Which Accounts You Should Draw Down First in Retirement? - Windgate Wealth Management (2024)

Which Accounts You Should Draw Down First in Retirement?

Turn your portfolio into a paycheck

When we meet with near-retirees there is often a single question that cuts right through any discussion on economic outlook or investment strategy: “How will I replace my monthly paycheck, so I can pay all my bills in retirement?”

“Well, we can help turn your portfolio into a paycheck,” is typically our answer.Fortunately, strategic income planning not only brings retirees comfort and peace of mind, but it can also result in more assets. In fact, according to Vanguard, retirees working with an advisor can expect around a 3% performance increase per year.[1]


Because financial advisors help you build a plan and stick to it. We draw on the right accounts at the right times. We aim to maximize growth and minimize taxes. That said, in addition to working with an expert, it’s also important to know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Read on to understand a few general guidelines for retirement withdrawals.

1. Taxable Brokerage Accounts

The first places you should generally withdraw from are your taxable brokerage accounts—your least tax-efficient accounts subject to capital gains and dividend taxes. By using these first, you give your tax-advantaged accounts (IRA, Roth IRA) more time to grow and compound. Brokerage accounts will never grow as quickly as tax-advantaged accounts because they are subject to the annual drag of taxation on interest, dividends, and capital gains.

2. Traditional IRA And 401(k)

A second lever to draw from are your Traditional IRA or 401(k) accounts. From a tax perspective, it doesn’t matter which you start with. Keep in mind that once you turn 72 years old, you’ll be required to take minimum distributions (RMDs) from both accounts.

3. Roth IRA

Your Roth IRA should remain untouched for as long as possible. Roth IRAs are tax-free, which in retirement are two words you will always be happy to hear. Unlike traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, you are never required to take minimum distributions from your Roth. That means your portfolio can continue compounding tax-free as long as you want (unless future laws change).

Easy as 1-2-3… Not So Fast

If you really want to maximize your portfolio’s retirement longevity, it’s not as easy as pulling from the above types of accounts one-two-three.It is beneficial to allow your IRAs to grow tax-deferred as long as possible, but with a significant caveat: if your IRAs grow too large, you may be subject to higher tax rates in the future.

Remember that every dollar you take from a Traditional IRA is included as taxable income. This means if you simply spend down your brokerage accounts to zero and then plan to begin living off your IRA completely, all your withdrawal income will be taxed in this second phase of your plan, potentially pushing you into a higher tax bracket.

In addition, leaving your Traditional IRA to compound untouched in early retirement can result in larger RMDs at age 72 – so large in some instances that RMD income alone can push you into higher tax brackets. Your first year’s RMD will be about 4% of the account value, meaning a $2 million IRA could produce enough required income alone ($80K) to nearly double your tax bracket, before even counting Social Security, pension, or other retirement income. So much for low tax rates in retirement!

Filling the Buckets with Partial Roth Conversions

An ideal retirement income strategy will maximize tax-advantaged growth, while maintaining the flexibility to fund some portion of your retirement expenses with non-taxable income. Good news, this is doable; it’s called a Roth Conversion strategy.

You can change (or “convert”) any portion of a Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA in a given tax year. The cost is simply that you must pay income tax on the amount converted. By systematically moving some of your Traditional IRA assets into a Roth IRA during your early years of retirement, you can create a future where a Roth IRA is available to fund a good portion of your retirement expenses. Since Roth IRA accounts are tax-free, any dollars put into to a Roth can compound without any tax drag and be later taken out without paying additional taxes. This is a great situation for retirees to be in.

Implementing a partial Roth Conversion strategy is different for each family, as everyone has their own unique circ*mstances. As a general example, it may be possible to simply “fill up” the lower tax brackets with Roth conversion income each year while building your Roth accounts. For example, the 12% tax bracket ends at about $80K of income for joint filers.Let’s say that after adding up any social security, pension, or other retirement income and accounting for deductions your taxable income lands at $40K. Here, doing a 40K Roth conversion will bring your income right up to the top of the 12% bracket, allowing you to build a Roth account without paying higher rates in taxes.

Don’t Forget Social Security

So where does Social Security fit into your retirement income? Like most things in personal finance, it depends. Every situation is unique. One easy recommendation: start drawing when you need to—no sooner, no later.

Every month you delay taking Social Security your income increases. Your survivor benefit will also increase, creating an increased insurance payment for your spouse. However, there may be health or other reasons why you’d want to draw early. Social Security payouts are based on life expectancy. So, if you live to an average age, you’ll receive the same total amount regardless of when you start drawing. Tap in early, and you’ll receive more checks for a smaller amount. Wait to draw, and you’ll receive fewer checks for a greater amount.

As you can see, there’s no one right answer. You must factor in your personal (and family) health, financial situation, and other individual needs.

Taking the First Step

The best way to be sure you’re maximizing the longevity of your accounts is to work with a financial advisor. If you’re interested in a personalized plan, we at Windgate Wealth are here to help. You can reach us by calling (844) 377-4963 or emailing windgate@windgatewealth.com. You can also book an appointment onlinehere.


Which Accounts You Should Draw Down First in Retirement? - Windgate Wealth Management (2024)


Which Accounts You Should Draw Down First in Retirement? - Windgate Wealth Management? ›

The first places you should generally withdraw from are your taxable brokerage accounts—your least tax-efficient accounts subject to capital gains and dividend taxes. By using these first, you give your tax-advantaged accounts (IRA, Roth IRA) more time to grow and compound.

Which retirement accounts should you withdraw from first? ›

Traditionally, tax professionals suggest withdrawing first from taxable accounts, then tax-deferred accounts, and finally Roth accounts where withdrawals are tax free. The goal is to allow tax-deferred assets the opportunity to grow over more time.

Which account should you tap first in retirement? ›

In sum, as a rule of thumb retirees should withdraw fund from taxable accounts before retirement accounts. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Retirees should try to time the withdrawal of funds from traditional IRAs for years when they are in or will be in an unusually low tax bracket.

What retirement accounts to fund first? ›

Read on to find out where they say to put your money first.
  • Priority 1: Emergency savings. ...
  • Priority 2: Get your 'free money' with a workplace account. ...
  • Priority 3: Get triple tax savings with an HSA. ...
  • Priority 4: Build your 401(k) or IRA. ...
  • Priority 5: Stash the rest in a taxable brokerage account.
Jun 6, 2023

What order should I contribute to retirement accounts? ›

The Best Order Of Operations To Save For Retirement
  1. Step 1 - Save in Your 401k (Up To The Match) ...
  2. Step 2 - Save The Max In Your IRA. ...
  3. Step 3 - Continue To Max Your 401k Contributions. ...
  4. Step 4 - Max Your HSA. ...
  5. Step 5 - Side Hustle And Do A SEP IRA. ...
  6. Step 6 - Save in a Standard Brokerage Account.
Jan 4, 2024

Is it better to take RMD monthly or annually? ›

As with annual distributions, there is no best way to handle this money. Some retirees prefer taking a lump sum distribution each year. Others prefer a series of smaller monthly withdrawals. It's all up to you.

What is the best withdrawal strategy for retirement? ›

The "4% rule" is a popular example of the dollar-plus-inflation strategy. Here's how it works. You withdraw 4% of your portfolio in your first year of retirement. Then, in each subsequent year, the amount you withdraw increases with the rate of inflation.

How do I avoid 20% tax on my 401k withdrawal? ›

One of the easiest ways to lower the amount of taxes you have to pay on 401(k) withdrawals is to convert to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). Withdrawals from Roth accounts are not taxed. Some methods allow you to save on taxes but also require you to take out more from your 401(k) than you actually need.

What account is best for retirement? ›

A 401(k) plan is one of the best ways to save for retirement, and if you can get bonus “match” money from your employer, you can save even more quickly. A 401(k) plan is one of the best ways to save for retirement, and if you can get bonus “match” money from your employer, you can save even more quickly.

What is the rule of thumb for retirement accounts? ›

Saving 15% of income per year (including any employer contributions) is an appropriate savings level for many people. Having one to one-and-a-half times your income saved for retirement by age 35 is an attainable target for someone who starts saving at age 25.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

One example is the $1,000/month rule. Created by Wes Moss, a Certified Financial Planner, this strategy helps individuals visualize how much savings they should have in retirement. According to Moss, you should plan to have $240,000 saved for every $1,000 of disposable income in retirement.

What is the best mix for a retirement account? ›

Some financial advisors recommend a mix of 60% stocks, 35% fixed income, and 5% cash when an investor is in their 60s. So, at age 55, and if you're still working and investing, you might consider that allocation or something with even more growth potential.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

The safest place to put your retirement funds is in low-risk investments and savings options with guaranteed growth. Low-risk investments and savings options include fixed annuities, savings accounts, CDs, treasury securities, and money market accounts. Of these, fixed annuities usually provide the best interest rates.

Which retirement accounts to draw down first? ›

One I mentioned earlier is you might want to draw down some of those assets that are subject to RMDs early in retirement. Conventional wisdom would tell people to take money out of their taxable account first, and then tax-deferred, and then Roth.

In what order should I withdraw from my retirement accounts? ›

Following this order can help:
  1. Start with your RMDs. ...
  2. Tap interest and dividends. ...
  3. Cash out maturing bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs) ...
  4. Sell additional assets as needed. ...
  5. Save your Roth IRAs for last.

What type of account is best for early retirement? ›

Build a bridge account

While saving for retirement in a 401(k) or an IRA is one of the best ways to reach your goal, these tax-advantaged accounts make you wait to access your money without paying a penalty until you're at least age 59 ½.

In what order should you spend down your retirement accounts? ›

One I mentioned earlier is you might want to draw down some of those assets that are subject to RMDs early in retirement. Conventional wisdom would tell people to take money out of their taxable account first, and then tax-deferred, and then Roth.

Is it better to withdraw from 401k or IRA first? ›

A second lever to draw from are your Traditional IRA or 401(k) accounts. From a tax perspective, it doesn't matter which you start with. Keep in mind that once you turn 72 years old, you'll be required to take minimum distributions (RMDs) from both accounts.

Which retirement account should I max out first? ›

IRAs and 401(k)s both have tax benefits for retirement savers. Get your 401(k) match, then max out your IRA.

Should I take my 401k or Social Security first? ›

There is a good reason, however, to consider relying on 401(k) withdrawals for as long as possible before taking Social Security retirement benefits. Delaying benefits longer can result in a higher benefit amount.

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