What's the Difference Between Antique and Vintage? Experts Weigh In (2024)

While "antique" and "vintage" are often used interchangeably when referencing collectibles, knowing the difference between these terms is important for collectors, historians, and enthusiasts. Antiques are much older than vintage items, often reflect a bygone era, and have high cultural or historical value. Vintage items, on the other hand, are much younger and represent a specific period within the last century. Here, we explain the key distinctions between these terms, as well as how to tell vintage and antique items apart when shopping at flea markets, antique malls, and other secondhand shops.

What Is Antique?

The term antique refers to something 100 years or older, says Rebecca Rau of M.S. Rau Antiques. This criteria helps to distinguish antiques from more contemporary collectibles and decorative items. "The century-old benchmark is widely accepted by collectors, historians, and experts in the field, as it signifies the item was created in a different era, adding to its rarity, value, and historical interest," says Nicolas Martin, flea market expert and founder ofFlea Market Insiders.

What Is Vintage?

Vintage items are much younger than antiques. These pieces are typically defined as being at least 20 years old but less than 100 years old. The term "true vintage" is a sub-category for items that are at least 50 years old. "This range allows for the inclusion of items from recent decades that have developed cultural or nostalgic significance, reflecting the styles, trends, and aesthetics of the period from which they originate," says Martin.

What Is Retro?

You may also come across terms like retro and kitsch when sourcing vintage or antique items. While these terms suggest a vintage timeframe, it's important to be careful as they often refer to newer and vintage-inspired items rather than real vintage, says Martin.

How to Tell the Difference Between Antique and Vintage

There are some hallmarks that can help you determine whether a piece is antique or vintage. If you can't date an item yourself,seek out a reputable expert—like an antiques appraiser ora vintage retailer—who can pinpoint the time period when the item was most likely created. Internet searches can also provide a wealth of information, but make sure you check multiple sources before authenticating your collectibles, says Martin.

How to Identify an Antique When You See One

Indentify the Era Its From

To tell the difference between antique and vintage items, one must consider their age and the era they represent, says Martin. Since an item must be a century or older to be considered antique,these items typically reflect specific stylespopular through the ages, such as Victorian or Edwardian, says Rau. While vintage items also reflect past eras, they often highlight the fashion, design, and cultural trends of more recent decades, says Martin.

Look for Markings

While there are no universal markings that determine whether an item is antique or vintage, certain marks can provide clues about its age and origin. "Manufacturer's marks, hallmarks, and date stamps are often used to approximate the age of an item," says Martin. For example, dishes marked "microwave safe" are unlikely to be antiques. "Research and expertise are required to interpret these markings accurately and understand their implications for an item's classification," he says.

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Consider the Material It's Made From

The material an item is made from can offer insights into its age. "Older materials and construction techniques are more commonly found in antiques, while vintage items might feature materials (like plastic or fiberglass) and methods that are characteristic of the 20th century," says Martin. "However, the age and context of an item, rather than the materials alone, are what ultimately determine its classification."

Consider How Difficult It Is to Find

While both antiques and vintage items are no longer in production today, antiques are typically harder to find than vintage pieces. "Being difficult to find adds to the allure and value of antiques, as their scarcity often reflects their age and the historical periods they have survived through," says Martin.

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What's the Difference Between Antique and Vintage? Experts Weigh In (2024)


What is the difference between vintage and antique? ›

Antiques are much older than vintage items, often reflect a bygone era, and have high cultural or historical value. Vintage items, on the other hand, are much younger and represent a specific period within the last century.

Is 50 years old an antique or vintage? ›

What is the difference between vintage and antique? The majority of experts have agreed that items over 50 years old but less than 100 years old can be called vintage or collectable, but not antique.

How many years is considered vintage? ›

Most antique dealers consider an item to be vintage if it is at least 40 years old. So, in the context of this blog date, a vintage item would be made between 1918 and 1978. Even though many vintage items are nostalgic, they are sought after for many reasons besides their age. This includes decorating and collecting.

Is 1950 an antique or vintage? ›

To me, an antique is 100 or more years old. Vintage is 50 to 80 years old, retro is from the 1950s & 60s. A collectible is a popular item sought by those that amass those items like souvenir spoons or movie memorabilia.

Is 20 years ago considered vintage? ›

It is an object that represents a previous era or time period in human society. An item should be at least 100 years old to be defined as an antique. Generally speaking if the item is no older than an antique but not less than 20 years, it falls under the term vintage.

What is the difference between vintage and antique and collectible? ›

Antique: a collectible item at least 100 years old. Vintage: A culturally significant item ranging from 20-99 years in age, worthy of being collected. Authentic, aged pieces in various conditions. Collectible: something inherently valuable or worth more than it was originally sold for.

Is 70s considered vintage? ›

While there's no official expert consensus for an item to be considered vintage, many agree an item should be between twenty to ninety-nine years old. An item regarded as retro is made recently but designed or in the style of items from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and very early 2000s.

Is 80 years old an antique? ›

Many consider an object an antique if it is more than 100 years old. In fact, in the USA, this is legislated by the US Customs Department with regard to the import of collectibles. Others label an antique as an object around 50 to 80 years old. It isn't a precise art and varies between countries.

Is 70s an antique? ›

“By definition, an antique is an item that is 100 years old or older,” says Brandon. This doesn't matter whether it's a book, a vase, some glassware, or even a piece of furniture—the rule of thumb remains the same.

How to tell if something is vintage? ›

Here are 14 ways to recognize vintage clothing based on the label!
  1. Check the copyright year. ...
  2. Keep an eye out for union labels. ...
  3. Check for labels that read “one size fits all” ...
  4. Pay attention to half sizes. ...
  5. Search for style or lot numbers. ...
  6. Look for a “woolmark” ...
  7. Look for large price tags. ...
  8. Notice the material on the tags.
Aug 3, 2023

What furniture is considered vintage? ›

What Is Vintage Furniture? Vintage furniture is anything that's at least 20 years old. If a piece of furniture is at least 20 years old, but has been restored, it's still considered vintage. Within the vintage category, newer pieces, especially those dating from the 1950s to1980, are generally considered retro.

What qualifies as an antique? ›

The customary definition of antique requires that an item should be at least 100 years old and in original condition. (Motor vehicles are an exception to this rule, with some definitions requiring an automobile to be as little as 25 years old to qualify as an antique.)

What determines vintage or antique? ›

Vintage differs from antique because of its age. Antiques are usually at least 100 years old, while vintage items, though aged, are not as old as antiques. For example, an antique would include an old gramophone or handmade wooden dresser from the early 1900s.

Is vintage old fashioned? ›

Like many “retro” items, “vintage” items are often either mid-century modern (in style if not in fact) or related to bygone pop culture, junk food, or fashion trends. Retro. Something that is basically outdated and out of style.

How many years is vintage vs antique? ›

For an item to be an antique, experts agree that it must be at least or over one hundred years old. While there's no official expert consensus for an item to be considered vintage, many agree an item should be between twenty to ninety-nine years old.

Is vintage 20 or 30 years? ›

It means "of an era." An item could be mid-century vintage, vintage 1990s, or a chardonnay that is vintage 2022, etc. Generally an item could be considered vintage when it is about 20 years old or older, but that is not a hard and fast rule.

Is a 20 year old car a classic? ›

For insurance and registration purposes, the age of a classic car, in most cases, is at least 20 years old but not more than 40 years old. If you are going to register it (and insure it) as a classic, it should have been kept to its original design and specifications.

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