My chart/cursor is slow (2024)

Please note that the performance may depend on a variety of factors. Such as the amount of opened tabs in your browser or browsers on your computer, extensions (i.e. Adblock), which adds to the browser, how long a browser has worked without restarting, etc.

To try and fix freezing (slowness), try these solutions below:

My chart/cursor is slow (2024)


Why is my mouse cursor slow? ›

Anything from a driver update, misconfigured mouse settings, or a bad battery can be the source. Although it might feel like your mouse is the problem, a computer that lags could point to a much bigger (but still easy to fix) problem.

Why is the TradingView chart slow? ›

TradingView processes vast amounts of data and renders real-time charts and visual elements, which can be resource-intensive. To reduce the load and improve performance, close tabs that are not essential to your current work.

Why is my mouse suddenly slow in Windows 11? ›

Mouse lagging in Windows 11 can be caused by various factors, including outdated drivers, system resource issues, background applications consuming resources, or incorrect mouse settings.

How do I increase my cursor speed? ›

In the search box, type mouse, and then click Mouse. Click the Pointer Options tab, and then do any of the following: To change the speed at which the mouse pointer moves, under Motion, move the Select a pointer speed slider toward Slow or Fast.

Why is my cursor speed not changing? ›

If there is no Cursor speed option in the mouse setting, it might be due to Windows version differences. Click [Additional mouse options]④. Select [Pointer Options]⑤, drag the slider left or right in the Select a pointer speed field to adjust the mouse cursor speed⑥, then click [Apply]⑦ and [OK]⑧ to save changes.

Is TradingView chart delayed? ›

Free vs.

Free Users: TradingView offers near-real-time data for select markets. However, some exchanges may have a delay, usually up to 15 minutes. Paid Users: A paid subscription is necessary to access real-time data across all markets.

Where is chart settings in TradingView? ›

To bring up the customisation setting, you have two choices. You could right-click anywhere on the chart and select the 'Settings…' option. Or, you could click the cogwheel icon in the top right corner of the browser (next to the blue 'Publish' button).

Why is my cursor slowly moving? ›

The mouse cursor could start moving on its own because of dirt or debris built up under the mouse sensor. When these dirt particles shift for any reason, like air, the mouse sensor will interpret it as if you are moving the mouse, and you will notice your cursor moving around.

Should enhance pointer precision be on or off? ›

Enhance Pointer Precision changes your mouse sensitivity depending on how fast you move your mouse, which makes it harder to rely on muscle memory to land accurate shots. If you're gaming, consider disabling this feature.

Why is my mouse not moving properly? ›

Power issues are the most common. Troubleshoot mouse issues by charging the mouse, replacing its batteries, replacing the charger, plugging the mouse into a new USB port, or turning your Bluetooth connection off and on again. Driver problems and outdated system software may also cause an unresponsive mouse.

Why is my touchpad moving slowly? ›

Windows Users: In Windows 10, open Settings > Devices > Touchpad and change Touchpad sensitivity in the drop-down menu. For Windows 11, go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Touchpad and open the Taps menu to change touchpad sensitivity.

Why is my mouse sensitivity so low all of a sudden? ›

At first, you can try some simple tips to quickly check the reasons for the issue. Connect your mouse to another USB port to check if the issue is caused by the USB port. Connect your mouse to other computers to see if the issue still exists. Check the connection and battery if you are using a wireless mouse.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.