5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (2024)

Many dogs bark to communicate with their owners. You likely won’t know what they’re trying to tell you but usually, it’s to alert you of strangers or to be let outside. Some dogs like to take the volume up a notch, and love barking up a storm for the world to hear. If having a dog that barks a lot doesn’t faze you, your neighbors may not share your opinion. The sound of a barking dog at all hours of the day or night isn’t something that most people enjoy. A quiet dog can help you make peace with your neighbors. Fortunately, there are numerous dog breeds of different sizes that love the silence.

Here are 5 dog breeds that don’t bark:

French Bulldog

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (1)

French Bulldogs are Frenchies are undeniably cute. Any dog owner will fall deeply in love with their Frenchie’s puffy cheeks, wrinkles, and button nose. Along with their good looks, Frenchies also understand that silence is golden. They don’t have much to say on most days. They may bark if they encounter an unfamiliar guest or to alert you of something that’s happening. Most days, Frenchies would much rather cuddle next to you while you binge-watch shows. This breed is the perfect couch potato buddy to nap with!

Bernese Mountain Dog

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (2)

Bernese Mountain Dogs are well known for being gentle giants. Despite their big size, these dogs are incredibly calm and peaceful. They don’t bark unless necessary, which is a trait many dog owners love about this breed. Please note: Bernese Mountain Dogs possess an energetic nature so while they’re quiet dogs, they do need constant activity to be happy.

Australian Shepherd

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (3)

Bright and spunky, Australian Shepherds love living an adventurous lifestyle. These dogs have lots of stamina that they enjoy using for long periods of time. Despite their high energy, Aussies are usually quiet. They may bark to alert their owners of a stranger or an unfamiliar situation but other than that, you won’t hear much from them. This fits the self-controlled personality that Aussies possess. Most Australian Shepherds are thinking dogs, not impulsive ones.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (4)

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is another little dog that prefers silence over noise. Instead of barking, Cavaliers exhibit a polite, obedient nature, helping them appear wise to many dog owners. This also allows them to look self-controlled and poised. Cavaliers also have beautiful brown eyes and a delicate face that can easily melt your heart. This breed hates loneliness and will try to spend time with their owners as often as possible.

Shiba Inu

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (5)

Shiba Inus are a beloved dog breed known for their high intelligence. Originally bred in Japan, Shiba Inus have the reputation of being independent and calm dogs. Their need for independence makes them less likely to bark at you for attention. Instead, Shiba Inus will do things their own way…silently! Don’t let the Shiba Inu’s independent personality fool you too much. Once bonded, this breed is also fiercely loyal to its owner, and will do what it can to protect its loved ones from danger. You may hear a bark or yap if you decide to engage in play with them or if they become upset.

As dog lovers, we know all dogs are good dogs. Each dog breed has unique traits that make them special. That’s why it’s important to search for the right dog for your lifestyle, personality, and living situation. For example, if you live in a small space like an apartment, a quiet dog will help you be a good neighbor. All dogs should receive training and socialization during puppyhood so that they don’t become unruly, disobedient dogs. Also, remember that many dogs do bark if there’s something bothering them so be sure to check that your dog isn’t in pain.

There are numerous other dog breeds that don’t bark a lot. At Petland, we may the quiet four-legged buddy you’re looking for. Be sure to check out our Available Puppies or visit our store to learn more about what breeds we have available!

5 Top Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Petland Texas (2024)
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