Mythical Monsters (2024)

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Pantheons[] Summoning[]

Mythical monsters are extremely powerful monsters that are primarily modeled and themed around ancient gods and goddesses from various cultures. Mythicals were first added in a series of events alongside the 4th anniversary celebrations.


There are currently 8 pantheons or banners, which are, in order of release, Greek, Egyptian, Japanese, Cosmic, Draconic, Aquatic, Norse, and Summoners. Similar to Special Monsters, only one pantheon is available at a time, but they last 14 days. Each pantheon, except Draconic and Summoners, was released with 3 members: Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon from the Olympians; Horus, Anubis, and Ra from the Egyptian pantheon; and Amaterasu, Jiraiya, and Susanoo of the Japanese deities. A 10th monster, Bastet, was later added to the Egyptian Pantheon, followed by an 11th, Hanzo, being added to the Japanese Pantheon, and then a 12th monster, Artemis, was added to the Greek Pantheon. Also for Hindu pantheon Garuda, Asura and Brahma were added.

See Also

To celebrate the 5th anniversary, the 4th pantheon, the Cosmic Horrors, was added, consisting of Cutethulhu, Shupnikkurat, and The King in Yellow, as well as The King's Consort, an Epic Monster, which, although associated with The King in Yellow, is available regardless of the current pantheon. Later, a 5th pantheon, the Dragon Knights, was added. They include Draco Crimson Bordir, Draco Azure Tyrvoid, Draco Indigo Bylle, and Draco Emerald Dirvy. Alongside the introduction of the "Pirate Cats vs Queen Mela" campaign, 3 new Mythical Monsters were added, including Moby, Kraken, and Siren, which are the only Mythical Monsters that are allowed in the new campaign. The 7th pantheon, the Norse Gods, consists of Odin, Thor, and Loki. On March 23rd, 2023, the 8th pantheon, the Summoners, was added, consisting of two summoners, Onmyouji and Miko, and their summons, Byakko and Genbu. According to the update notes, "something very special will happen" if they are all on the battlefield. Later, a 5th monster was added to the Egyptian Pantheon, Osiris. Interestingly, he was officially added to the game-complete with an icon in the monster list and mention in the update notes-more than a week before he could properly be obtained, since it was still the Aquatic Pantheon. This also makes the Egyptian pantheon the largest so far. It remains to be seen if the other pantheons will be given a 5th monster.


Mythical monsters can be summoned from the "Epic to Mythical" summons, which cost 100 mythical gems each. Mythical gems are earned from weekly achievements, making it the only currency with an official time-gate.

Mythical Monsters (2024)
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