Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (2024)

People always say that

the Shiba Inu is a dog that is more like a cat.

Therefore, I thought it would be fun to look at –

  • How Shiba Inus got their cat like status, and
  • How they are similar to as well as different from cats.

Shiba Neko 1 – Independent, Aloof, and Stubborn

Probably the most important way in which a Shiba Inu resembles a cat is in his independence, aloofness, and stubbornness. Like cats, Shibas enjoy their own company and are usually not interested in too much human attention.

Unlike some of their dog brothers and sisters, a Shiba will pretend not to hear you and may not even deign to look at you, unless you have something he really wants – then Watch Out!

Shiba Inus like playing hard to get, and are not afraid to give you the Shiba Snub.

Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (1)

Shiba Inu - Independent, Aloof, and Stubborn

Shiba Neko 2 – Very Much into Personal Hygiene

Like cats, Shiba Inus are extremely clean and will spend a significant amount of time grooming themselves. Frequently, my Shiba Sephy will not only groom himself, but also help clean my Siberian Husky.

Clearly, Husky Shania does not meet the Shiba standards of cleanliness!

With a Shiba, there will be no slobber, and potty training is often a breeze. Even the way a Shiba drinks water is very dainty and clean; no driblets flying all over the place.

Sephy will also avoid rain puddles and mud. I think he expects me to wear a cape, so that I may drape it upon the ground and protect his dainty Shiba-feet from coming in contact with hideous slimy mud.

However, if there are playful dogs around, the mud puddle rule goes out the window.

Shiba Neko 3 – No Touchy. No Touch!

Like cats, Shiba Inus will only allow human handling when it is done according to their schedule, and according to their rules. The No-Touch rule goes into high gear when a Shiba is in distress, which can make examination and treatment extremely difficult.

I suppose in this, they are more like feral cats.

There is definitely more than a little bit of the Wild in a Shiba Inu, or should I say Shiba Neko.

Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (3)

How Is a Shiba Inu More Like a Dog?

It is also interesting to consider which Shiba traits are more dog-like in nature.

  • Good Guard Dog
  • Shiba Inus are good at guarding the house and will always alert you when something is out of place.

  • A Closet Homebody
  • Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (4)

    Shiba Sephy - A closet homebody.

    Shibas like to put on a show that they are extremely self-sufficient, but in reality, they really like being in the house and somewhat close to their people.

    Sephy likes staying in the house with me most of the day, whereas Husky Shania is always out in the backyard doing her own thing.

    Sephy gets more anxious when he is alone, whereas Shania is happy to keep herself occupied, and then give us a very wet greeting when we come home.

  • A Loyal Companion
  • This seems like a strange property when combined with their apparent independence and aloofness, but Shiba Inus are really quite loyal.

    My Siberian Husky is a very friendly dog, who loves to meet people and get affection. However, she will probably go home with the first person who gives her some pieces of sausage.

    Sephy on the other hand, will only go home with his family. I have no doubt that he will also do all that he can to protect us if the need ever arose.

    Whether more like a cat or a dog, a Shiba Inu has a truly special and indomitable spirit.

    Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (5)

    Whether more like a cat or a dog, a Shiba Inu has a truly special and indomitable spirit.

Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat (2024)


Shiba Inu – A Dog that is More Like a Cat? ›

They are not the most "people-oriented" dogs and often won't beg for human attention. They are pretty self sufficient and are happy being on their own and having you a few feet away. I would say this breed is the most cat-like of the dog breeds. Shiba Inus are smart, loyal, and love to hunt and go after animals.

Are Shiba Inus more like cats? ›

Shibas are more like cats than they are like dogs. If you want a dog that has a mind of their own, can be stubborn, and spends a lot of time grooming themselves, then a Shiba Inu is perfect for you.

Why are Shiba Inus so aloof? ›

Shibas are very aloof and independent.

They enjoy their alone time, need their space respe-pcted, and are not “cuddlers”. They are very hand-shy and will snub strangers, dodging their hands when they attempt to pet them. You have to earn their trust, and affection.

Why don t Shiba Inus like to cuddle? ›

Shibas happen to be one of the most ancient canine breeds. Because of this fact, they exhibit a trace of their wild ancestry in their temperament. And believe it or not, this dash of “wild” often presents a no-cuddle zone. It's true—Shiba Inus are not so open to free cuddles.

Do Shiba Inus have health problems? ›

Shibas are prone to a common condition called hypothyroidism in which the body doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. Signs can include dry skin and coat, hair loss, susceptibility to other skin diseases, weight gain, fearfulness, aggression, or other behavioral changes.

What dog breed is more like a cat? ›

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is a large dog breed that hails from China. These dogs are known for their aloof but dignified nature, making them exceptionally cat-like. They are serious dogs that are quite protective of their people and their territory. They are fastidious groomers, much like cats.

Are shibas easy to take care of? ›

Shiba Inu's are generally clean dogs which can make them relatively low maintenance. However, Shiba's are capable of large amounts of shedding, predominantly during Spring and Autumn, while their coat does not require trimming. It is recommended to brush your Shiba once a week to remove the extra hair.

Why are Shibas so difficult? ›

As a highly intelligent breed, Shiba Inus are relatively easy to train. However, their strong-willed nature means that training can sometimes be a challenge as they tend to lose focus and test the boundaries of what they can get away with.

Do Shiba Inus have anxiety problems? ›

Shiba Inu are alert, active, and sometimes anxious dogs. Adequate exercise and mental stimulation can help manage their anxiety. The use of food puzzles or toys stuffed with food can provide good mental stimulation for Shiba Inu dogs.

What is the dark side of the Shiba Inu? ›

Bold, strong willed, and stubborn

He will not back down from a challenge, and will often fight back when he perceives a threat. Because of this, many Shiba owners face aggression issues with their dog, including food aggression, dog to dog aggression, and people aggression.

Do Shibas like being picked up? ›

If you're looking for an affectionate dog that loves to cuddle and craves attention, shibas are not it. Hoju pretty much follows us around everywhere, but he'd much rather be a few feet away than in our laps. He only likes being pet on his terms. Shibas are loyal and territorial.

Do Shiba Inus like to swim? ›

Shiba Inu can swim if they are safely trained to do so at an early age. They have a reputation for preferring to stay dry, but with some patience and encouragement, swimming can become a new activity for you to do together and one that your Shiba Inu can learn to love.

Are Shiba Inu good or bad dogs? ›

Despite their many positive traits, Shiba Inus come with challenges. Their strong-willed nature can make training challenging, and they may be reserved or aloof with strangers. Shiba Inus also have a tendency to be independent, which can lead to moments of stubbornness.

How long do most Shiba Inus live? ›

Shiba Inu
ColorRed, black and tan, cream, sesame, black sesame, red sesame.
Litter size3 puppies on average
Life span15 years
4 more rows

Are Shiba Inus good inside dogs? ›

Shibas are extremely people-oriented and require a good amount of love and attention from their owners to be happy. They do best as house dogs. Shibas are very clean. almost cat-like, and will actually clean themselves and each other.

Do Japanese like cats or dogs more? ›

Cats have a long and fascinating history in Japan, particularly in Japanese folklore. Throughout the ages, these animals have been both revered and feared. These days, though, you'll find that cats are more popular in Japan than dogs, mostly due to being easier to care for.

Is Shiba Inu the smartest dog? ›

Shiba Inus are considered to be smart dogs. They are above average in almost every category. Shiba Inus are emotionally intelligent, but they are also smart enough to put their own wants and needs before yours, which can make them hard to train and hard to handle in public.

Are Shiba Inus hyper dogs? ›

Shibas are high-energy and very intelligent, so they require lots of mental stimulation and exercise. Their high energy and alertness also mean that they can be predisposed to anxiety and undesirable behaviors—like the Shiba scream—without proper exercise. According to the breed club, Shiba dogs are bold and fiery.

Do Shiba Inus have separation anxiety? ›

There are situations your dogs don't understand, such as suddenly being left alone or cutting short bonding time. These changes can lead to separation anxiety and stress in Shiba Inus.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.