Paint Primer 101: What is Paint Primer? (2024)

Priming walls may seem like an extra step in the painting process, but the benefits far outweigh the extra work. Think of paintprimeras a base coat that creates the foundation for a flawless paint job. From cutting down the number of coats you’ll need, to protecting your paint from wear over the years, priming actually makes your job easier in the long run. And no matter what your skill level, using a wall primer will help you achieve a professional-looking finish.

What Does Paint Primer Do?

  • Covers imperfections such as areas of your wall that may have been patched or repaired.
  • Blocks and conceals stains so they don't bleed through your newly painted finish.
  • Provides a uniform surface for your paint to stick to. (Better adhesion = a longer-lasting paint job.)
  • Creates a uniform base for a smooth, seamless paint application, so you can get the job done in fewer coats.
  • Neutralizes the color of your surface so when new paint is applied, the truest, most brilliant, color shines through.

Paint Primer 101: What is Paint Primer? (1)When To Use Paint Primer

While our paint is self-priming, we always recommend using primer before your two coats of paint for a pro-quality finish. Priming first also allows for the richest, truest color to shine through. We call it the perfect base for brilliant color. In most cases, one coat of primer should do the trick, but you’ll definitely want to use two coats of primer in these circ*mstances:

  • When switching from a higher sheen to a lower sheen finish, like from semi-gloss to eggshell.
  • Switching from a dark color to a lighter one.
  • If your walls have been repaired or patched.
  • If you're painting a humid area like a bathroom, which is more susceptible to mildew and leaching.
  • If your wall has stains that you want to block (like water spots from a bathroom leak or smoke damage from a fire in a kitchen).
  • When painting unfinished wood trim or other very porous surfaces.

How Many Coats of Primer Do I Need?

How much primer you need will depend on the material and condition of your walls If you’re using paint primer on a wall in good condition, and you're not changing finishes or making a drastic color change, one coat should do the trick. Use two coats for best results if you’re painting over a darker color, a glossier paint finish, or a porous surface.

Need help figuringout how muchPrimer you need? Check out our helpful guide: READ MORE

Paint Primer 101: What is Paint Primer? (2024)


Paint Primer 101: What is Paint Primer? ›

Think of paint primer as a base coat that creates the foundation for a flawless paint job.

What is a paint primer? ›

Primer paint is a substance applied to surfaces before painting to give the paint something to lock onto. Other than offering a more solid base than a bare wall, it's been developed to hide surface stains so that the colour is all that shines through.

Is paint with primer the same as primer? ›

You can think of priming as preparing the surface to be painted for the best possible results. Primer helps with adhesion (especially on porous surfaces), covers stains, helps paint apply and dry evenly, and works to seal surfaces for a better looking topcoat. Paint and primer in one, however, isn't actually primer.

What are the ingredients in paint primer? ›

Composition. A primer consists of synthetic resin, solvent and additive agent while some primers contain polyethylene (plastic), for better durability.

Do I need primer before painting? ›

Whether you're learning how primer should look on a wall or how to prime new drywall, primer helps paint produce a good finish on the wall. It also helps cover existing paint colors and blemishes. Wall surfaces like drywall, masonry and wood are porous. If you don't use primer, they can absorb paint unevenly.

Do I need two coats of paint if I use primer? ›

In most situations, a good rule of thumb is to use a primer plus two coats of paint. If you use this rule, you may do one more coat than needed but this won't hurt the final product. There are few situations where this rule of thumb will result in doing too few coats though which is why it is prevalent advice.

What is a purpose of a primer? ›

What is Primer & What Does A Makeup Primer Do? A face primer goes underneath your makeup to help your makeup apply smoothly, stay in place and give your complexion an even-looking skin tone. Some primers also provide a glow-boost and extra skin benefits like hydration and moisturization, too.

What happens if you paint without primer? ›

What happens if you don't prime before painting? Without primer, paint will absorb into the surface instead of forming a film on top.

Is it OK to just paint with primer? ›

Paint and primer in one, or self-priming paint, is a great option for many DIYers to save time when painting the interior or exterior of a home. This type of paint works well for many projects, however, it isn't right for every job, depending on the type of surface you need to paint.

Can I use old paint as primer? ›

Yes , it is possible to use regular paint as a primer .

What is a good substitute for paint primer? ›

An undercoat or primer is selected according to the surface that you plan to paint, while sealers are usually used as substitutes.

Is paint primer water or oil based? ›

Water based primer is usually used for walls and ceilings where there is new work and preparation is required, and oil based primer is primarily used for doors, windows, metal or woodwork. Enamel is hardier so surfaces that require heavy traffic or exposure to the elements are usually painted in enamel.

Do you paint straight over primer? ›

Most latex primers dry to the touch in 30 minutes to one hour. But for best results, don't paint until the primer completely dries—which can take up to 3 hours, depending on temperature and humidity. Once the primer is completely dry, it's prime time for painting.

What paint does not need primer? ›

Chalk Paint

Chalk based paint is a water-based paint with a very flat finish that has excellent adhesion. The adhesion is so good, in fact, that chalk paint requires very little prep beforehand and generally does not require sanding or priming your piece.

Why use paint primer? ›

What Does Paint Primer Do? Covers imperfections such as areas of your wall that may have been patched or repaired. Blocks and conceals stains so they don't bleed through your newly painted finish. Provides a uniform surface for your paint to stick to.

Is primer just flat paint? ›

Primer may look like paint, but it has a different composition. It has more resin and less pigment than regular paint.

How long after primer can you paint? ›

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR PRIMER TO DRY? Most latex primers dry to the touch in 30 minutes to one hour. But for best results, don't paint until the primer completely dries—which can take up to 3 hours, depending on temperature and humidity. Once the primer is completely dry, it's prime time for painting.

Is primer just spray paint? ›

A primer is a special prep paint that goes on before your chosen paint. A tack coat is a light mist of your spray paint that's applied before your first coat. Primer should be fully dry before painting. A tack coat should be slightly sticky, or tacky, to the touch.

Can I use primer without makeup? ›

Absolutely! If you are interested in experimenting with a no-makeup look, then using a primer alone is a great option. You can still experience the soothing benefits of the product that work to reduce redness and irritation.

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