How to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

Learn how to recover data from a failed hard drive using data recovery software or a data recovery service. This guide covers everything you need to know, including how to predict hard drive failure, types of hard drive failures, and tips for recovering data successfully.

Table of Contents:

  1. Steps to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive
  2. Data Recovery Software
  3. Data Recovery Service
  4. How to Predict Hard Drive Failure
  5. Types of Hard Drive Failures
  6. Tips for Recovering Data from a Failed Hard Drive
  7. FAQ:Can you recover data from a dead hard drive?How to recover data from a hard disk which is not detecting?What to do with a dead hard drive?What to do when your hard drive fails?Can you recover a dead hard drive to working order?

Steps to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive

If you have a failed hard drive, there are two main ways to recover your data: using data recovery software or using a data recovery service.

Step 1: Data Recovery Software

If you have a hard drive that has failed logically, you can try to recover data using data recovery software. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Download and install data recovery software.There are a number of different data recovery software programs available, both free and paid. Some popular data recovery software programs include:Stellar Phoenix Data RecoveryEaseUS Data Recovery WizardDisk DrillWondershare Recoverit
  2. Connect the failed hard drive to your computer.If the failed hard drive is internal, you may need to remove it from your computer and connect it to another computer using an external enclosure.
  3. Launch the data recovery software and select the failed hard drive.The data recovery software will scan the hard drive for lost and corrupted files.
  4. Preview the recoverable files.Once the scan is complete, the data recovery software will show you a list of all the recoverable files. You can preview the files to make sure that the data recovery software has found the files you need.
  5. Recover the selected files.Once you have selected the files you want to recover, click the “Recover” button. The data recovery software will save the recovered files to a location of your choice.

Data recovery software is a relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use option for recovering data from a failed hard drive. There are many different data recovery software programs available, so it’s important to choose one that has a good reputation and is compatible with your hard drive.

Step 2: Data Recovery Service

If you’re unable to recover your data using data recovery software, or if you have a physically damaged hard drive, you may need to use data recovery experts. Data recovery services use specialized tools and techniques to recover data from even the most damaged hard drives.

To use hard drive data recovery services, you will need to ship your hard drive to the company’s lab. The company will then diagnose the problem and develop a plan to recover your data. Once the recovery process is complete, the company will ship your hard drive back to you with your recovered data.

Data recovery services can handle various types of hard drive failures, such as:

  • Head crash
  • Motor failure
  • PCB failure
  • Firmware corruption
  • Platter damage
  • Encryption issues
  • RAID array failure

However, data recovery services are also more expensive and time-consuming than the above methods. They may charge you hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on the complexity and severity of the failure. They may also take days or weeks to complete the recovery process.

How to Predict Hard Drive Failure

There are a few things you can do to predict hard drive failure:

  • Monitor your hard drive’s S.M.A.R.T. data. S.M.A.R.T. data is a collection of attributes that track the health of your hard drive. You can use a variety of tools to monitor your hard drive’s S.M.A.R.T. data, such as Crystal DiskInfo or Hard Disk Sentinel.
  • Listen for unusual noises coming from your computer. If you hear clicking, grinding, or other unusual noises coming from your computer, it may be a sign of a failing hard drive.
  • Back up your data regularly. Even if you’re able to predict hard drive failure, it’s still important to back up your data regularly. This way, you won’t lose any important files if your hard drive does fail.

Types of Hard Drive Failures

There are two main types of hard drive failures: logical and physical.

  • Logical failures are caused by software errors or corruption. Logical failures can usually be repaired using data recovery software.
  • Physical failures are caused by hardware damage. Physical failures can be more difficult to recover from, and may require the use of a data recovery service.

Tips for Recovering Data from a Failed Hard Drive

Here are a few tips for recovering data from a failed hard drive:

  • Act quickly.The sooner you try to recover your data, the better. The longer you wait, the more damage can be done to your hard drive and the less likely it is that you’ll be able to recover your data.
  • Stop using the hard drive.If your hard drive has failed, stop using it immediately. Continuing to use the hard drive could further damage the drive and make it more difficult to recover your data.
  • Use a data recovery tool or service.As mentioned above, there are two main ways to recover data from a failed hard drive: using data recovery software or using a data recovery service. If you’re not comfortable using data recovery software yourself, or if you have a physically damaged hard drive, you should use a data recovery service.


Can you recover data from a dead hard drive?

Yes, it is possible to recover data from a dead hard drive, but it is important to note that the chances of success depend on the severity of the damage. If the hard drive is physically damaged, such as from a fire or flood, then it is likely that the data will be unrecoverable. However, if the hard drive is only logically damaged, such as from a virus or software corruption, then there is a good chance that the data can be recovered.

How to recover data from a hard disk which is not detecting?

If your hard disk is not detecting, there are a few things you can try:

  1. Check the cables.Make sure that the power and data cables are properly connected to the hard drive and the motherboard.
  2. Try a different SATA port.If the hard drive is not detecting on one SATA port, try connecting it to a different one.
  3. Try connecting the hard drive to another computer.If the hard drive is still not detecting, try connecting it to another computer to see if it is detected there.

If you have tried all of the above and the hard drive is still not detecting, then it is likely that the hard drive is physically damaged and the data is unrecoverable. However, you can take the hard drive to a professional data recovery service to see if they can recover the data.

What to do with a dead hard drive?

If you have a dead hard drive, you have a few options:

  • Recycle it.Hard drives contain hazardous materials, so it is important to recycle them properly. Most electronics stores and recycling centers will accept hard drives for recycling.
  • Donate it.If the hard drive is still in good condition, you can donate it to a charity or organization that can refurbish it and give it to someone in need.
  • Sell it.If the hard drive is still in good condition and contains valuable data, you can try to sell it to a data recovery company or someone who specializes in buying and selling used hard drives.

What to do when your hard drive fails?

If your hard drive fails, the first thing you should do is back up your data. If you have not already backed up your data, you can seek data recovery services

Once you have backed up your data, you can try to repair the hard drive using a data recovery software program. However, if the hard drive is physically damaged, then it is unlikely that it can be repaired.

If the hard drive cannot be repaired, then you will need to replace it. When choosing a new hard drive, make sure to select one that is compatible with your computer and has enough storage capacity for your needs.

Can you recover a dead hard drive to working order?

In some cases, it is possible to recover a dead hard drive to working order. However, this is a complex and expensive process that should only be attempted by a professional data recovery service.

If you are considering having your dead hard drive recovered, be sure to shop around and compare prices from different data recovery companies. Also, make sure to read the reviews of different companies before choosing one.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee that a professional data recovery service will be able to recover your data. However, if the data is important to you, then it is worth having the hard drive recovered by a professional.

Here’s some more useful resources on How to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive

How to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)


How to Recover Data from a Failed Hard Drive: A Comprehensive Guide? ›

If the failure is logical, such as due to corrupted files or a damaged file system, you can potentially recover files at home using data recovery software. However, if the failure is physical, such as from a damaged disk or mechanical failure, home recovery is not feasible.

Can data be recovered from a failed hard drive? ›

If the failure is logical, such as due to corrupted files or a damaged file system, you can potentially recover files at home using data recovery software. However, if the failure is physical, such as from a damaged disk or mechanical failure, home recovery is not feasible.

How can I recover data from a destroyed hard drive? ›

1. How to Recover Data from a Dead Hard Drive with Recovery Software
  1. Create a bootable disk. Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, choose "Crashed PC" and click "Go to Recover". ...
  2. Boot your computer from the bootable USB. ...
  3. Recover data from a crashed system/PC.
May 9, 2024

How do professionals recover data from hard drive? ›

Professionals might use specialised equipment to read the memory chips directly, bypassing the controller to extract raw data. In cases where the drive's firmware is corrupted, recovery experts can sometimes repair or replace the firmware.

How do I recover data from a bad sector hard drive? ›

Option 2: Format the Drive
  1. Launch the Run Command dialog box using the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut.
  2. Type diskmgmt.msc and hit Enter or click OK.
  3. Right-click the HDD with bad sectors and click Format.
  4. Untick the Perform a quick format checkbox and click OK. Otherwise, Disk Management will ignore bad sectors.
May 14, 2024

How much does it cost to recover data from a damaged hard drive? ›

We charge $300 up-front/non-refundable for deleted, formatted, and lost/overwritten file recoveries. There is an additional $100 fee for drives larger than 2TB; $200 for drives larger than 8TB. We charge this fee up-front because we will recover all possible files from the drive.

Can a failed hard drive be repaired? ›

Hard drive repair is possible, but they should not be reused after a recovery! Of course, HDDs can be repaired! However, a repaired HDD should not be reused, but rather, have its contents recovered immediately and then be discarded as it cannot be trusted to work into the future.

How do I recover data from a dead computer hard drive? ›

  1. Take out the hard drive from the affected PC, and connect it to another working PC. Use a hard drive connector such as SATA to USB convertor or an external Hard Drive Enclosure to use it as HDD. ...
  2. Open Disk Management.
  3. If the system detects the hard drive but shows it as RAW, assign a drive letter to it.

How do I destroy data from a failed hard drive? ›

There are several methods that are considered to be the most effective when destroying a hard drive. Physical destruction is often deemed as the most thorough method. This involves drilling holes in the hard drive or completely crushing or shredding the drive it to ensure no data can be recovered.

How can I recover files from a corrupted hard drive? ›

Here are some steps to help you recover data from a corrupted hard drive on Windows 11:
  1. Step 1: Diagnose the Problem. The first step is to determine if the hard drive is physically damaged or if it is just a software issue. ...
  2. Step 2: Use CHKDSK. ...
  3. Step 3: Use a Data Recovery Software. ...
  4. Step 4: Restore from Backup.

How do I recover everything from my hard drive? ›

Methods to Retrieve Data from Hard Drive
  1. Use Recycle Bin. Recycle Bin stores the records of your deleted files temporarily. ...
  2. Use an App's Inbuilt Recovery Feature. ...
  3. Use File History Backup Drive. ...
  4. Use OneDrive. ...
  5. Use a Professional Windows Data Recovery Software. ...
  6. Use Data Recovery Service.
Jan 18, 2024

What is the hard drive recovery process? ›

The head is taken out of the faulty drive and put to one side. The donor drive is then used for a working head and is then put into the faulty drive. Once this is done, the drive is then re-assembled and connected to a computer.

How to get data from a failed hard drive? ›

Here is a step-by-step guide:
  1. Download and install data recovery software. ...
  2. Connect the failed hard drive to your computer. ...
  3. Launch the data recovery software and select the failed hard drive. ...
  4. Preview the recoverable files. ...
  5. Recover the selected files.
Sep 28, 2023

How to recover a physically damaged hard drive? ›

If you have a physically damaged hard drive, do not despair. It is possible to recover data from most damaged drives, even if the drive is not under warranty. Simply take the drive to a professional data recovery service as soon as possible to avoid further damage and maximize your chances of successful recovery.

How do I recover a corrupted unreadable hard drive? ›

Methods to Fix Corrupted Hard Drive
  1. Go to Computer/This PC >> Select Hard Drive >> Choose Properties.
  2. Select Tools >> Error checking >> Check now >> Check local disk >> Start.
  3. Shut down all open and running programs >> wait for the system to check upon the next boot >> restart the PC.
Mar 9, 2023

Can you reuse a failed hard drive? ›

It will work. But it will have a short life span that a new part would. The hard drive will work. But it will have a shorter life span that a new drive would.

Can you recover data from a hard drive that is not recognized? ›

If you see the hard disk here, you can first perform hard drive recovery to restore data from the not detecting disk using EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. This file recovery tool can recover data from RAW drives, inaccessible disks, and not recognized hard drives.

Can a wiped hard drive be recovered? ›

Technically, yes: you can recover deleted date with software – but we wouldn't recommend it. Data recovery software is not designed for the layperson – it needs to be operated by someone with appropriate training as it's often necessary to use metadata to reconstruct deleted files and return them to working order.

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