MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (2024)

Knowledge > How to Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (1)

Jul 19, 2023

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (2)

To incorporate USDT (Tether), the largest stablecoin by market capitalization with value pegged to the US Dollar, into your MetaMask wallet, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Access your existing MetaMask account or proceed to download and establish a new wallet.

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (3)

  1. Make sure you are on the Ethereum Main net before proceeding.

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (4)

  1. Locate the 'import tokens' button situated at the lower section of your Wallet extension.

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (5)

  1. Navigate to the 'Import Tokens' page, enter USDT' in the search field, and select ‘USDT (Tether)' from the displayed options.

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (6)

  1. Finalize the process by clicking the 'Import Tokens' button, thereby integrating USDT into your MetaMask wallet.

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (7)

Congratulations! You have now added USDT on Ethereum to your Metamask wallet!


USDT, Tether USD, Ethereum, ETH, metamask, mm wallet, mm, metamask wallet, metamask chrome

MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (8)

is a stablecoin that grows & produces yield


MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (9)

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MangaFi - Knowledge | Add USDT to Metamask on Ethereum (2024)


How to add USDT to MetaMask Ethereum Network? ›

Steps to Add USDT to MetaMask
  1. Install and set up MetaMask. Download your MetaMask extension or mobile application, then connect it to the Ethereum Mainnet. ...
  2. Navigate to the Tokens tab. ...
  3. Add a custom token. ...
  4. Input the USDT contract address. ...
  5. Confirm and complete the process.

Why is USDT not showing up in MetaMask? ›

USDT Not Showing In MetaMask

To resolve this issue, a user must: First, check whether you have enabled appropriate browser permissions. Make sure you have installed the latest MetaMask extension. Sometimes MetaMask may categorize balance tokens as outdated due to which they may not reflect in your accounts.

Is USDT on the Ethereum network? ›

Tether (USDT) is an Ethereum token that is pegged to the value of a U.S. dollar (also known as a stablecoin). Tether's issuer claims that USDT is backed by bank reserves and loans which match or exceed the value of USDT in circulation.

How do I add USDT to MetaMask ERC20? ›

How to Add USDT to MetaMask Wallet Using the Mobile App
  1. Copy the Tether (USDT) Contract Address. ...
  2. Import Your MetaMask Wallet on the Mobile App. ...
  3. Select the Correct Network and Click on the “Import Tokens” Option. ...
  4. Import USDT to MetaMask Wallet App.
Dec 11, 2023

Can I send USDT ERC20 to MetaMask? ›

To add USDT ERC20 tokens to the page, you need to import the tokens by adding the smart contact to your wallet. Under the tokens tab of your MetaMask wallet, click on 'Import tokens'.

How to add USDT in MetaMask? ›

A step-by-step guide to adding Tether (USDT) to MetaMask
  1. Step 1: Select the network. MetaMask supports layer-1 blockchains such as Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain and layer-2 networks such as Arbitrum and Polygon. ...
  2. Step 2: Navigate to the “Tokens” section. ...
  3. Step 3: Add a custom token. ...
  4. Step 4: Complete the process.
Apr 22, 2024

Is USDT ERC20? ›

The USDT issued on TRC20 and ERC20 are both identical, however, fees for transferring this USDT can often be cheaper on the Tron network using TRC20. Deposit addresses for these are always Ethereum addresses and these deposits/withdrawal transactions occur on the Ethereum network.

Can I receive USDT in MetaMask wallet? ›

Visit the MetaMask website and click “Create a Wallet.” Enter your email address and password, and accept the terms of service. Fill out the security details to protect your wallet from unauthorized access. Your account will be created, and you can receive tokens like USDT.

Can I transfer USDT to Ethereum wallet? ›

Login to your App and switch to DeFi mode. Click the DEX icon in the bottom banner. Select USDT and the amount you'd like to swap. Select Ethereum (ETH) as your swap to token.

How can I swap my USDT to Ethereum? ›

Follow these 7 steps for a seamless transaction:
  1. Choose the desired crypto pair. ...
  2. Input the amount of Tether. ...
  3. Compare the rates. ...
  4. Click on the exchange button. ...
  5. Provide your Ethereum wallet address.
  6. Transfer your Tether to the given address.
  7. Once the transaction is confirmed, you'll get your ETH into your crypto wallet.

Do I need Ethereum to swap USDT? ›

You will need ETH in your wallet to cover the network fees for any swap that includes ERC-20 coins, including: ETH, SHIB, USDC & USDT.

How to know if USDT is ERC20 or TRC20? ›

ERC-20 USDT tokens are hosted on the Ethereum blockchain and typically have addresses that start with “0x”. In contrast, TRC-20 USDT tokens are on the Tron network and have addresses that begin with “T.” Always verify the network compatibility of your wallet or exchange to ensure you are using the correct version.

Why do I need Ethereum to withdraw USDT? ›

The blockchain transaction fee for USDT withdrawals is a typical fee paid to the Ethereum network for processing transactions. Ethereum blockchain network charges a fee for every transaction. This fee is distributed to the network validators and serves as a stimulus for them to validate transac...

Is USDT ERC20 the same as USDT? ›

USDT-ERC20 vs. USDT-TRC20. Simply put, these are both the same exact token, only issued on different blockchains by Tether. Their characteristics mostly match, and their prices are equal all the time.

Does MetaMask support ERC20? ›

Which tokens does MetaMask support? ETH and any ETH-based token (ERC-20, ERC-721, and more). You may need to manually import some tokens to see them within MetaMask.

Can I save USDT in MetaMask? ›

Yes, it is possible to transfer USDT to a MetaMask wallet. However, keep in mind that MetaMask primarily supports the Ethereum blockchain and tokens built on it (ERC-20 tokens). To store USDT in your MetaMask wallet, you'll need to ensure that the USDT you're transferring is an ERC-20 token.

What network is USDT on? ›

USDT became popular on the Ethereum network, but it is now accessible on every major public blockchain network, including Bitcoin Cash, Tron, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Matic, and more.

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