The first decentralized MainNet node is now live! (2024)

As the year 2019 is almost over, we are ticking a very important box in our journey, by launching the first decentralized MainNet node. This will be the third MainNet node to run the Trustchain, with the next one to follow next week, as a Community Node.

The first decentralized MainNet node is now live! (3)

The node is already active and both merchants and users can connect to it here, under the name Rufys Node.

The node is being managed by Rufys, our long time community member and Brazil Ambassador, as a sign of appreciation from the COTI’s family. The node’s staking plan is of Advanced Node, where 250K COTI are staked for the higher of either fees collected or at least 25% a year return.

“I am honored to have been chosen by the team to run the first decentralized Node on the MainNet”, said Rufys. “I have been a part of the COTI community since the beginning and I am very excited to see its progress. I‘m also very excited about the Delegated Staking Model and Community Nodes which are a great incentive that will empower all community members and investors. I am very happy to see that COTI’s dedicated team has achieved each and every goal it has set and is on the path of becoming The Currency Of The Internet”.

COTI technology team leader Eli Hallufgil commented:

“Decentralized full nodes are an integral part of our payment technology. Today COTI is marking a very exciting achievement by launching the first decentralized MainNet node. Rufys has been running a node on the COTI TestNet for a while now, and I’m happy to accompany him on this new path and to enable him to earn profits from running the node”.

The first decentralized MainNet node is now live! (4)

The current Full Node’s version is 1.02, expected upgrades, like MultiDAG and History nodes, are to launch next month.

MainNet nodes are the basic nodes of the COTI network. In the current development stage, Full Nodes are the only available nodes that can be run by network users. DSP Nodes and Trust Score Nodes (Watch the transaction confirmation process in COTI’s protocol here) will also be operated by users as the network matures, with significantly higher staking requirements.

All node operators can make a profit from running nodes. Potential earnings can be estimated using our earnings Calculator.

In order to run a MainNet node, one must qualify as a TestNet node operator. In order to do so, you can follow the guide.

Next week, we are to launch the first community node. Application to be a staking community member for at least 30% a year will be open soon and announced in our channels.

Read more about COTI nodes and staking here.

The first decentralized MainNet node is now live! (2024)
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