Millennials stand to become the richest generation in history, after $90 trillion wealth transfer | CNN Business (2024)

Millennials stand to become the richest generation in history, after $90 trillion wealth transfer | CNN Business (1)

Millennials are set to inherit as much as $90 trillion in assets before 2044, a new report shows.

Washington, DC CNN

Many millennials are currently grasping in frustration at long-held American Dreams like homeownership, a steady job and an affordable cost of living. However, over the next twenty years, Millennials are poised to inherit some $90 trillion of assets and become the richest generation in history – but only the ones who already come from affluent families, potentially deepening wealth inequality further.

Between now and 2044 in the US, the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers are expected to hand over the reins of their significant wealth to Millennials, according to The Wealth Report, a periodic report from global property consultant Knight Frank.

But whether you’re a Millennial on the receiving end of that wealth transfer is largely a lottery of birth.

Ultimately, this wealth shift is a result of inheritance from prior generations, largely involving property but also other assets. It will bring “seismic” changes to how wealth is put to use, said Liam Bailey, global head of research at Knight Frank, in a statement.

The research also showed that affluent young people are less likely to see property or real estate as a way to build wealth in the future.

“The low interest rate environment and impressive growth in house prices over the past 15 years is unlikely to be repeated in the next 15,” Mike Pickett, director of Cazenove Capital, said in the report. There’s evidence, he said, that the following generation, Gen Z, may be more comfortable renting a home, leasing a vehicle and living a subscription lifestyle than prior generations.

He added that not only will wealth be transferred to these younger people, but there are a variety of new ways to build wealth.

“It goes beyond a simple shift of existing wealth,” Pickett said. “I think the diversity of opportunity to create wealth has also grown — for example, there are YouTubers worth tens of millions. First-generation wealth creation is on the rise, as is the array of entrepreneurial routes to create it.”

Wealth revival in 2023

The report also revealed that more people became wealthier last year, with a growth in super-wealthy individuals that more than reversed a drop the year before.

The number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals — defined as those with a net worth of $30 million or more — was up 4.3% in 2023 from the year before, to 626,619 people globally, according to the report.

North America saw its share of the ultra-wealthy grow the most of any region, rising 7.2% from last year. It was followed by the Middle East, with a 6.2% increase in the super-wealthy; and Africa, which increased by 3.8%. Latin America is the only region to see its population of ultra-wealthy individuals decline, dropping 3.6% from a year ago.

“The improving interest rate outlook, the robust performance of the US economy and a sharp uptick in equity markets helped wealth creation globally,” said Bailey.

This group of uber-wealthy individuals finds property an attractive investment, the report found. About 19% of this group plans to invest in commercial real estate this year, while 22% plans to buy residential property.

Looking ahead, the number of supremely wealth people is expected to increase by 28% over the next five years, according to the report. While the numbers of the super wealthy are expected to grow, that is a much slower pace than the 44% increase in the five-year period ending in 2023.

More growth in ultra-high-net-worth individuals is expected in Asia, including India, China, Malaysia and Indonesia, the report said.

Millennials stand to become the richest generation in history, after $90 trillion wealth transfer | CNN Business (2024)


Millennials stand to become the richest generation in history, after $90 trillion wealth transfer | CNN Business? ›

Millennials are set to inherit as much as $90 trillion in assets before 2044, a new report shows. Many millennials are currently grasping in frustration at long-held American Dreams like homeownership, a steady job and an affordable cost of living.

Do millennials stand to become the richest generation in history after $90 trillion wealth transfer? ›

The report said an estimated $90 trillion of assets will change hands, “making affluent millennials the richest generation in history.” For generations who stand to do the inheriting, it may be a much-needed injection of cash.

Is the $90 trillion Great Wealth Transfer? ›

Another reason Lee sees a rosy time ahead for stocks: Over the next 20 years, millennials are set to inherit as much as $90 trillion from the baby boomer generation, by some estimates. ″[It's] one of the largest wealth transfers ever in history, it's more net worth than the entire net worth of China,” Lee said.

Who is the richest generation in history? ›

In the U.S. alone, Knight Frank said the shift would see $90 trillion of assets move between generations, “making affluent millennials the richest generation in history.”

What is the greatest generation wealth transfer? ›

Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report found that, over the next 20 years, $90 trillion in assets will be transferred between generations in the US alone. This means that millennials are expected to be five times richer in 2030 as the assets begin to change hands.

Why will millennials be the richest generation? ›

Ultimately, this wealth shift is a result of inheritance from prior generations, largely involving property but also other assets. It will bring “seismic” changes to how wealth is put to use, said Liam Bailey, global head of research at Knight Frank, in a statement.

What is the top 1% of millennials? ›

When Millennials Make the 1% Mark — For Their Age Group. Consider that millennials are toward the younger end of earners, which plays a role in where they fall on the net worth continuum. “They hit the top 25% at around $50,000 and the top 1% at about $175,000,” Jennings said.

How much wealth is owned by the top 1%? ›

For example, the top 1 percent of households hold 30.6 percent of the total wealth, according to the Federal Reserve. But just the top 0.1 percent own 14 percent of the total wealth, giving them a stunning average of more than $1.52 billion per household.

What does the Bible say about wealth transfer? ›

The bible says that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just (Proverbs 13:22). God intends to transfer wealth to Christians. You must be positioned to receive this transfer. That position is being in faith to receive it.

Who owns most of the wealth in the US? ›

The top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the nation's entire middle class, federal data show. More than one-quarter of all household wealth, 26.5%, belongs to Americans who earn enough money to rank in the top percentile by income, according to Federal Reserve statistics through mid-2023.

Is Mark Zuckerberg a millennial? ›

Mark Zuckerberg, perhaps one of the most famous millennials, grew Facebook from a college directory into a powerful and influential social networking website over the course of 10 years.

Who is the richest millennial in the world? ›

Who are the Millennial Billionaires?
NameAgeNet Worth
Lukas Walton34$15.6 B
Eduardo Saverin39$14.6 B
Cheng Yixiao37$14.1 B
Brian Chesky39$13.7 B
88 more rows
May 27, 2021

What generation is Elon Musk from? ›

There are several successful Gen-Xers, despite their label of being “slackers.” Entrepreneurs Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Jack Dorsey and Mark Cuban are amongst the most prominent of this cohort.

Will millennials ever be wealthy? ›

It looks like there's more good news on the way for me and all my latte-sipping, Netflix-binging friends, as the 2024 wealth report by real estate agent Knight Frank has concluded that millennials are on track to become the richest generation in history!

How rich are millennials compared to boomers? ›

While it's true the average millennial has 30% less wealth at age 35 than boomers at the same age, the richest 10% of millennials have 20% more wealth than the richest boomers did.

How much will millennials inherit? ›

Millennials Are Projected To Inherit a Great Deal of Wealth

By 2030, millennials will hold five times as much wealth as they have today — and are “expected to inherit more than $68 trillion from their predecessors in the Great Transfer of Wealth” — according to a Coldwell Banker report.

Which generation is going to be the richest? ›

Millennials could stand to inherit trillions worth of property and property assets passed down by ancestors in the next 20 years. Millennials could potentially become the wealthiest generation ever, according to estate agent Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report.

What generation will inherit the most money? ›

By Knight Frank's estimation, this shift will make affluent millennials “the richest generation in history.” Previous reports show this figure at a lower $84 trillion, but nonetheless confirm a shake-up in the foundations of spending power across the globe.

What percentage of the US wealth is owned by millennials? ›

U.S. wealth distribution 1990-2023, by generation

In comparison, millennials own around 9.2 percent of total wealth in the U.S. In terms of population distribution, there is almost an equal share of millennials and baby boomers in the United States.

What is the average wealth of a millennial? ›

At age 38, the average age of older millennials in 2022, our model predicted that the typical family would have about $95,000 in median wealth based on how all generations fared at the same average age. Instead, the typical older millennial had over $130,000.

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