SSL vs VPN: What's the Difference? - PrivadoVPN Blog (2024)

There is a lot of discussion around the security provided by SSL vs VPN. It can be difficult to find a straight answer as to the differences and similarities. That’s because they are, in many ways, overlapping and complementary protocols. Separating the two can be a challenge.

But it’s a challenge that we intend to take up today. When you’re done reading this article, you’ll understand what a Secure Sockets Layer and a Virtual Private Network are. You’ll have a sense of when one comes into play instead of the other. You’ll have a better understanding of online encryption. Mostly, you’ll be able to make the best possible decision when it comes to choosing SSL vs VPN in a given scenario.

What is SSL?

Before we get too deep in the weeds on the differences re: SSL vs VPN, we should be able to identify them individually.

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is technically a legacy term. “SSL” as a direct protocol was deprecated in 1999 and replaced with TLS (Transport Layer Security), but the name stuck. Officially, it’s called “SSL/TLS” today and it’s a way that computers authenticate one another for secure connections. We’re going to stick with “SSL” for this article.

When two computers connect using SSL, one has a private encryption key and the other has a public encryption key. If the names weren’t a giveaway, the private one is kept by the local computer and the public one is sent all over the Internet. These encryption keys are strings of numbers that are mathematically related so that when two computers, each with one key, start talking, they can be sure the other is the machine it says it is.

The people who oversee key creation are certificate authority (CA) companies. They make deals with software developers to include their public keys. It’s their authority that backs up the security of an SSL connection.

SSL vs VPN: What's the Difference? - PrivadoVPN Blog (1)

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The SSL Handshake

We call that first “meeting” of two computers a “handshake.” It’s where they trade keys to make sure the connection is safe. This is done in five steps that happen almost instantaneously whenever you connect to another computer.

  1. Your computer reaches out to another computer holding information you want. We’ll call this a “server.” It can have everything from an email to a video to a web page you want to see.
  2. The server sends over its SSL certificate and public key.
  3. Your computer compares it to the private key it already has. It also looks at the certificate to see which CA made it and if it’s listed as a trusted company. If both checkout, it will create a third, “session key,” which is specific to interactions between your computer and the server.
  4. The server decrypts the session key using its private key and uses that to help establish shared encryption.
  5. Your computer and the server create an encrypted session and can now send data safely.

And all of that takes place in seconds. With SSL, you can safely send and receive financial information, social security numbers, private documents, you name it. One way you can tell that a website is using SSL is that instead of the address starting with “http,” it starts with “https.” Most browsers also add a small icon of a lock next to SSL-secured websites.

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What About VPN?

A VPN is a little bit different. When you’re thinking about SSL vs VPN, you have to consider who is doing the work.

Instead of having your computer handshake with every server that it needs something for, a virtual private network establishes a single encrypted connection, then handles all of that processing for you.

When you connect to a VPN vs using SSL, you do the above steps with a single server: the VPN server. This is one of several computers located around the world that utilizes 256-bit encryption to protect all of your data. So your computer connects to the network, then the more powerful, more secure VPN server does all the handshaking and communication with other servers. Once it has the web page, image, file, or whatever else you want, it will then send it to you via the encrypted tunnel you already established.

Advantages of VPN vs SSL

The way that VPNs work as compared to SSL provides several benefits.

  1. VPNs have the latest security updates vs SSL on your home computer. A good VPN company like PrivadoVPN is constantly watching for updates and searching for vulnerabilities. This keeps you consistently updated.
  2. The VPN servers are more powerful than your computer in most cases. Common cyberattacks like DDoS or Drive-by attacks can be more easily resisted by the VPN server than your personal computer.
  3. This helps to unblock websites that have otherwise been restricted. By sending all of your data through an encrypted tunnel to the VPN server, governments and Internet service providers can’t see the contents of that data.
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What Are the Similarities Between SSL and VPN?

Now that you know what SSL and VPN are, let’s look at how they overlap.

256-Bit Encryption

First of all, both SSL and a high-quality VPN use what’s called 256-bit encryption to protect your data.

Remember how we discussed public and private keys above? Each of those keys is composed of 256 different characters derived from an algorithm. In order for a hacker to break that encryption, they would need to figure out the exact keys. Since there are 2256 possible combinations, it would take even the most powerful computers years to try them all.

Why not 512-bit encryption? Or 1 million-bit encryption?

While those would technically be safer, there are three good reasons why 256-bit encryption is the gold standard right now.

  1. It’s good enough. We don’t need more security since this hasn’t been provably broken yet. Bigger keys would slow down handshakes and encryption.
  2. We don’t have the math for it yet. Encryption keys aren’t random. They’re derived from complex math that a computer needs to do both to make and understand it. You could make larger keys, but it would take longer to generate and use.
  3. SSL/TLS as a protocol doesn’t know how to deal with more than 256-bit encryption. You can use another protocol, but with points 1 & 2 in mind, it’s a lot of work for no real payoff.

Secure Tunnels

Both SSL and VPN create “secure tunnels” for your data. We go into secure tunnels in more depth here, but these are the basics.

A secure tunnel is an encryption that “surrounds” your data while it’s being sent from one computer to another. Without a secure connection, people can spy on your communications while in transit. Creating a secure tunnel prevents them from seeing anything other than the fact that data is being transferred from you to someplace else.

The Human Element

When you’re discussing SSL vs VPN, it’s not just the benefits they share. The human element comes into play as well.

That is to say, both are vulnerable to user error more than anything else. Your VPN is only helpful if you use it. SSL connections only work when you make sure that the sites you’re sending data to are secured.

Browser developers have been integrating warnings and making it harder to share unsecured data, but they can only do so much. In the end, it’s crucial that you become informed and make smart security decisions.

SSL vs VPN: Which Should I Use?


There are times and places where relying on SSL alone is fine for what you’re doing. A VPN can go a long way to filling in the holes that aren’t covered by other security protocols. SSL is largely automatic, so there’s not a lot you have to worry about in most cases. VPNs give you more control over how your data is encrypted and transferred, so you can balance speed and security.

The trick is to stop thinking in terms of SSL vs VPN and start thinking about how SSL + VPN helps you best protect your privacy online.

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SSL vs VPN: What's the Difference? - PrivadoVPN Blog (2024)


What is the difference between VPN and SSL? ›

SSL is largely automatic, so there's not a lot you have to worry about in most cases. VPNs give you more control over how your data is encrypted and transferred, so you can balance speed and security.

What is the difference between site to site VPN and SSL VPN? ›

IPsec VPN securely interconnects entire networks (site-to-site VPN) OR remote users with a particular protected area such as a local network, application, or the cloud. SSL VPN creates a secure tunnel from the host's web browser to a particular application.

Do I need SSL if using VPN? ›

The bottom line is that, although VPN and HTTPS can protect your data through encryption, they shouldn't be regarded as exclusive. In other words, not only is it good to combine HTTPS and VPN for increased privacy protection, but it's also recommended that you do so, especially on public, insecure networks.

What is the disadvantage of SSL VPN? ›

SSL VPNs might not be a great fit for companies with extreme security requirements or a need for control because they often rely on browsers to enable remote access. Here are a few shortcomings of SSL VPNs: They have limited network-level access control.

Which is better, SSL or IPsec VPN? ›

IPsec provides network-layer security, encrypting entire data packets, making it a popular choice for full network communications. On the other hand, SSL VPNs focus on application-layer security, ensuring only specific application data is encrypted. The "more secure" label depends on the context.

What is the difference between SSL VPN and global VPN client? ›

2) The main differences to consider are the end clients that they support and the data transfer rates. --GVC can only be used for Windows clients whereas SSLVPN can be used for MAC, Windows, and Mobile devices. 3) I would suggest deciding based on the type of clients and data transfer.

What happens if you don't use SSL? ›

Without SSL, your site visitors and customers are at higher risk of being having their data stolen. Your site security is also at risk without encryption. SSL protects website from phishing scams, data breaches, and many other threats. Ultimately, It builds a secure environment for both visitors and site owners.

Do I need VPN on secure WIFI? ›

Yes, you need a VPN to protect your online activity, hide your IP addresses, and keep your data safe. A VPN should be the cornerstone of your online privacy and security at home, work, or public places.

Are VPNs always encrypted? ›

VPNs, or virtual private networks, are services that enhance your online privacy, and they do that by creating an encrypted network just for you. So yes, all VPNs use encryption. Some VPNs, however, use more secure types of encryption, such as 256-bit AES.

Why is SSL no longer used? ›

SSL has not been updated since SSL 3.0 in 1996 and is now considered to be deprecated. There are several known vulnerabilities in the SSL protocol, and security experts recommend discontinuing its use. In fact, most modern web browsers no longer support SSL at all.

Are there any downsides to using a VPN? ›

While VPNs have a lot of perks, there are potential downsides, too. A VPN can reduce internet speed and increase latency, which slows down online activities. Using a VPN can get your accounts blocked by social media sites for suspicious activity.

Why VPN is not more secure? ›

It can't prevent cookie tracking, viruses, or malware, and it can't protect against phishing scams. Data leaks could occur. But most pivotally, a VPN is only as secure as the company that runs it. A VPN provider that uses out-of-date protocols, leaks IPs, and logs your data isn't one you can trust.

Is SSL enough for network security? ›

Not really. SSL is great, but it is simply not enough. The interception the data packets flowing between visitor and website is only one way internet criminals gain access to sensitive information. If SSL has not been properly implemented, some content on a site may NOT covered by the encryption expected.

What is the difference between VPN and TLS? ›

In other words, IPsec VPNs connect hosts or networks to a protected private network, while SSL/TLS VPNs securely connect a user's application session to services inside a protected network. IPsec VPNs can support all IP-based applications. To an application, an IPsec VPN looks just like any other IP network.

What is an SSL network? ›

SSL: Secure Sockets Layer

SSL is standard technology for securing an internet connection by encrypting data sent between a website and a browser (or between two servers). It prevents hackers from seeing or stealing any information transferred, including personal or financial data.

Which is better TLS or SSL? ›

However, SSL is an older technology that contains some security flaws. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the upgraded version of SSL that fixes existing SSL vulnerabilities. TLS authenticates more efficiently and continues to support encrypted communication channels.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.