Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (2024)

Another solo miner becomes a lucky winner

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (3)

Last week, an incredibly lucky miner managed to find a Bitcoin block with only 10 TH/s, forever recording it on the blockchain and securing a reward of 6.25 BTC, or $141.875 at today’s price.

While the chances for this to happen are extremely slim — one in 26.9 million, to be precise — it’s also an amazing demonstration of Bitcoin’s security and democracy. Literally anyone, regardless of their resources, can find and create the next Bitcoin block.

That said, is it worth going for solo mining’s extremely low odds like this miner did? In this article, we’ll explore the basics of solo mining and the best way to get started.

Just in case you’re a first timer, let’s refresh the basics.

Bitcoin mining is the process of confirming transactions and adding new blocks to the Bitcoin blockchain. This is done by encrypting the data on the blocks using the SHA-256 algorithm, which returns a string of 64 hexadecimal characters, called a hash. To find a block, miners have to try different variations until the hash they obtain in return meets certain network parameters.

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (4)

Now, miners can either join a mining pool or mine on their own.

Mining through a pool is the process of joining a group of miners who work together to increase their chances of finding Bitcoin blocks and earning the rewards. When a block is mined, the reward is divided among all the members of the pool according to their contribution to the pool’s work.

When you mine solo, you compete with other miners to be the first to find and add a new block to the blockchain entirely on your own. This greatly reduces the chances of finding a block, but in case you do, you get to keep 100% of the revenue, which is currently 6.25 BTC.

One of the main advantages of solo mining is that you have the potential to earn the full block reward if you are the first to solve the mathematical problem.

However, the chances of solving a block solo are very low. This is because the current Bitcoin difficulty is extremely high. In contrast, mining through a pool increases your chances of earning a reward because you are working with a group of miners.

Another great plus of solo mining is saving on costs. Pool operators often charge fees to miners who want to mine against their pool. When you mine solo, you assume additional responsibility, as you have to administer your miners yourself, but you also save on administrator fees by doing so.

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (5)

Transparency is also a relevant issue. Many pools do not provide proper data and analytics about your miners performance and the payment amounts you’re entitled to. Instead, you have to trust that the pool is giving you the rewards you’ve earned fair and square. When you mine solo, it’s the Bitcoin protocol that’s paying you directly, that’s as transparent as it can get.

Finally, there’s also uptime. When mining against a pool, you depend on their infrastructure for connection to the Bitcoin network. If something goes wrong with the pool servers, you might be wasting valuable time and energy mining in vane.

As we already mentioned, the main disadvantage of solo mining is that the chances of earning a reward are very low. This means that you may have to mine for a long time before earning a reward, and you may not earn anything at all. On the other hand, mining through a pool increases your chances of earning a reward, but the reward will be smaller than if you mined solo.

Think of it this way: Solo mining is betting on small odds for a greater reward, while mining with a pool is playing it safe and going for small, regular payments.

So, are you willing to challenge the odds and see if you’re the next lucky miner to find a block mining solo?

It’s important to note that, if you want to mine solo, you’ll also have to set up your own Bitcoin node. This is a program that validates transactions and blocks from the network by accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating those transactions and blocks, and then relaying them to other nodes.

There are many ways you can set up a Bitcoin node, but we recommend you check out the instructions on

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (6)

After you’ve set up a node, you’ll have to acquire an ASIC miner if you don’t have one. These machines are designed specifically for the purpose of mining and can be quite expensive.

Then, download and install Bitcoin mining software. This will connect your ASIC to the Bitcoin network and manage the mining process. Some popular options include CGMiner, BFGMiner, and EasyMiner.

Once you have your ASIC hooked up, you will need to configure your mining software to connect to your Bitcoin node and start mining. Again, depending on what software you’re using, the process may vary, so check out their official instructions.

Alternatively, there are mining pools that offer solo mining services, saving you most of the trouble of doing it all yourself. However, as we mentioned above, these pools charge a service fee. Make sure to consider the pros and cons of each option and make the decision you feel more comfortable with.

Many enthusiasts consider solo mining, especially after a story of one of them finding a block on their own breaks out.

However, the low probability of finding a block, added to the high upfront cost of getting geared up, often discourages most people from even getting started.

We hope hashrate contracts will change that.

These are peer-to-peer exchanges of real Bitcoin mining hashrate between two users. With hashrate contracts, you’ll be able to acquire a set amount of Bitcoin computing power for a certain amount of time for an agreed-upon price.

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (7)

This will allow you to mine Bitcoin exactly how you want to, spending only what you want to spend and without assuming any long-term commitments. Like buying an expensive ASIC miner.

Hashrate contracts will soon be available on the Lumerin Hashpower Marketplace. Want to learn more? Make sure to visit for more details!

Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? (2024)


Mining Bitcoin solo: Is it worth challenging the odds? ›

Solo mining, pros and cons

What are the odds of mining a Bitcoin solo? ›

At a hash rate of around 120 PH/s compared to the total Bitcoin network of around 638 EH/s, the odds of the solo miner solving the block were about 0.02% — or more than 1 in 5,000. (Bitcoin's hash rate measures the total computational power dedicated to the network by miners.)

Does solo Bitcoin mining work? ›

Solo mining can offer higher returns over time than pool mining, but it requires patience and can take longer to find blocks. Pool mining is preferred for altcoin or bitcoin mining, so solo mining should only be pursued if large amounts of hash power are acquired.

How hard is it to mine a single Bitcoin? ›

Unless you make a very large investment in Bitcoin mining hardware, you likely won't ever be able to mine 1 Bitcoin. Bitcoin mining is an extremely competitive industry, and the difficulty of mining has been increasing consistently.

Is Bitcoin mining just guessing? ›

Target Hash and Nonce

Miners are guessing a number that is lower than the target hash. The target hash is a hexadecimal number set to require an average number of attempts. Miners make these guesses by adding nonces to the information being hashed.

Is solo mining more profitable? ›

Whether solo mining is better than pool mining depends on various factors and individual preferences. Solo mining offers the potential for higher rewards, as miners receive the entire block reward if they find a block.

How long does it take to mine $1 of Bitcoin? ›

It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

How long does it take to solo mine bitcoin? ›

In some cases, mining just a single bitcoin can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 days, depending on your hardware and software setup.

Does BTC miner really pay? ›

Does Bitcoin Mining Actually Pay? Bitcoin mining does pay, although amounts are smaller than you might hope because you have to join large mining pools to even have a chance to earn.

What is the best cryptocurrency for solo mining? ›

What's the best crypto to mine in 2024?
CryptocurrencyMining rewards per blockMining algorithm
Bitcoin (BTC)6.25 BTC (due to halve soon)SHA-256
Monero (XMR)0.6 XMRRandomx
Litecoin (LTC)6.25 LTCScrypt
Zcash (ZEC)3.125 ZEC (due to halve this year)Equihash
6 more rows

How much electricity does Bitcoin mining use? ›

The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that mining for bitcoin and other digital currencies accounts for 0.6 to 2.3 percent of the nation's electricity use.

Why is Bitcoin mining so difficult? ›

Cryptocurrencies often have a target block creation time (e.g., Bitcoin aims for a new block every 10 minutes). If miners collectively solve blocks faster than this target, the network increases the difficulty of slowing down block creation.

What is the easiest Bitcoin miner to use? ›

Binance stands out as an easy-to-use platform for mining Bitcoin at home with low risk (for users outside the US). Founded in 2017, it allows free Bitcoin mining using any internet-connected device, including mobile phones, computers, and tablets.

Is Bitcoin mining a waste? ›

The environmental effects of bitcoin are significant. Bitcoin mining, the process by which bitcoins are created and transactions are finalized, is energy-consuming and results in carbon emissions, as about half of the electricity used is generated through fossil fuels.

Is Bitcoin mining scamming? ›

Mining Scams

Some companies pretend to provide mining services using a bitcoin mining cloud. They take your money but never mine any bitcoin for you. People often fall for the scam because they want to get their hands on the bitcoin cryptocurrency, and while there are legitimate services out there, some are fraudulent.

Is Bitcoin mining even worth it? ›

With the right setup, Bitcoin mining is profitable. However, there is no definitive way to know how much money you will make from Bitcoin mining. This is because there are many variables that can determine profitability. For a start, you'll need to purchase Bitcoin mining equipment – known as ASICs.

How likely am I to mine a Bitcoin? ›

Solo mining can actually work – but it's rare

The chances of actually winning a Bitcoin block reward from a single rig is about one in 1.1 billion, according to one estimate. Hence the comparison to a lotto draw.

How long does it take to solo mine Bitcoin? ›

In some cases, mining just a single bitcoin can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 days, depending on your hardware and software setup.

Is Bitcoin mining still viable for an individual? ›

Mining Bitcoin is still profitable, but it's a highly competitive industry, and it's difficult to earn a lot of money from it ¹. The profitability of Bitcoin mining depends on the costs of electricity and equipment, mining difficulty and Bitcoin's market value ².

How much can an individual make mining Bitcoin? ›

If you're successful in mining a Bitcoin block, you'll receive 6.25 BTC – currently valued at over $162,500. You'll also receive the transaction fees paid by senders for the respective block. What's more, Bitcoin mining is also possible without purchasing any equipment.

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