Steal these three payment request SMS templates - SimpleTexting (2024)

Your business runs on payments. Most of the time, everything goes smoothly. But what happens when it doesn’t?

In those cases, you send your client a reminder and a request for payment. This is where payment request SMS messages can make your life easier. We’ll show you how.

But first一what is a payment request SMS message?

A payment request SMS message is simply a reminder you send to your clients via SMS to make a payment. You can send these at any time before, during, or after a payment is due.

The natural next question is, why use text messages to send these payment requests? Well, everyone wants to be paid on time.

Unlike emails or phone calls, 80% of people check their text notifications within just five minutes of receiving a text. That makes SMS the perfect tool for getting your payment request answered fast.

There’s one common worry everyone has around payment requests: no one wants to sound pushy or rude.Don’t worry about that. We’ve got you covered with a few friendly, easy-to-use payment request SMS templates.

Three outstanding payment request SMS templates

Before we get into the details of why you should send payment reminders via SMS, we’ll give you what you came here for一templates. We’ll also give you the framework behind them so you can put your own spin on your messages.

The golden rule of payment request messages

Above all, make your payment reminder texts short, clear, and friendly. Effective communication is your first priority. Let your client know that their payment is due and give easy-to-follow instructions to help them send it. It’s as simple as that.

Pre-payment reminder

You can send this payment request SMS a few days before the payment due date. We recommend attaching a PDF of the invoice. (This article explains how to send a PDF via text.)

Hi Sherry! This is just a reminder that your invoice (#33587) is due on or before July 28th. Thank you again for your business! Attaching your invoice here.

On the due date payment reminder SMS

When your payment is due, you can send a follow-up message. We recommend maintaining a friendly and clear tone and adding a clear call to action.

Hello! This text is to let you know that your payment is due today. Please review the attached invoice (due August 15th) and send payment at your earliest convenience. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you!

Overdue payment reminder

This is your first SMS about the invoice being overdue. You’ll want to maintain a firmer tone and make it even more straightforward for a client to settle up.

According to our records, payment is a week overdue for the invoice #1234. You can submit payment through our website at [link] or call us at 800-368-5741. Thank you!

Why you should choose SMS for payment requests

To understand why texts are a strong choice for sending payment requests, think about why payments come in late.

The reasons given usually sound like this:

“Well, I don’t really answer my phone.”

“Your message probably got lost in my spam folder.”

“I don’t check my email regularly.”

Text messages help you avoid these conversations. That’s mainly because people have their phones on them at all times, and texts are a universal method of communication.

Beyond the high open rates, people respond to texts more often than other message types. The current click-through rate for emails is around 11%. A whopping 30% of people click on a link in an SMS.

Steal these three payment request SMS templates - SimpleTexting (1)

You might be wondering how hard text messages are to manage.

There’s more good news. Instead of manually sending every message, SimpleTexting allows you to schedule texts in advance.

You can also use our recurring campaigns feature to send a recurring SMS on a set date if your payments are due on the same day every month.

These automated reminders let you pre-plan your payment request texts and move on to other tasks.

Final thoughts on payment request SMS

Payment requests don’t need to be a stressful task, but they also can’t be ignored. After all, you’re too busy to let past-due payments slow you down.

Steal these three payment request SMS templates - SimpleTexting (2)

Lily Norton

Lily is a content marketing specialist at SimpleTexting. She specializes in making helpful, entertaining video content and writing blogs that help businesses take advantage of all that texting has to offer. When she’s not writing or making TikToks, you can find Lily at roller derby practice or in a yoga studio in the Seattle area.

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Steal these three payment request SMS templates - SimpleTexting (2024)


How do you politely ask for payment via SMS? ›

Crafting a Polite Payment Request
  1. Choose the Right Time: Consider the appropriate timing to send your payment request. ...
  2. Be Polite and Courteous: ...
  3. State the Purpose: ...
  4. Provide Details: ...
  5. Express Appreciation: ...
  6. Friendly Reminder: ...
  7. Urgent Reminder: ...
  8. Appreciative Reminder:

How do you write a payment request message? ›

Write something like: “Payment for Invoice # [Number].” Providing the invoice number in the subject line makes it clear what payment is overdue. A copy of the invoice: Save your customer the time finding your initial email by attaching a copy of your original invoice.

How do I write a payment reminder SMS? ›

  1. Your invoice for [amount] is overdue by [overdue days] days. ...
  2. Dear [FIRST NAME], your invoice for [amount] was due [due date]. ...
  3. Your invoice was due [due date] and will be passed to debt collections in [number of days] days.
May 23, 2023

What are SMS templates? ›

SMS templates are pre-written text messages that you can use and customise for different situations. They save time and make sure you send clear, consistent messages, whether it's for customer support, appointments, reminders, or promotions.

How do you respectfully request a payment? ›

Calling your client to ask for payment
  1. Introduce yourself and explain why you're calling,
  2. Be concise and polite,
  3. Try not to use slang words and expressions,
  4. Don't make direct accusations about the client not paying you,
  5. Maintain a polite tone that gives your client the benefit of the doubt, and.

How to request payment professionally? ›

  1. Check payment terms and invoice due date. ...
  2. Review records to ensure accuracy of the invoice. ...
  3. Consider alternative payment methods and plans. ...
  4. Use a polite and professional tone. ...
  5. Check that the client received the invoice. ...
  6. Provide invoice number and amount due. ...
  7. Remind the recipient of the payment terms and due date.
Apr 6, 2023

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Tips for Writing an Effective Payment Reminder Email or Text Message
  1. Pay attention to your client's communication preferences. ...
  2. Provide specific details about the past-due payment. ...
  3. Include a direct link to the invoice. ...
  4. Ask the client to confirm that they've received your message.

What is an example of a payment reminder? ›

I'm writing to remind you that you are 30 days past due on the balance with us. You have the flexibility to choose from various payment options to settle your overdue invoice. Simply visit this link [Link to Invoice] to proceed with your preferred method of payment.

How do I write a gentle reminder message? ›

Start with the niceties. Since your goal is to write a gentle reminder email, start with a friendly message. It's best to be specific and reference something appropriate that you know about the person, such as an upcoming milestone or a big project they've been working on.

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How to write successful SMS messages
  1. Personalize your messaging. Before you begin, know who you're talking to. ...
  2. Lead with value. ...
  3. Keep it short, sweet, and clear. ...
  4. Offer time-bound incentives. ...
  5. Make it visually appealing. ...
  6. Encourage two-way communication. ...
  7. Provide a clear call-to-action. ...
  8. Maintain compliance.

How to create an SMS template? ›

Creating SMS templates
  1. In the navigation pane, choose Message templates.
  2. Choose Create template.
  3. Under Channel, choose SMS.
  4. Under Template details, for Template name, enter a name for the template. ...
  5. (Optional) For Version description, enter a brief description of the template.

How do I send a gentle reminder for payment? ›

Dear [Customer's Name], Dear [Customer's Name], We hope this email finds you well. We understand that life can sometimes get busy, and payments may slip through the cracks. That's why we wanted to send you a gentle reminder that your payment for [Invoice/Service/Product] in the amount of [Amount Due] is now overdue.

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I am writing to discuss the payment arrangements for the [project/service] we will provide. I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project and I am confident that we can deliver excellent results. As we move forward, I kindly request an advance payment to initiate the project/service.

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We have yet to receive the payment due from invoice #XXXX, which was due on [date]. This invoice is now two weeks overdue, and the delay of this payment is putting us in financial strain. As a matter of urgency, please let us know when we can expect payment from you.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.