Why I have no choice but to pursue Financial Independence - Dividend Income Investor (2024)

Editors note: Please be advised that the views expressed here are my own. This post is based on a decade long accumulation of experience with jobbing. It is not intended to target anyone or anything specific. This is just writing. The purpose of this post is to express the individual reasons why I’m best suited for financial independence.

For the long-time readers of this blog, it’s no secret that I’m trying to elude the 9 to 5 through blogging and dividend investing.

While reaching financial independence may sound like a noble goal, there’s a darker side to the equation that hardly anyone knows about—jobbing is my personal hell!


Though I manage to mask it well, it causes me to be depressed, and I don’t use that word lightly.

Now, as mentioned in the editors note, this is not about ungratefulness or being a bad employee. I’ve even written about how FI has nothing to do with a bad attitude towards work. I’m extremely thankful to have a job that allows me to build skills. I’m even more happy that I get paid enough to invest.

Furthermore, if you asked any of my previous managers, they’d likely tell you that I made their jobs a lot easier.

This is because I’ve always wanted to be left alone, and I’ve always made an effort to make sure managers don’t need to be on my case.

More often than not, I do what’s required of my role, show up on time, and don’t call in sick unless that sh*t is for real.

In addition, I naturally want to produce quality work that I’m proud of, and I consider myself to have an above average level of integrity.

Doing things the wrong way happens to be one of my primary reasons for wanting to elude the 9 to 5.

Over the course of a 10 year career, I’ve noticed a lot of corner-cutting and bullsh*t that I thought would cease to exist in the adult world.

Don’t get me wrong—I’ve come across some incredibly talented people in my jobbing career.

I’ve met some truly great folks that care about their role, work hard, and maintain a great attitude.

However, I’ve come across an even larger group of useless individuals. I mean, some people have no pride in their work and are just on the take.

For example, at 20 years old, I had a job in retail selling electronics.

Since I was good at the role and my manager trusted me, he trusted my opinion when it came to hiring.

He shouldn’t have, though!

Not only did I get him to hire a pretty girl (which he did), I recommended a good friend of mine too.

Regrettably, this was before I understood how full of sh*t the majority of people are. My friend ended up getting the role and so did the pretty girl.

Since Wednesday was the day of the week that the manager was off, I was typically the one left in charge.

With that said, I don’t enjoy telling people what to do and expect them to do the right thing.

Unfortunately, people don’t naturally do the right thing.

I can only speculate that this is due to the conditioning of the education system—most need to be told what to do.

Nevertheless, my “good friend” would leave me to handle the store by myself while he went to sleep in the back.

The truth of the matter is that I’m strange AF.

I actually have a working theory that I prefer the exact opposite of everyone else.

For example, most people prefer to have an earlier 9 to 5 shift as opposed to a later shift. However, I’ve always preferred a later shift because I hate rushing in the morning.

Everyone wants to force themselves to bed early, wake up to an alarm clock, and then rush out to work so they can enjoy a couple hours of adulting together in the evening.

Furthermore, it’s gotten more and more difficult to be interested in passive things as I’ve grown older.

Everyone I know can seemingly gain fulfillment by jobbing 5 days a week as long as they get 2 days off for entertainment.

Frankly, that lifestyle is just not enough for me as I have a difficult time being interested in things that lack purpose.

I’m just gonna come out and say it…

It’s my personal opinion that you’re all too needy!

It seems like most people are incapable of spending time alone.

Since I’m an introvert, I gain energy by being alone.

While others seem to recharge by being around large groups of people, I find that experience to be incredibly draining.

The same goes for jobbing.

I don’t know what it is, but the moment I head off to work is the moment that my energy is depleted.

Though I’ve enjoyed working with a number of my coworkers, my preference is to work alone.

On the other hand, it seems as though most people actually like driving to work to be around their coworkers.

They often proclaim that they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if they won the lottery, which blows my friggin’ mind!

It’s like a reincarnation of the school-like atmosphere you become accustom to while growing up. (I always hated that too)

Ever since I received a top honours award in grade 2, I’ve wanted to avoid public recognition.

I quickly realized that it led to speeches and more standing in front of the class.

Furthermore, it doesn’t make me feel great when I’m recognized for doing something that I’m told to do.

As I’ve stated before on this blog, comments left by the readers are much more valuable to me than any recognition I’ve ever received from any class or job.

Although I’m aware that shyness is a default of mine, I believe in focussing on strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

Additionally, I figured out early that I could get decent grades without much effort or studying.

Similarly to now, I view my free time as my time to work on things I enjoy.

Unless you work in a trade or job that requires physical activity, THERE IS NO NEED TO COMMUTE TO WORK!

The internet exists!

The more I think about the concept of commuting, the more ridiculous it seems.

I mean, I actually can’t believe the majority of us are required to do it.

Frankly, it’s got me wondering about the ulterior motives within society.

Like, c’mon… right off the bat you’re required to waste an hour or 2 of your day travelling.

That time and energy wasted on getting ready is time that could be utilized on something productive.

Imagine you could get an hour or two of work done before work…

Also, the act of bringing people together leads to less productivity. Friendships are made, complaining is done, and work is frequently interrupted.

Yes, I realize that information needs to be communicated. However, there are many options nowadays such as e-mail, Skype, What’s App and even phone calls.

My point is that there are various ways to communicate.

Employees could easily be held accountable for their level of productivity.

Furthermore, it doesn’t help traffic or the environment.

In my opinion, dress codes are as bad as the commute.

I find them to be utterly ridiculous!

In reality, they are best utilized by fake, power hungry individuals.

If I had a dollar for every integrity lacking asshole that was promoted to a position of authority because of how they dress, I’d have already reached FI.

Truthfully, I do appreciate nice clothes. But it’s no longer 1965.

The idea of forcing a human being to work in clothing that doesn’t represent them should be a crime.

Further, please explain to me how wearing uncomfortable dress clothes positively impacts the work!

If you want the truth, I hate hate hate dressing up!

Unlike the types of people that prefer to dress up, I’m not willing to make my entire life about impressing someone else.

I don’t gain a feeling of power by the clicking and clacking of my dress shoes, nor do I respect someone that does.

Frankly, if I’ve got an important business meeting with someone, and they’re wearing a bullsh*t suit with a sinister car salesman-like smile, I already know what matters to that person.

You’re fake AF and your advice will be meaningless to me.

What people don’t realize is that I’m borderline telepathic and I can sense bullsh*t from a mile away.

In addition, I have a near video-graphic memory. It’s funny because some people seemingly view my quiet nature as a weakness (haha). They don’t realize that I’m analyzing and downloading every sentence and facial expression.

I’ve noticed that I can search through files in my head like a computer and put myself back in a conversation that happened decades ago.

If you think I’m not listening, or that I can’t properly speak in public, or if you’re underestimating me (etc etc etc), just know that I remember all of our conversations. I’m constantly listening for what you’re saying to hear it contradict something you told me in a previous conversation.

Have you ever heard of the saying “cover your ass?”

Well, I’ve literally got a conversation stored in my head for anyone that ever tries to come against me.

Sound a bit hostile?

Truthfully, I’m extremely awkward around fake people because I can’t find any way to relate.

Occasionally, you get stuck with a manager that slipped through the cracks and actually should’ve been a car salesman.

They put up numbers required to excel in their position, but lack an ability to care about people. They are borderline sociopaths.

Typically, these types become managers for status and to gain a sense of control. Most of them are not in control in any other aspect of their lives.

Admittedly, it’s not the best trait to have, but I want to stick it to any single person that has ever doubted me.

To anyone that’s ever said dividend investing takes too long or questions the logic behind it, I’m going to prove you wrong.

For the useless academics that only have the capacity to view life in the traditional sense, I already laugh at you.

To the people that don’t understand why I don’t want to buy a new car, you’ll understand why soon enough.

It’s not that any of these folks even need to know about my eventual success.

To be honest, reaching FI alone and living my day to day life will be my revenge.

The most important reason why I want to reach financial independence is for personal fulfillment.

Like I said, I gain no fulfillment for being recognized for something I’m told to do.

On the other hand, I gain a lot of personal fulfillment through blogging and engaging with like-minded people.

In addition, as learned during my year of eluding the 9 to 5, I value time over everything.

I’m not sure why, but working 5 days a week makes me want to avoid the entire planet.

During my year off, I always said yes when my friends were doing something.

To put it bluntly, I require a healthy amount of space from people in order to enjoy being around them.

If I dig even deeper, I don’t want to hang out with people because I don’t feel like I accomplished anything during the week.

By the end of the week, I’m left exhausted and unfulfilled and unable to care about purposeless activities.

Why I have no choice but to pursue Financial Independence - Dividend Income Investor (1)

To conclude, looking down the road at a 35 year career is almost the same as staring down the barrel of a shotgun.

On the other hand, a 10 to 15 year career accompanied by personal goals is manageable.

Since I’ve always pursued jobs that focus on building skills instead of chasing money, I’ve been able to gain a wealth of knowledge.

In my earlier years, I was interested in Smartphones, so I worked in retail selling the first BlackBerries and iPhones.

Side note—it’s funny because I can literally recall a condescending uncle of mine asking why I need a Blackberry back in 2007. For the record, I made a career of it and saw where the world was going before you did you condescending prick!

After becoming interested in the investing, I worked in the Mutual Fund industry followed by a self-directed brokerage.

Moreover, my passion for blogging led me to gain more experience in digital communication.

Although I’ve been extremely blessed to obtain skills and work in fields I’m interested in, the above reasons are why I have no choice but to elude the 9 to 5.

Each and every day I visualize and remind myself of my post career, which does not include any version of retirement.

I’m not tryna build up a portfolio to support doing nothing in retirement. I’m forgoing the traditional route and designing the life that best suits me.

Questions for the readers: What are your reasons for pursuing FI? Can you relate to any of the reasons I’ve mentioned above?

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Why I have no choice but to pursue Financial Independence - Dividend Income Investor (2024)
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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.