How to detect if an ethereum address is an ERC20 token contract (2024)

There are many possible ways to achieve this. One possible quick and dirty solution is to check if a ERC20 function exists on the contract address by calling the following:{to:contractAddress, data:web3.sha3("balanceOf(address)")})

A non-ERC20 will return a 'null'0xhex response whereas an ERC20 will give you a 32byteuint, in this case 0 but if you provide an address in the data then it will give you the actual token balance for that address.

This is not a guaranteed way of determining a contract is ERC20 since other contracts may expose the same function, however it is a quick and easy check. You could add additional calls ontotalSupply()etc. for more confirmation.

Hope this helps!

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How to detect if an ethereum address is an ERC20 token contract (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.