What is Hashing in Blockchain? (2024)

A hash function is a mathematical function that takes an input (which can be of any size) and produces a fixed-length output, typically represented as a hash value or hash code. However, the hash value itself is not an encryption of the input data, but rather a unique representation of it. Further in this blog blockchain hashing is explained.

In this blog, we will cover important topics like hashing and its applications, blockchain, why is hashing used in blockchain, and its importance and uses.

Table Of Contents

  • What is a Hash Function?
  • Where is Hash Function applied?
    • Cybersecurity
    • Data Retrieval
  • Blockchain Explained
  • Why is Hashing used in Blockchain?
  • How is Hashing in Blockchain useful?
  • Conclusion

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What is a Hash Function?

Typical hash functions accept variable length inputs and generate fixed length outputs. A cryptographic hash function combines hash function message-passing capabilities with security features. The original data cannot be recovered through decryption after conversion since the algorithm is a one-way cryptographic function.

It’s crucial to first know the data structure in order to completely appreciate what hashing is all about. A data structure is a specific kind of data storage that mostly consists of linked lists and pointers.

Pointers act as markers that guide users to the intended location since they are variables that relate to other variables. Additionally, it also provides the address of the chain’s subsequent block. Linked lists are collections of nodes that are connected by pointers.

Hash functions are extensively used data structures in computing systems for activities such as message integrity verification and information authentication. Even though they are not easily decipherable, they are deemed cryptographically weak since they can be solved in polynomial time.

Where is Hash Function applied?

What is Hashing in Blockchain? (1)

The creation of hash tables is the most common application of hashing. Key and value pairs are kept in a list that can be accessed using a hash table’s index. All value pairs will be kept in the hash table’s list, which may be retrieved quickly using its index.

The end result is a means for efficiently obtaining key values in a database table as well as a way to increase a database’s security through encryption.

Also, read about Nonce in Blockchain.


Cyberspace makes extensive use of hashing. The use of hashing in encryption is one that, in today’s environment where cybersecurity is crucial, gets the most prominence.

For security reasons, a good hash function is always a unidirectional procedure that employs a one-way hashing method. This way, the encryption would not be useless when hackers quickly reverse-engineer the hash to get the original data.

A hash function’s input might be supplemented with random data to further boost the uniqueness of encrypted outputs. This process, called “salting,” ensures distinct output even when the inputs are identical. For instance, a rainbow table or a dictionary attack might be used by hackers to retrieve user credentials stored in a database. Salting prevents the tempering of data during such attacks.

Want to know about Blockchain in-depth? Check out Blockchain Tutorial For Beginners!

Data Retrieval

Hashing is widely used for Data Retrieval. With the use of algorithms and/or functions, hashing encodes object data into a useful integer value. The search for these objects on that object data map may then be honed using a hash.

For instance, developers store data in the form of key and value pairs in hash tables, which may include customer records. The hash code or the integer is then mapped to a predetermined size, while the key aids in data identification and serves as an input to the hashing method.

After a deep understanding of Hashing and its applications, let us understand Blockchain.

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Blockchain Explained

In its most basic form, a blockchain is a continuously updated and reviewed distributed ledger of transactions. It may be configured to record and monitor anything of value across a network dispersed around many locations and entities. This is also often referred to as distributed ledger technology.

The block and the chain are the two halves of a blockchain, respectively. A block is a group of data that is connected to other blocks in a virtual chain chronologically. A blockchain may be compared to a railway with several cars connected in a line, each carrying a certain quantity of data. Blocks can only hold a specific amount of data until they are full, just like people in a real train carriage.

Additionally, each block has a timestamp, which makes it apparent when the data was captured and saved. This is crucial for things like transaction or supply chain data, where knowing the precise moment that a payment or item was handled is critical.

The blockchain is the foundation of a cryptocurrency. The blockchain keeps track of verified transactions, preventing double spending and fraudulent transactions. The resultant encrypted value is known as a hash and is composed of a string of numbers and letters that have no relation to the original material. Working with this hash is a part of cryptocurrency mining.

Hashing gives an output of a set length after putting the information from a block through a mathematical algorithm. Because someone attempting to decrypt the hash won’t be able to determine the length of the input by looking at the length of the output, using a fixed-length output boosts security.

Despite being frequently linked to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is not just used in the market for digital assets. It can do a wide variety of various tasks across several sectors because of its remarkable capacity to add and store data.

Also, check out the blog on Matic Network.

Why is Hashing used in Blockchain?

It refers to the technique of having an input item of any length mirror an output item of a defined length. In the case of blockchain applications in cryptocurrencies, transactions of variable duration are processed by a certain hashing algorithm, and all produce an output of a set length. This is true regardless of how long the input transaction is.

Bitcoin’s SHA-256 is one such example. Hashing using SHA-256 always yields an output result of a defined length, which is 256 bits (the output is 32 bytes). This is true whether the transaction is as simple as a single word or as complicated as a transaction involving massive quantities of data.

This implies that keeping track of a transaction becomes easier when the hash can be recalled/traced. The size of the hash will vary depending on the hash function used, however, the output from a specified hashing technique will be of a set size.

Why is Hashing used in Blockchain? Hashing gives each block in the blockchain a distinct identity, therefore changing the blockchain will have inescapable effects. Information that acts as the block’s identification is found in the block’s header.

A lot of components are required to construct the block. As a result, when a blockchain hash happens, the data is turned into a unique string inside a block.

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How is Hashing in Blockchain useful?

What is Hashing in Blockchain? (3)

Hash functions are frequently employed to ensure the integrity of data. Given a trustworthy hash of the data, the hash of the data is calculated and the two values are compared. If they match, the data has most likely not been changed since the hash was formed.

As a result, hash functions and the integrity protection that they provide have a variety of applications on the blockchain. Among the most popular applications of the hash function in blockchain are:

  • Hashing facilitates the generation of cryptographic signatures, which aid in the identification of genuine transactions.
  • On the blockchain, hashing facilitates transaction tracking. Instead of looking for a transaction, it is easier to copy the hash into a blockchain explorer where you may examine the transaction details.
  • Hash functions, which condense the data into a small value while maintaining its integrity, are a crucial component of digital signature algorithms. Blockchain transactions and blocks are authenticated and data integrity is maintained via digital signatures.
  • Hashing functions are crucial to crypto mining because they enable the computation of several hashes to identify a legitimate nonce. This encourages blockchain consensus formation.

Hashing is an important factor for Blockchain. Enroll in Blockchain Certification in Bangalore to know it properly.


Blockchain has the ability to significantly alter global business operations. It provides solutions to the issues that many organizations are experiencing.

Hashing is also groundbreaking in a similar way. Hashing provides a more adaptable and secure method of retrieving data when compared to alternative data formats. It is quicker than searching for arrays and lists.

Together, these two have the power to fundamentally alter how firms function and therefore will be highly regarded in the IT world in the ensuing decades.

A Solidity cheat sheet is a valuable resource for developers who are working with Ethereum smart contracts. Solidity is the programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, and it has a unique syntax and structure that can take some time to master.

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What is Hashing in Blockchain? (2024)


What is Hashing in Blockchain? ›

Hashing in blockchain implies the transformation of input data into a fixed size output through a specific algorithm. It establishes data integrity and averts fraudulent transactions. At the core of this process are hash functions, which create unique digital fingerprints for data.

What is hashing in blockchain with example? ›

Use cases of Blockchain Hashing

For example, developers or miners use hash tables to store data such as customer records and transactions as key and value pairs. Hash codes are then converted to integers of a specific size, whereas keys are used to identify data and are fed into the hash function.

What do you mean by hashing? ›

Hashing is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value. This is usually represented by a shorter, fixed-length value or key that represents and makes it easier to find or employ the original string. The most popular use for hashing is the implementation of hash tables.

What is a hash in blockchain for dummies? ›

Because each block is stamped with what is called a hash. A blockchain hash is a unique code, like a signature, or a scannable barcode. This code represents all of the information about the transactions that are stored in that block. This same code is ALSO stamped on the one stacked on top of it.

What is the difference between encryption and hashing? ›

Since encryption is two-way, the data can be decrypted so it is readable again. Hashing, on the other hand, is one-way, meaning the plaintext is scrambled into a unique digest, through the use of a salt, that cannot be decrypted.

What is a real life example of hashing? ›

There are many practical examples of hash tables used in every-day life. A popular example is in username-password databases. Every time someone signs up on a website using a username and password, that information must be stored somewhere for later retrieval.

How does Bitcoin use hashing? ›

Bitcoin Hash function

Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hash algorithm to generate verifiably “random” numbers in a way that requires a predictable amount of CPU effort. Generating a SHA-256 hash with a value less than the current target solves a block and wins you some coins.

Why do people use hashing? ›

Why is hashing important? Hashing is important because it offers a method for retrieving data that's secure and efficient. It's also quicker than most traditional sorting algorithms, which makes it more efficient for retrieving data.

How does hashing work for dummies? ›

In cryptography, hashing takes plaintext data (input) and runs is through a mathematical process known as a hashing algorithm. This process generates an output, called a hash value, of a fixed length.

What is hashing in ethereum? ›

Cryptographic hash functions are a special subcategory that have specific properties that are useful to secure platforms, such as Ethereum. A cryptographic hash function is a one-way hash function that maps data of arbitrary size to a fixed-size string of bits.

How do you explain blockchain to dummies? ›

'Blockchain' is a compound word– here the 'blocks' are the records of data, and the 'chains' are the links each record has with each other. It's a democratizing technology, in that it makes everyone equally accountable and equally in control (at least in the case of public blockchains– but more on that later).

What is the difference between hash and blockchain? ›

Hashgraph offers improved security and scalability compared to traditional blockchain technology, while blockchain technology is more widely accepted and adopted. Both technologies can be used in a variety of use cases and have the potential to change the way data drastically is securely stored, shared, and exchanged.

What is blockchain in simple words? ›

Blockchain is a method of recording information that makes it impossible or difficult for the system to be changed, hacked, or manipulated. A blockchain is a distributed ledger that duplicates and distributes transactions across the network of computers participating in the blockchain.

Why can't hashing be reversed? ›

Because the conversion is done by a cryptographic algorithm (the “hash function”), the jumbling formula is unknown so the 64-digit string can't be reversed.

Why is hashing irreversible? ›

Irreversibility. Ideally, hash functions should be irreversible. Meaning that while it is quick and easy to compute the hash if you know the input message for any given hash function, it is very difficult to go through the process in reverse to compute the input message if you only know the hash value.

Does hashing require a key? ›

A hash function is a cryptographic algorithm which is used to transform large random size data to small fixed size data. The data output of the hash algorithm is called hash value or digest. The basic operation of hash functions does not need any key and operate in a one-way manner.

What are two examples of the uses of hashing? ›

Database indexing: Hashing is used to index and retrieve data efficiently in databases and other data storage systems. Password storage: Hashing is used to store passwords securely by applying a hash function to the password and storing the hashed result, rather than the plain text password.

What is an example of a crypto hash? ›

A few examples of common hashing algorithms include: Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) — This family of hashes contains SHA-1, SHA-2 (a family within a family that includes SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512), and SHA-3 (SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512).

What is hashing technique with suitable examples? ›

The key for a given object can be calculated using a function called a hash function. For example, given an array A, if i is the key, then we can find the value by simply looking up A[i]. There are many hash functions that use numeric or alphanumeric keys.

What is a hashing function explain with an example? ›

A hash function converts strings of different length into fixed-length strings known as hash values or digests. You can use hashing to scramble passwords into strings of authorized characters for example. The output values cannot be inverted to produce the original input.

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