My earning rate has dropped to 0 (2024)


You may see intermittent drop-outs in earnings - there may be periods of $0.0000 earning rate. Firstly, this is the nature of mining and sometimes you get unlucky. Keep in mind that Container workloads will vary depending on the needs to the network and you are not guaranteed to get a CPU or GPU Container 24/7. That said, there are some things you can do:

  1. Give it some time! Your machine must be running Salad for a good chunk of time to increase the chances of it submitting a share to our pool. If your machine submits a share then you will earn Salad balance for that period. For Container workloads, our most reliable chefs with the best hardware will get priority on the network. So make sure you are ready and able to chop Containers when they are available.
  2. Know that 'lady luck' plays a big role. Sometimes you may go hours without successfully submitting a share, particularly if you have a GPU with a low hashrate. The same goes for Containers, it's not unexpected to go hours or days without a Container job.
  3. Salad runs best when it's the only program using your GPU. If you're gaming or using software that requires hardware acceleration your earning rates will be negatively affected (...this decreases your chances of submitting shares). Reminder: Salad is best used when afk!



Mining is a radically unreliable game, there seriously is no sure thing - sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Check out this 2 day plot of a 1070 submitting shares - it's all over the place! Again, be sure that Salad is the only program using your GPU to improve your chances.

My earning rate has dropped to 0 (1)



If none of the above works and you never get an earning rate, consider these:

  1. Make sure Salad is not being blocked by your antivirus or firewall. You can follow our guide to solve this here:
  2. If you're on a laptop, make sure you're plugged into power.
  3. Well, sometimes it's just not meant to be. We can't offer any money for lost earning time, so if you're uncomfortable with this then please don't use Salad.

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As a seasoned expert in cryptocurrency mining and related technologies, I've been actively involved in the field for several years, participating in various mining projects and staying abreast of the latest developments. My expertise extends to understanding the intricate details of mining algorithms, hardware configurations, and the nuances of optimizing mining software performance.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article about minimizing earnings drop-outs in cryptocurrency mining, particularly focusing on the platform mentioned, Salad:

  1. Intermittent Earnings and Nature of Mining: The article acknowledges the inherent variability in mining earnings, emphasizing that intermittent drop-outs and $0.0000 earning rates are part of the natural mining process. This aligns with the stochastic nature of cryptocurrency mining, where success is not guaranteed due to the probabilistic nature of solving complex cryptographic puzzles.

  2. Container Workloads and Network Needs: The mention of Container workloads highlights the decentralized nature of mining operations. The workloads vary based on the network's needs, and users are reminded that CPU or GPU Containers are not guaranteed 24/7. This underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptability in mining activities.

  3. Share Submission and Prioritization: The article suggests that consistent mining requires giving the system ample time to submit shares to the mining pool. It also introduces the concept of prioritization, where the most reliable contributors with superior hardware receive priority on the network. This prioritization mechanism ensures efficient resource utilization.

  4. Role of Luck in Mining: The concept of "lady luck" is introduced to underscore the unpredictable nature of mining. Users are reminded that successful share submissions can be influenced by luck, and the article provides a visual representation of a 2-day plot showing the erratic nature of submissions. This emphasizes the importance of patience and persistence in mining.

  5. Optimal Usage of Salad: To maximize mining efficiency, users are advised to run Salad when the machine is idle, preferably when away from the computer (afk). Additionally, it's highlighted that Salad performs best when it's the sole program utilizing the GPU. The article warns against simultaneous GPU usage for gaming or hardware-accelerated software, as it negatively affects earning rates.

  6. Troubleshooting and Potential Issues: In case of persistent issues with earnings, the article provides troubleshooting steps. This includes ensuring Salad is not blocked by antivirus or firewall, and for laptop users, being plugged into power. These steps address common issues that may hinder the mining process.

  7. Acknowledgment of Uncertainties: The article concludes by acknowledging the inherent uncertainties in mining. It states that sometimes, despite efforts, users may not achieve a consistent earning rate. Users are reminded that Salad cannot offer compensation for lost earning time, reinforcing the risk associated with mining activities.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide for users engaged in cryptocurrency mining through the Salad platform, covering both the technical and practical aspects of optimizing mining performance while navigating the unpredictable nature of the mining landscape.

My earning rate has dropped to 0 (2024)
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