Quantum computing offers banks speed, cost efficiency, and competitive advantage (2024)

The news: Ally Financial partnered with Multiverse Computing to explore creating investment portfolios using quantum computing—yet another instance of a bank joining the quantum computing race.

What is quantum computing? The technology requires special quantum computing machines that can solve more complex problems than a traditional computer is capable of solving.

  • Quantum computers break down information into units called quantum bits, or qubits. Instead of seeing the information as a 0 or a 1, it sees information as a 0 and a 1 and everything in between.
  • This allows the computers to analyze the problem in new ways, and solve it with fewer equations and in much less time.

Why are banks investing in quantum computing? Many banks have started working on quantum computing projects that could one day become part of their normal operations. The speed-up in computing time is applicable to many problems in financial services.

  • Portfolio optimization: Quantum computers can run Monte Carlo simulations in impressive time. These simulations analyze risk-and-return trade-offs on combinations of investments to optimize a portfolio based on a customer’s goals and risk tolerance.
  • Derivatives pricing: This is a complex undertaking because the price of derivative instruments depends on the price of an underlying asset. Variable factors like counterparty risk, time to expiration, and interest rates all influence the price. Quantum computing can simulate a large number of scenarios in seconds to determine an appropriate price.
  • Cybersecurity: Quantum computing would enable fraudsters and bad actors to build a program that could break down the cryptography—the mathematical codes used to encrypt communications—of a cybersecurity program in seconds. But alternatively, the technology could be used to create an unbreakable defense that no malicious actor could get through.

Quantum computing offers a competitive advantage: Banks and financial institutions that are able to implement it in their daily practices could get a leg up on their competitors.

  • They could reduce the processing time for many daily tasks to mere seconds. For example, customers that request a derivative price must wait hours for the FI’s machines to compute the price. With quantum computing, an investor could call and receive the price in real time, allowing them to invest quicker.
  • Reduced processing time would also reduce the resources needed to complete many tasks. Quantum computers also require less energy since they do more work in far less time, cutting costs and emissions.
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What are the challenges of implementing quantum computing? It’s a young technology that was first studied in the early 1980s. Quantum computers are generally designed to solve very specific problems, and they are sensitive to any kind of disturbance, like noise and dust. Banks also face some hurdles in seamlessly implementing the technology.

  • Because quantum computers are finicky, banks will likely tap into the machines through a partnership with a quantum computing fintech that’s able to maintain them. This means banks will need a flexible tech stack that most likely runs via APIs and the cloud and can handle common coding languages like Python and C++.
  • Banks also function under tight regulatory scrutiny. Using quantum models will require banks to have a firm grasp on what exactly the models are doing and how they’re using customer information.

Which banks are using quantum computing? Worldwide spending on quantum computing is expected to reach $630 million by 2027 and $2.2 billion by 2030, according to Inside Quantum Technology. Here are some banks that have already jumped in, and what they are doing:

Our take: Many experts estimate commercialized use of quantum computing is still about a decade away. The hurdles banks face in its adoption will resemble the challenges they’ve had to overcome when migrating their mainframe system to the cloud—like service disruptions, legacy technology barriers, and resistance to buy-in for long-term projects. That means banks need to start preparing for the technology now.

This article originally appeared in Insider Intelligence’s Banking Innovation Briefing—a daily recap of top stories reshaping the banking industry. Subscribe to have more hard-hitting takeaways delivered to your inbox daily.

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Quantum computing offers banks speed, cost efficiency, and competitive advantage (2024)


Quantum computing offers banks speed, cost efficiency, and competitive advantage? ›

Quantum computing introduces higher-quality solutions to financial problems compared to traditional machine learning. Leveraging quantum bits (qubits), this technology computes more efficiently, enhancing accuracy, shortening computation runtimes, and tackling previously insurmountable calculations.

What is the main advantage of quantum computing? ›

Quantum Computers offer accelerated computational speeds, enabling organisations to perform computations at unprecedented rates. This speed advantage translates into faster decision-making, reduced time-to-market for products and services, and increased productivity across various industries.

What are the benefits of quantum computing in banking? ›

As such, quantum decryption has been recognized as a future security risk to financial systems. However, quantum computing will also play a key role in securing these systems in the future. The technology could be used to detect if accounts have been broken into and spot fraudulent activity faster and more easily.

What does quantum computing do? ›

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than on classical computers. The field of quantum computing includes hardware research and application development.

How do quantum computers add value and competitive advantage? ›

As future quantum computers can calculate certain answers exponentially faster than today's classical machines, they will make it possible to address business problems that are exponentially more complex.

What is quantum computing best used for? ›

What are the applications of quantum technology? Quantum technology can be used to improve machine learning capabilities, aid in financial modeling, enhance weather forecasting and contribute to more sustainable car batteries, among other applications.

Who will benefit from quantum computing? ›

The researchers' takeaway is that small to moderate-sized problems, the most common types for typical businesses, will not benefit from quantum computing. Those trying to solve large problems with exponential algorithmic gains and those that need to process very large datasets, however, will derive advantages.

What are the pros and cons of quantum computing? ›

Security Implications:

While quantum computing has the potential to break existing cryptographic methods, it also offers the potential for quantum-safe cryptography. The transition to new cryptographic standards is, however, a complex and time-consuming process, leaving a period of vulnerability during the transition.

What is the quantum system in banking? ›

Key takeaways: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a theoretical financial system that aims to challenge the existing banking system and address issues like corruption and manipulation in the financial sector.

What are the positive effects of quantum computing? ›

Key takeaways on the advantages of quantum computers

Quantum computers excel at complex problem solving. The unique properties of qubits let them solve certain classes of problems faster and more efficiently than traditional computers.

Why did NASA shut down the quantum computer? ›

The Shutdown and the Reasons Behind It

Researchers and government officials were concerned that the quantum computer might have connected with an extraterrestrial intelligence or even entered an unknown realm of computation.

What problems can a quantum computer solve? ›

Potential uses for quantum computing
  • AI and machine learning (ML). The capability of calculating solutions to problems simultaneously, as opposed to sequentially, has huge potential for AI and ML. ...
  • Financial modeling. ...
  • Cybersecurity. ...
  • Route and traffic optimization. ...
  • Manufacturing. ...
  • Drug and chemical research. ...
  • Batteries.
Feb 10, 2023

What is a general purpose quantum computer? ›

A general-purpose quantum computer is a quantum computing device which can be applied to the widest range of applications and programmed for the most general quantum algorithms.

What are the advantages of quantum computing? ›

Some of the key advantages quantum computing promises include incredibly fast searching of unsorted databases, breaking current encryption protocols, simulating chemical & subatomic reactions, optimizing systems involving too many parameters for classical techniques and advancing machine learning.

What are the economic benefits of quantum computing? ›

Quantum computing will enable businesses to better optimize investment strategies, improve encryption, discover products, and much more. Tremendous levels of investment, private-sector competition, and mathematical and scientific talent are currently being devoted to quantum research.

What can quantum computers do more efficiency? ›

Quantum computers have the ability to take on several calculations at once. They can develop an optimal solution much faster than a classical computer. Less energy is used by Quantum computers, which reduces the costs, and fossil-fuel dependency is decreased.

What is quantum computational advantage? ›

Quantum advantage is the milestone the field of quantum computing is fervently working toward, where a quantum computer can solve problems that are beyond the reach of the most powerful non-quantum, or classical, computers.

What is the advantage of quantum theory? ›

Quantum theory also provides accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena, such as black-body radiation and the stability of the orbitals of electrons in atoms. It has also given insight into the workings of many different biological systems, including smell receptors and protein structures.

What is the advantage of quantum computing over cloud computing? ›

Unlike classical computing, which relies on bits to represent a 0 or a 1, quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states at once due to the phenomena of superposition and can be entangled with other qubits, enabling more complex and faster computations.

What advantages does quantum computing have over traditional computing? ›

Unlike a classical bit, which can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be in a state of 0, 1, or both 0 and 1 simultaneously. This capability allows quantum computers to perform many calculations at once, providing the potential to solve certain types of problems much more efficiently than classical computers.

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