IPsec vs. SSL: What's the Difference? - N-able (2024)

In recent decades, remote work has become a central part of America’s business landscape. Being able to complete tasks outside the office leads to greater productivity and flexibility, which is why working remotely has been embraced by more employers each year. For remote work to be effective, employees must have access to their company’s network wherever they travel. A virtual private network (VPN) serves this function.Using a VPN, remote team members can connect directly to the network, performing tasks just as they would while in the office. VPNs also encrypt data to ensure remote access is secure. Clearly, setting up a VPN is a common request from businesses that managed services provider (MSPs) should know how to address.

But there’s more to the story. There are two main types of VPN security protocols, IPsec and SSL, and it’s essential to know the differences between them in order to ensure your customer’s security. In this article, we’ll explain the difference betweenIPsec and SSL VPN protocols and how to choose the right one to meet your clients’ needs.

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What is IPsec?

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is the traditional VPN method. Introduced in the 1990s, it is well established, regularly updated, and continues to be widely used. IPsec requires third-party client software on the user’s device to access the VPN—it is not implemented through the web browser. Companies need to purchase client software, install it on each user’s computer, keep it updated, and sometimes pay to maintain their license. This makes IPsec rather complicated to implement and configure.

What is the purpose of IPsec?

The purpose of IPsec is to give the remote computer direct access to the central network, making it a full member. Remote users have access to any file storage locations, programs, printers, and backups, exactly as if they were in the office. IPsec is therefore a robust system that gives users whatever resources they need, wherever they are located.

What does IPsec protect against?

Security isa key factor to consider whenimplementing remote access. The more outside connections there are to a network, the more opportunities arise for nefarious parties to intercept data being transmitted. That’s why IPsec protocols use encryption. IPsec encryption works by scrambling data in transit so it cannot be deciphered if intercepted. Data can only be read if the user has the correct key to mathematically unscramble it. VPNs also mask a user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address for further security. The VPN assigns a new IP address, hiding the user’s original address and making it harder for an internet service provider to track them.

VPN access is protected by a password. It’s essential for users to select strong passwords with combinations of letters and numbers, upper- and lowercase, special characters, and no dictionary words. The most locked-down systems won’t let users choose a weak password. Two-factor authentication (2FA) makes VPNs even more secure. This method requires a one-time code—sent via text message or generated by a mobile app—in addition to the password to log in. Even if a hacker discovers the password, he or she won’t be able to access the VPN without the second code.

Yet IPsec has additional security advantages besides encryption. Since it requires special client software, it is more difficult to break into. Potential hackers would need to know the right software to useandconfigure it with the correct settings in order to access an IPsec VPN.

IPsec has two modes of securing data: transport and tunnel. In transport mode, only the payload of an IP packet (that is, the data itself) is encrypted; the header remains intact. In tunnel mode, on the other hand, the entire packet is encrypted and then encapsulated in a new IP packet with a new header. The choice of which mode to use is complicated. Tunnel mode is typically used between gateways whereas transport mode is used between end-stations.

What is SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)is IPsec’s major rival as a VPN protocol. Though its origins also trace to the 1990s, SSL is a more recent method for implementing VPNs, and it is becoming increasingly popular. The SSL protocol was replaced by a successor technology, Transport Layer Security (TLS), in 2015, but the terms are interchangeable in common parlance and “SSL” is still widely used.

SSL VPNs are implemented through the remote user’s web browser and do not require the installation of special software. All major web browsers—including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari—come with SSL support. This makes SSL easy to set up and use, especially when a team member is installing it without help from tech support.

How secure is SSL?

SSL gives users more specific access than IPsec. Rather than becoming a full member of the network, remote team members are granted access to particular applications. This makes it simple to provide different levels of access to different users. Security is maintained by restricting access to only what’s needed.

Like IPsec, SSL has two modes. In portal mode, users access the VPN through a page in their web browser (the portal). This mode can only be used for web-based programs. It’s ideal for email, chat, file sharing, and other browser-based applications. In tunnel mode, by contrast, users can access any applications on the network, including ones that are not web based. Browser-based applications are becoming the industry standard, but older, offline programs can only be accessed using tunnel mode.

What is the difference between IPsec and SSL VPNs?

Choosing between IPsec vs SSL is an important decision when implementing a client’s VPN. As you can see, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Security and convenience are two key factors to consider. Because IPsec requires third-party client software, it is more complicated and expensive to set up and maintain. However, this also makes it more secure. It’s tough for a hacker to penetrate an IPsec system without knowing which client it uses and the exact settings to get that client to work properly. SSL is already supported by the remote user’s browser, so it needs no extra software and is simpler to configure. This simplicity, however, comes at the cost of being more vulnerable to security threats.

Once a user is logged into the network, SSL takes the upper hand in security. SSL VPNs work by accessing specific applications whereas IPsec users are treated as full members of the network. It’s therefore easier to restrict user access with SSL. If one of your clients works with a freelance employee, for example, they can give that person limited access to the programs they need without letting them see sensitive or proprietary company data. Restricting access in IPsec is possible with network user permissions, but that adds an extra step to the process.

Beyond security concerns, it’s also crucial to think about what services VPN users will need to access. If they will only be using web-based applications like email and cloud storage, SSL may be the right choice. Remote users can quickly connect to the applications they use without being confused by the ones they don’t. This makes SSL ideal for clients and freelance employees. But if users require full access—such as central office team members who are traveling—IPsec is the way to go. IPsec VPNs give users the ability to do whatever they can normally do while sitting in the main office from wherever they are.

Don’t forget that even a user on an IPsec or SSL VPN with ironclad encryption is still vulnerable to other security threats. Email phishing or phone-based social engineering attacks can strike a secure system at any time. That’s why it’s essential your clients provide their employees with mandatory, regular, and up-to-date security training. Knowing not to click on a suspicious link in an email or reveal a password over the phone is the first line of defense for maintaining a secure environment.

These are only some of the factors to consider when thinking about SSL vs. IPsec VPNs. IPsec is a time-tested system, while SSL is growing increasingly common. Each protocol has its strengths and weaknesses. MSPs will need to decide which solution is right for each client’s individual needs.

SolarWinds MSP is here to help. Interested in learning more about IPsec vs. SSL?Contact our teamto get additional ITSM resources.

IPsec vs. SSL: What's the Difference? - N-able (2024)


IPsec vs. SSL: What's the Difference? - N-able? ›

SSL gives users more specific access than IPsec. Rather than becoming a full member of the network, remote team members are granted access to particular applications. This makes it simple to provide different levels of access to different users.

What is the main difference between IPsec and SSL? ›

The IPsec protocol suite operates at the network layer of the OSI model. It runs directly on top of IP (the Internet Protocol), which is responsible for routing data packets. Meanwhile, SSL operates at the application layer of the OSI model. It encrypts HTTP traffic instead of directly encrypting IP packets.

What is a disadvantage of a VPN that uses SSL instead of IPsec? ›

With SSL VPNs, if a bad actor gains control of the tunnel they have access to only the specific application or operating systems that the SSL is connected to. IPsec protocol, while secured with encryption as part of the TCP/IP suite, can give hackers full access to an entire corporate network if access is gained.

Does IPsec replace the need for SSL? ›

IPsec VPN and SSL use different technology

IPsec VPN works on a different network layer than SSL VPN. IPsec VPN operates on the network layer (L3) while SSL VPN operates on the application layer. IPsec VPN uses the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol for key management and authentication.

What advantage does SSL TLS have over IPsec? ›

SSL/TLS VPN products protect application traffic streams from remote users to an SSL/TLS gateway. In other words, IPsec VPNs connect hosts or networks to a protected private network, while SSL/TLS VPNs securely connect a user's application session to services inside a protected network.

Why SSL VPN is better than IPSec? ›

Operating at the application layer, SSL VPNs don't encapsulate the entire packet like IPsec VPNs do. Instead, they only encapsulate the payload—the actual data you are sending or receiving. This allows them to provide more granular, application-specific access.

What are the disadvantages of IPSec? ›

Disadvantages of IPSec

It requires specialized skills and knowledge as it is difficult to configure. It impacts network performance because of the overhead of encryption and decryption of IP packets.

Is IPsec still used? ›

IPsec was designed to create a universal standard for internet security and enabled some of the first truly secure internet connections. IPsec isn't the most common internet security protocol you'll use today, but it still has a vital role to play in securing internet communications.

Do I need SSL if I have VPN? ›

The bottom line is that, although VPN and HTTPS can protect your data through encryption, they shouldn't be regarded as exclusive. In other words, not only is it good to combine HTTPS and VPN for increased privacy protection, but it's also recommended that you do so, especially on public, insecure networks.

When to use IPsec? ›

The IPSec tunnel mode is suitable for transferring data on public networks as it enhances data protection from unauthorized parties. The computer encrypts all data, including the payload and header, and appends a new header to it.

Why not use IPsec? ›

However, IPSec has two major drawbacks. First, it relies on the security of your public keys. If you have poor key management or the integrity of your keys is compromised then you lose the security factor. The second disadvantage is performance.

What is IPsec in simple terms? ›

IPsec is a group of protocols for securing connections between devices. IPsec helps keep data sent over public networks secure. It is often used to set up VPNs, and it works by encrypting IP packets, along with authenticating the source where the packets come from.

What are three differences the IPsec protocol and SSL protocol? ›

Difference between IPSec and SSL:
Configuration of IPsec is ComplexConfiguration of SSL is Comparatively Simple
IPsec is used to secure a Virtual Private Network.SSL is used to secure web transactions.
Installation process is Vendor Non-SpecificInstallation process is Vendor Specific
5 more rows
Feb 22, 2023

Which is better IPsec or TLS? ›

IPsec guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of a flow, by encapsulating it within the network layer (“internet” layer in the TCP/IP stack or “network” layer in the OSI model). SSL/TLS comes in at a much higher level in the network stack, placing itself on top of the TCP transport layer.

Is SSL VPN slower than IPsec? ›

The lower packet overhead of IPSec will give you higher speeds, but SSL VPN is easier for the users, less config, usually works through other firewalls which might block GRE / UDP etc etc. so… if you need high speed and low latency, use IPSec.

Which is better, IPsec or OpenVPN? ›

If you're looking for popular VPN protocols that are easy to configure and work well with NAT, OpenVPN may be the better choice. If you're looking for a highly scalable protocol that can establish point-to-point and site-to-site connections, IPsec may be the better choice.

What are three differences the IPSec protocol and SSL protocol? ›

Difference between IPSec and SSL:
Configuration of IPsec is ComplexConfiguration of SSL is Comparatively Simple
IPsec is used to secure a Virtual Private Network.SSL is used to secure web transactions.
Installation process is Vendor Non-SpecificInstallation process is Vendor Specific
5 more rows
Feb 22, 2023

What is the difference between SSL and VPN tunnel? ›

A VPN can go a long way to filling in the holes that aren't covered by other security protocols. SSL is largely automatic, so there's not a lot you have to worry about in most cases. VPNs give you more control over how your data is encrypted and transferred, so you can balance speed and security.

Is SSL VPN slower than IPSec? ›

The lower packet overhead of IPSec will give you higher speeds, but SSL VPN is easier for the users, less config, usually works through other firewalls which might block GRE / UDP etc etc. so… if you need high speed and low latency, use IPSec.

What is the difference between SSL and TLS? ›

However, SSL is an older technology that contains some security flaws. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the upgraded version of SSL that fixes existing SSL vulnerabilities. TLS authenticates more efficiently and continues to support encrypted communication channels.

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