Uncommon (2024)

Uncommons are the lowest blook rarity you can get from any permanent box/pack. It is only better than common, which every player has by default. It is usually defined with a green tag, and green for the text. Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic and Chroma blooks are all more valuable.

Uncommons are also the easiest blooks to get, besides commons, which players already have once they first begin.

Average Drop Rate Per Uncommon is ~15.6%

Uncommon (1)
Medieval Pack
Witch13.4% Drop Rate
Uncommon (2)
Wizard13.4% Drop Rate
Uncommon (3)
Elf13.4% Drop Rate
Uncommon (4)
Fairy13.4% Drop Rate
Uncommon (5)
Slime Monster13.4% Drop Rate
Uncommon (6)
Wonderland Pack
Two of Spades15.2% Drop Rate
Uncommon (7)
Eat Me15% Drop Rate
Uncommon (8)
Drink Me15% Drop Rate
Uncommon (9)
Alice15% Drop Rate
Uncommon (10)
Queen of Hearts15% Drop Rate
Uncommon (11)
Breakfast Pack
Toast12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (12)
Cereal12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (13)
Yogurt12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (14)
Breakfast Combo12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (15)
Orange Juice12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (16)
Milk12.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (17)
Space Pack
Earth18.75% Drop Rate
Uncommon (18)
Meteor18.75% Drop Rate
Uncommon (19)
Stars18.75% Drop Rate
Uncommon (20)
Alien18.75% Drop Rate
Uncommon (21)
Dino Pack
Uncommon (22)
Dino Egg19.5%
Uncommon (23)
Dino Fossil19.5%
Uncommon (24)
Uncommon (25)
Blizzard Pack
Snow Globe14.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (26)
Holiday Gift14.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (27)
Hot Chocolate14.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (28)
Holiday Wreath14.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (29)
Spooky Pack
Pumpkin18.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (30)
Swamp Monster18.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (31)
Frankenstein18.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (32)
Vampire18.5% Drop Rate
Uncommon (33)
Aquatic Pack
Old Boot15%
Uncommon (34)
Uncommon (35)
Uncommon (36)
Uncommon (37)
Uncommon (38)
Safari Pack
Uncommon (39)
Uncommon (40)
Uncommon (41)
Uncommon (42)
Uncommon (43)
Bot Pack
Lil Bot19.5%
Uncommon (44)
Lovely Bot19.5%
Uncommon (45)
Angry Bot19.5%
Uncommon (46)
Happy Bot19.5%
Uncommon (47)

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  • Uncommon (55)

All items (88)

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Uncommon (2024)


What word means "uncommon"? ›

Some common synonyms of uncommon are infrequent, rare, scarce, and sporadic. While all these words mean "not common or abundant," uncommon suggests a frequency below normal expectation. smallpox is now uncommon in many countries. When could infrequent be used to replace uncommon?

What does most uncommon mean? ›

beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable. antonyms: common. having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual.

What does unusual or uncommon mean? ›

Something unusual is uncommon. It's odd, weird, or out of the ordinary in some way. Unusual is the opposite of usual, thanks to the prefix un, meaning "not." Unusual things are noteworthy: you don't see them every day. A dog chasing a squirrel is usual.

What is a word for unusual? ›

abnormal, atypical, awe-inspiring, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, far-out, inconceivable, out of the ordinary, outstanding, prodigious, prominent, refreshing, something else, unfamiliar, unparalleled, unwonted.

What does it mean to be uncommon? ›

1. : not ordinarily found or experienced : unusual. not uncommon to catch a cold. 2. : extraordinary, remarkable, exceptional.

What is the most uncommon used word? ›

Do you know what a quincunx is? Here are 15 of the most unusual words in the English dictionary
  • ​Deliquescent. Adjective: Becoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
  • Flabbergast. Verb: Surprise someone greatly.
  • Flimflam. ...
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification. ...
  • Limerence. ...
  • Loquacious. ...
  • Obdurate. ...
  • Omnishambles.

What does uncommon people mean? ›

Remarkable, exceptional, out of the ordinary, rare…these are all words that you find in the definition for uncommon.

What is higher rare or uncommon? ›

Rare means that something exists only in small quantities; uncommon simply means that it is not common. So rare is the more powerful word, in the sense that it is very difficult to find. You would have a much greater chance of coming across something uncommon than something that is rare.

What is a word that means uncommon or strange? ›

extraordinary. unique. bizarre. offbeat. out-of-the-way.

What is an example of uncommon? ›

How to Use uncommon in a Sentence
  • She is an uncommon woman.
  • It is not uncommon for people to become depressed after they retire.
  • Robert Kagan's The Ghost at the Feast is an uncommon book. ...
  • Saul asked me not to use his last name, which isn't uncommon.
May 3, 2024

Is common higher than uncommon? ›

Common means ordinary, everyday, widespread, and not rare or exceptional. Uncommon means the opposite — it means rare, exceptional, and not common.

What does uncommon rare mean? ›

infrequent, uncommon, scarce, rare, sporadic mean not common or abundant. infrequent implies occurrence at wide intervals in space or time.

Does unusual mean rare? ›

unusual in American English

(ʌnˈjuʒəwəl ) adjective. not usual or common; rare; exceptional. Derived forms. unusually (unˈusually)

What is a unique person called? ›

Some common synonyms of unique are eccentric, erratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, singular, and strange. While all these words mean "departing from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected," unique implies singularity and the fact of being without a known parallel. a career unique in the annals of science.

What is an example of unusual? ›

It's unusual for the trees to flower so early. it is unusual to do something It was a bit unusual to see her up and about before nine in the morning. She has a very unusual name. She hadn't noticed anything unusual about Susan's behaviour.

What is a synonym for uncommon and rare? ›

  • extraordinary.
  • noteworthy.
  • rare.
  • remarkable.
  • singular.
  • unimaginable.
  • unique.
  • unparalleled.

What is a synonym for uncommonly known? ›

obscure uncharted undetected undiscovered unexplored unfamiliar unheard-of unknown untraveled. little-known (adjective as in unheard-of)

What is a word for rare unique? ›

exceptional extraordinary rare singular special strange uncommon unparalleled unprecedented weird.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.