Most Common Mistakes Traders Make | OANDA (2024)

Emotion is the trader’s worst enemy

Counterintuitive as it may seem, most novice traders hold on to losses and let go of wins. Which, when you read it out loud, sounds ridiculous. Yet, several studies have shown that it is the most common mistake made by traders. So why would we do something so obviously unprofitable? At the heart of this isn’t some complicated technical impediment to reason. It is simply our humanity and the completely irrational but understandable fear of loss.

The principle is simple.

When we start winning, we get anxious about losing our gains. We close trades prematurely to capture the profit before the price starts to drop again. We should be holding on to it and closing out just as it turns, which would maximize the profit.

Conversely, when we start losing, we hold on to the losing position longer in the hope it will turn upwards at some point. We have the irrational belief that we will reduce or wipe out the loss.

This is the same principle that casinos exploit to keep unwitting patrons pulling at the one-arm bandits until their bank accounts are emptied.

So, even if we have more winning trades than losing ones, the average size of the wins versus the losses finds us in a net loss trading position over time.

It is the most basic and destructive mistake any trader can make as it spawns a host of further blunders that, if remain unchecked, can become habits that are hard to break. Here are 10 of the most common trading mistakes made by traders.

1. Unrealistic expectations

A common issue with new traders is how they define success as a forex trader. Many enter the field with the notion that they can make a quick buck and essentially win the lottery every day with a bit of luck. Trading is not gambling. It requires a key set of skills, discipline, analytic abilities, planning, and a long-term vision.

Temper your expectations and treat trading as a long-term endeavor and not a night out at your favorite casino.

2. Trading without a trading plan

Another critical trading mistake is assuming that skill and practice are enough. When we have no parameters against which to gauge the veracity of our trading choices, we run the risk of succumbing to our emotions without even knowing it.

A trading plan provides the necessary foundation on which to build a consistent growth path towards profitability and includes clear objectives, strong analysis, realistic expectations of profit (and losses), and reasonable time horizons, among others.

3. Failure to cut losses

Letting a losing position run in the hope of a turnaround runs the risk of wiping out both profits and capital. People often ask if day traders can use stop-loss orders to minimize losses when a position starts to trend downwards. The answer is yes. Limiting your losses through stops is a solid tactic and can help maximize the value of your wins over time, but remember, stop loss orders are not guaranteed to get executed so keep an eye on your trades.

4. Risking more than you can afford

Apart from minimizing losses and maximizing profits, many traders forget to manage the risk of wiping out their capital as well. Setting limits on how much capital you are prepared to risk at any given time is a useful strategy to stay trading and not find yourself in an overexposed position. While overexposure can maximize profits, it also amplifies losses and can signal the shift from trading to gambling.

5. Reward/risk ratios

Once you’ve set your limits and stops, it is important to understand your overall performance. In your trading plan, you need to set some goals against a set of metrics. One key trading mistake many traders make is not monitoring the average loss and profit per trade.

For example, if, on average, you lose $10 per losing trade and earn $15 profit per winning trade, then your reward/risk ratio is $15/$10 = 1.5. A ratio of 1 is break-even, while anything above 1 is considered profitable.

This ratio provides an indicator of your overall success as a trader and does not allow you to bask in the glory of big wins without assessing them against your losses.

6. Averaging down or adding to a losing position

This is a common mistake made by many day traders who sometimes use long trading positions to justify holding on to a short-term loss. The idea is that you buy more in a losing trend so that when the price “eventually” rises above your opening position, you will maximize your profits because you bought at a lower price.

As a day trader, you run the risk of the price never peaking above your original position before the close of the trading day, and you end up throwing good money after bad.

7. Leveraging too much

Leveraging, or the ability to borrow from a broker to make a much bigger trade, is very tempting, especially when a trader’s capital base is small.

The OANDA Trade platform supports trading with leverage, which means that you can enter into positions larger than your account balance and trade without depositing the full value of the position that you wish to open. One of the benefits of trading with leverage is that you could potentially generate large profits relative to the amount invested. On the other hand, trading with leverage could also result in significant, rapid losses to your capital.It is important that leveraging is done within the limits set in your trading plan to protect the capital base.

8. Trying to anticipate news events or trends

Once again, gamblers often try to anticipate a trend or news event and hedge on the potential outcome of that event. A typical example would be anticipating the announcement of a change in interest rates and hedging that an increase might trigger a short on a particular currency.

While economic fundamentals are important to understanding the long game, day trades are more vulnerable to other factors and require patience before acting, even after the news breaks.

9. Fear of missing out

The fear of missing out, or FOMO, on a big score is often triggered by a news event or a trending meme on social media. Once again, fear is the key motive and drives irrational decisions to trade even when it goes against any parameters and strategies you may have set out in your trading plan.

10. Too many trades too soon

Diversification of trades can be a good risk-mitigation tactic. However, diversifying too broadly and too quickly can lead to a number of pitfalls. Too many trades across a diverse portfolio in a short time frame can lead to information overload and silly mistakes.

Over-diversification can also lead to correlated trends that you may not pick up immediately. This simply means that you may believe you have mitigated risk only to find that your trades are linked, and you’ve achieved the opposite.

Practice makes perfect

The biggest mistake made by beginners of anything is to assume that it is easy to succeed. Trading is no different and, as with most endeavors, it takes skill and practice to perfect.

Skill can be learned. There are myriad resources available online for the beginner to garner knowledge and know-how. Whether you’re investing in crypto or forex trading, it is fairly easy to get going.

Practice is equally easy to access through an online demo. Start a practice account and simulate trades before you go live and risk your money. Apply for a demo here.


This article is for general information purposes only. It is not investment advice or a solution to buy or sell instruments. Opinions are the authors; not necessarily that of OANDA Corporation or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers or directors. Leveraged trading is high risk. Losses can exceed deposits. Past performance is not indicative of future results. While technical analysis is a well recognized study, other analysis, such as fundamental, may assert different views.


Most Common Mistakes Traders Make | OANDA (2024)


Most Common Mistakes Traders Make | OANDA? ›

Studies show that the number one mistake that losing traders make is not getting the balance right between risk and reward. Many let a losing trade continue in the hope that the market will reverse and turn that loss into a profit.

What is the number one mistake traders make? ›

Studies show that the number one mistake that losing traders make is not getting the balance right between risk and reward. Many let a losing trade continue in the hope that the market will reverse and turn that loss into a profit.

What's the hardest mistake to avoid while trading? ›

Biggest trading mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Over-reliance on software. ...
  • Failing to cut losses. ...
  • Overexposing a position. ...
  • Overdiversifying a portfolio too quickly. ...
  • Not understanding leverage. ...
  • Not understanding the risk-reward ratio. ...
  • Overconfidence after a profit. ...
  • Letting emotions impair decision making.

What is the number one reason why traders fail? ›

Failure in trading can result from several psychological, strategic, and risk management variables. One of the leading causes is a lack of education and preparation.

What is the greatest fear for every trader? ›

And they must overcome their own fears to succeed.
  • FEAR #1 – SLIPPAGE. ...
  • FEAR #4 – MISSING OUT. ...

Why do 90% of traders fail? ›

Without a trading plan, retail traders are more likely to trade randomly, inconsistently, and irrationally. Another reason why retail traders lose money is that they do not have an asymmetrical risk-reward ratio.

Why 95% of traders fail? ›

The emotional aspect of trading often leads to irrational decisions like panic selling. When the market moves unfavourably, many traders, especially those who are inexperienced, tend to panic and exit their positions hastily. This panic selling often occurs at the worst possible time, leading to significant losses.

Why you shouldn't trade everyday? ›

You Can Lose Everything and More

Day trading is not for the faint of heart as it involves minute to minute decision-making, as well as leveraged investment strategies that can lead to substantial losses. The goal of this kind of investing is to profit from daily short-term market and stock price changes.

When should you not trade? ›

If you can't find a reasonable price level for your stop loss, or you have to set your stop too far away and, therefore, have a reward:risk ratio that is too small, don't take that trade. Most amateurs fiddle with their stop until they think that the potential profit is large enough.

Is trading riskier than investing? ›

While the pluses and minuses of compounding impact both investors and traders, trading may come with greater risks when it comes to compounding because of the shorter timeline to recoup losses. Investing for the long term gives your money the chance to recover and grow again following a downturn.

How many traders go broke? ›

Risks of day trading

Success rates among average traders are even lower, with some estimates suggesting the number of people that lose money is as high as 95%.

Why do 80% of traders lose money? ›

Lack of trading discipline

This is the primary reason for intraday trading losses in the intraday trading app. Trading discipline has to focus on three things. Firstly, there must be a trading book to guide your daily trading. Secondly, you must always trade with a stop loss only.

What percentage of traders succeed? ›

Approximately 1–20% of day traders actually profit from their endeavors. Exceptionally few day traders ever generate returns that are even close to worthwhile. This means that between 80 and 99 percent of them fail.

Which type of trader is most successful? ›

Day trading offers rapid profits but demands quick decision-making, while position trading requires patience for long-term gains. Forex and cryptocurrency trading provide access to global markets, while options and algorithmic trading introduce sophisticated strategies.

Who is the best trader ever? ›

Top 10 Greatest Traders of All Time
  • William Delbert Gann. ...
  • Paul Tudor Jones. ...
  • Jim Rogers. ...
  • Richard Dennis. ...
  • John Paulson. ...
  • Steven Cohen. ...
  • David Tepper. ...
  • Nick Leeson. Notorious for bankrupting Barings Bank, Nick Leeson was born in 1967.
Apr 25, 2024

Who is the greatest trader ever? ›

  • Jesse Livermore.
  • William Delbert Gann.
  • George Soros.
  • Jim Rogers.
  • Richard Dennis.
  • Paul Tudor Jones.
  • John Paulson.
  • Steven Cohen.

What is the most profitable trade ever? ›

Probably the greatest single trade in history occurred in the early 1990s when George Soros shorted the British Pound, making over $1 billion on the trade. Most of the greatest trades in history are highly leveraged, currency exploitation trades.

Has anyone ever gotten rich from day trading? ›

In summary, if you want to make a living from day trading, your odds are probably around 4% with adequate capital and investing multiple hours every day honing your method over six months or more (once you have a method to even work on).

What is the most profitable trading style? ›

Conclusion. The most profitable form of trading varies based on individual preferences, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Day trading offers rapid profits but demands quick decision-making, while position trading requires patience for long-term gains.

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