Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) for Traceability — Katana (2024)

Best practices for manufacturer serial number tracking, validation, and traceability

Once manufacturing serial numbers are assigned to products, it’s important for manufacturers to implement best practices for managing these codes throughout the supply chain. Effective serial number management can help ensure product authenticity, prevent fraud, and provide traceability in case of issues or recalls. Let’s go over some best practices for managing manufacturing serial numbers.

Implement a robust tracking system

To manage serial numbers effectively, manufacturers need a system for tracking each code throughout the supply chain. This system should include processes for recording and storing serial numbers, as well as mechanisms for verifying the authenticity of each code.

Validate serial numbers at key touchpoints

To prevent fraudulent activity, manufacturers should implement validation procedures at key touchpoints, such as during shipping, receiving, and inventory management. This can include scanning or checking the serial number against a database to ensure it is valid and has not been duplicated or altered.

Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) for Traceability — Katana (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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