate budget, you'll be able to cut out unnecessary expenses and save money, or stop running up big debts. If you already have debt problems, a budget will show you how much spare cash you have.

Why is budgeting important in IT? ›

The importance of having an IT budget is to align technology requirements with an organization's business strategy. You can't manage your IT finances without an IT budget.

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