Most hard drives have a lifespan of three to five years. Have you checked yours lately? (2024)

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a bunch of hard drives sitting at the back of a seldom-used drawer somewhere in your home. They likely contain an assortment of photos and videos, important (and not-so-important) documents, old laptop back-ups, and music, TV and movie files.

Maybe you intend to sort through them, keeping the good stuff and discarding the chaff. But perhaps that exercise feels a bit boring and overwhelming, so it keeps being relegated to the endless tomorrow.

You may feel comfortable that your data is safe on those hard drives until you get around to them, but if it’s been years since you last pulled them out, time may be passing faster than you think.

Unlike film, records, cassettes and CDs, hard drives have a lifespan of only three to five years – maybe 10 at the most – so it’s probably time to think about how to preserve that data over the long run.

Data storage has changed a lot in the past decade, so I asked for advice from Mohiuddin Ahmed, a lecturer in computing and security at Edith Cowan University, and Adnene Guabtni, a senior research engineer at CSIRO’s Data61. Here’s what they told me.

Create a personal data strategy

Ahmed says the best storage option depends on your definition and usage of personal data. For example, he doesn’t consider documents such as passports, licences and health records “personal” because the government and various organisations already hold copies of them.

What he does consider personal are family photos. If you’re only storing documents, you will need a lot less space than you do for media files and you should tailor your solutions accordingly.

Be prepared to keep upgrading

“When I got my first computer my dad bought me a 20MB hard disk drive,” Ahmed says. “But now I have to use at least two 10TB hard drives, because we are seeing an explosion of data.

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“If you’re someone who likes to shoot a lot of photos, videos and whatnot, then yes, probably every 10 years, you’ll have to buy a bigger drive.”

Hard disk drives v solid state drives

Ten years ago hard disk drives (HDDs) were the state-of-the-art technology. Since then, costs have dropped and capacity has increased, meaning they are still a solid option. But while they are still widely used, solid state drives (SSDs) are more robust, quicker to transfer data, last longer – and are correspondingly more expensive.

HDDs have spinning disks, where data is stored magnetically. “Obviously, anything that has mechanical components can fail – the disk can be scratched if it has a bump, anything can impact it,” Guabtni says.

“Plus, anything magnetic is not going to last forever. [SSDs] don’t use magnetic disks, there are no rotating parts. Instead [the data] is written on electronic components, which makes it a bit more robust.”

For Ahmed, this is where your data strategy comes back into play. If you have large files you are constantly transferring, speed is going to be an issue and the extra cost will be worth it. “My two cents is to go for the expensive solid state drive now because in the end it will last longer, and you’ll have a faster response time and be more secure.”

But regardless of whether you choose HDD or SSD, both have a limited life.

So what about the cloud?

Cloud storage is now ubiquitous and you can usually find some level of free storage with services such as Google, Apple, Dropbox and so on. But at some point you will reach the limit of the free tier and will have to pay – usually an ongoing cost. Again, how much you pay will depend on the size of your data.

Of course, cloud providers also store data on drives but, as Guabtni points out, the difference is they typically rely on a very well-secured data centre where the environment is stable, the hardware is upgraded and constantly maintained, and your data is replicated multiple times making it harder to lose. Then the only concern is privacy.

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“If you use cloud services to store your personal data and you set your password as 123456, that’s worse than storing it on hard disk drives,” Ahmed says. “You have to use strong passwords and multifactor authentication if you really want to save your personal data in the cloud.

“But when it is hacked, when the systems are compromised, you can’t really get back your private data. So there are pros and cons with each of those.”

Again, Ahmed says it comes down to what you want to do with your data. “Are you trying to be secure, or are you trying to be more flexible and more computationally efficient with your data?”

Backup your backups

“I know this is going to be tedious,” Ahmed says. “But if you really care about your data you should always have at least two backups – at least two. So basically, you plug into your computer and copy to two drives rather than one.”

To be extra safe, you should store your backups in different locations if you can. I have a friend who had his backup hard drive stolen along with his laptop, leading to the upsetting loss of years’ worth of photos. Fires and floods can lead to the same outcome.

If you’re really serious about data hygiene, you could follow the example of Ahmed, who each week checks the data stored in his various cloud services and transfers the essentials to at least two backup drives.

“Who knows what might get damaged?” he says. “If you have a toddler in your house, anything can happen.”

Most hard drives have a lifespan of three to five years. Have you checked yours lately? (2024)


What is the lifespan of a hard drive? ›

Solid-state drives also have a longer lifespan—about 10 years or more. Hard disk drives have more moving parts and are less durable and more likely to fail than their solid-state counterparts. For this reason, hard disk drives tend to last between 3–5 years.

How many hard drives fail in 3 years? ›

Breaking it down by time, they found: For the first 1.5 years, drives fail at 5.1% per year. For the next 1.5 years, drives fail LESS, at about 1.4% per year. After 3 years though, failures rates skyrocket to 11.8% per year.

Should I replace my hard drive after 5 years? ›

In Susan Bradely's Newsletter Plus topic Gifts for your computer she states, “Seriously consider replacing any drive older than five years, sooner if your examination of S.M.A.R.T. data reveals problems.”

How do I check my hard drive lifespan? ›

Here are the steps:
  1. Open the "Disk Management" tool by typing "diskmgmt.msc" in the Run dialog box (press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box).
  2. In the Disk Management window, locate the disk you want to check. ...
  3. Right-click on the disk and select "Properties".
  4. In the Properties window, go to the "Tools" tab.
Jul 22, 2023

Can a hard drive last 30 years? ›

Hard Disk Drives

That doesn't always mean the drive is irrecoverably broken. But three to five years is still about how long they last, whether you're talking about an internal drive for a server, desktop, or an external HDD. With all of the moving parts inside, something will eventually stop working.

How often should you replace your hard drive? ›

In general, a hard drive is estimated to last for about five to ten years. It might crash earlier if exposed to factors such as humidity, external shocks, and changing temperatures.

Why do hard drives eventually fail? ›

A hard disk failure may occur in the course of normal operation, or due to an external factor such as exposure to fire or water or high magnetic fields, or suffering a sharp impact or environmental contamination, which can lead to a head crash.

What hard drives fail the most? ›

According to Backblaze, the small drives (4TB, 6TB, 8TB, and 10TB) account for 44.5% of the drive failures in 2022. However, they only represent 28.7% of drive days. The smaller drives are perishing more frequently because they've been in operation for longer.

Can a hard drive go bad? ›

Unfortunately, external hard drives can be corrupted, are vulnerable to water and fire damage, and can overheat. There's nothing worse than feeling confident you've backed up your important data only to lose it all due to a malfunction!

Should I replace my hard drive or buy a new computer? ›

Upgrading your computer can bring you more speed and storage space at a fraction of the cost of a new computer, but you don't want to put new components in an old system if it's not going to deliver the speed increase you want.

How do I know if my hard drive needs replacing? ›

You'll notice a failing hard drive when something sounds or feels off. It could be a strange clicking or grinding sound. The clearest sign is you can't go into your folders and access your files normally. A failed hard drive is sometimes foreshadowed by blue screens of death.

Do unused hard drives degrade? ›

When not in use, HDDs can suffer from issues like stiction, where the read/write head gets stuck to the platter, or lubricant in the bearings drying out. This means that even unused HDDs can degrade over time, making it essential to consider their storage conditions and regular maintenance checks.

Can old hard drives be recovered? ›

The only physically damaged hard drives that can be successfully recovered at home are those with superficial damage that does not affect the internal components critical for data storage and retrieval. Examples of superficial damage include issues with the hard drive's external casing.

How do I check my hard drive for problems? ›

Right-click the drive to perform a check disk and then, select Properties. Click on the Tools tab in the Properties window. Click Check under error checking. To perform a complete check of the hard drive for errors, check off both options in the open check disk window.

Can a hard drive last 10 years? ›

Unlike film, records, cassettes and CDs, hard drives have a lifespan of only three to five years – maybe 10 at the most – so it's probably time to think about how to preserve that data over the long run.

Which lasts longer, HDD or SSD? ›

SSDs are expected to last longer than HDDs, as they have no moving parts that can wear out over time. However, the lifespan of an SSD depends on the number of write cycles it undergoes, which is determined by usage patterns and workload.

Can you recover files from a dead hard drive? ›

Whether you can get your data back from a dead laptop depends on how dead the hard drive is: Slightly Dead: If the laptop turns on but won't boot, you might be able to transfer the hard drive to another computer and grab your files. Data recovery software can sometimes find lost files if the damage isn't too bad.

Which lasts longer, SSD or flash drive? ›

SSDs: SSDs are built to last and endure more physical abuse. With no moving parts, they're resistant to impact and vibrations, making them more reliable for long-term storage.

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