What Do You Know About Crypto? (2024)

Quizzes > Trivia Quizzes

Shai K. 12/5/2022

Crypto currencies have been the hot new thing in the investment world for quite some time now. However, for most of us, they represent a complicated financial entity we're not sure we even understand. Let's put your knowledge of this new type of high-tech currency to the test, and perhaps you'll also learn what you didn't know before!

What Do You Know About Crypto? (2)

What makes Cryptocurrency different from other digital funds, such as PayPal?

It is not reliant on any central authority

It is not a wallet but a currency like the dollar is a currency

All answers are correct

It eliminates the need for any and all intermediaries

What Do You Know About Crypto? (3)

What was the first decentralized cryptocurrency?





What Do You Know About Crypto? (4)

When was Bitcoin released?





What Do You Know About Crypto? (6)

What was the worth of 1 Bitcoin when it was originally estimated in sale?





What Do You Know About Crypto? (7)

How much was Bitcoin worth at its peak?





What Do You Know About Crypto? (8)

As of December 2022, how much was 1 Bitcoin worth?

Around $17,000

Around $7,000

Around $37,000

Around $47,000

What Do You Know About Crypto? (9)

Which cryptocurrency takes SECOND place as the most expensive to buy 1 coin of?

As of December 2022, it is worth about $1100-$1200 per 1 coin, while Bitcoin is worth about $16-17000





What Do You Know About Crypto? (10)

Which cryptocurrency was launched in 2022?

Dash 2 Trade



Lido Staked Ether (SETH)

What Do You Know About Crypto? (11)

As of end of 2022, when was peak worth for crypto currencies?

End of 2021

End of 2018

End of 2016

End of 2014

What Do You Know About Crypto? (12)

The man who invented Bitcoin, as well as the first blockchain database, is...





What Do You Know About Crypto? (13)

What does "mining" for cryptocurrency NOT involve?

Using a high powered computer to solve math problems

Finding a new encryption for new coins

Winning against other computers by solving a math problem first

Trading coins between owners and increasing their value

What Do You Know About Crypto? (14)

Why are some countries officially considering outlawing mining for cryptocurrencies, while China has already done so?

The computers do too much environmental damage

Because of illegal activities the currency is used for

Because they are afraid it will destabilize the economy

Because it lowers the value of the coins in the hands of buyers

What Do You Know About Crypto? (15)

Try again...

It seems you don't know much about crypto. After all, it's a very complicated subject and can be very technical. We can't really blame you for not knowing about these, but it's always good to be in the know, so have a look at our answers or take another crack at it!

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What Do You Know About Crypto? (16)

Not bad at all!

You know quite a bit about crypto currencies, definitely more than the average person. After all, it's a very complicated subject and can be very technical. You did quite well, and those you didn't get right you can see the answers for in our answers section.

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What Do You Know About Crypto? (17)

You know crypto!

You really know a lot about crypto currencies! You must have a lot of knowledge of financial affairs and investing, maybe even invested yourself in some crypto currency along the way. In any case, you've aced this quiz!

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Related Topics: worth finance money cryptocurrency crypto currencies coin dogecoin bitcion ethereum economics blockchain

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What Do You Know About Crypto? (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Job: Administration Technician

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.