Indoor Mobility Scooters | Free Shipping, No Sales Tax & Free Accessories (2024)

Compact Disability Scooters Made Indoors

If you're looking for a handicapped scooter designed to be used indoors at home or at stores with tight turns, then you are in the right place. These mobility scooters are categorized here on this page based on a few factors. First, most of the products you see below offer a comfortable seat which is great if you're spending a lot of time on your scooter. Additionally, many of these scooters have seating upgrade options that allow you to have a wider seat or added depth. While some scooters have seats that are more comfortable than others, we recommend looking at the pictures and speaking with a sales agent who knows the products very well to get some feedback. If you searched all of our indoor disability scooters and have yet to find something that checks all your boxes, you should take a look at our entire mobility scooter collection. Below you'll see an example of our favorite indoor scooter with the sharpest turning radius, the Jazzy Zero-Turn Scooter by Pride Mobility. The Zero Turn scooter is unique because it has 2 independent motors that allow the rear wheels to spin in the opposite direction like a wheelchair. This allows the user to almost rotate in place, it's one of the few scooters that actually work this way, and it makes taking tight turns an absolute breeze. To learn more about the Zero Turn scooter, visit the product page where we offer it with no sales tax and free shipping.

Indoor Mobility Scooters | Free Shipping, No Sales Tax & Free Accessories (1)

Best Indoor Mobility Scooter

Aside from having comfortable seats, the mobility scooters featured on this page are made for narrow hallways and tight turns. Some of them are even categorized as folding mobility scooters. They can take sharp turns and are strongly recommended if you live in a home with narrow hallways/corridors. We have selected these disability scooters for indoor use based on our own experience and customer feedback. In general, you should stick with a 3-wheel handicap scooter for indoor use because they provide a superior turning radius compared to 4-wheel mobility scooters. If you're looking for something that is versatile, check out our full-size mobility scooters or travel mobility scooters and narrow your selection down by using the 3 wheels "sub cat" filter. If you're looking for something that is made for the outdoors, you can visit our outdoor mobility scooters page.

Pride Mobility - Zero Turn 8

The ZeroTurn 8 is an exceptional scooter that boasts incredible turning ability, allowing you to navigate tight spaces effortlessly. Its full CTS suspension ensures a smooth and comfortable ride, on indoor and outdoor surfaces alike. With a weight capacity of 325 pounds, a travel range of 13.1 miles per charge, and a top speed of 5.9 MPH, the ZT-8 empowers you to explore with confidence. Plus, its unique design adds a touch of style to your indoor mobility experience. Experience unparalleled freedom and versatility with the Pride Mobility ZeroTurn 8! To learn more, click the photo below.

Golden Technologies - Buzzaround LT

The Buzzaround LT stands out as a top-rated indoor mobility scooter, perfect for navigating tight spaces with ease. With a speed of 4 MPH and a travel range of 8 miles, it offers convenience and dependability. Supporting up to 300 pounds, it accommodates a wide range of users. Made by Golden Technologies, a trusted manufacturer, Buzzaround LT guarantees quality, comfort, and exceptional maneuverability. To learn more about this excellent scooter, click the picture below.

Merits Health - Roadster S3

The Roadster S3 by Merits Health is a well-made mobility scooter for indoor use. With an impressive travel range of 8 miles and a top speed of 4 MPH, the S3 provides a safe and controlled ride. Its 3-wheel configuration allows for adequate maneuverability in tight, indoor spaces. Moreover, it can disassemble into 5 lightweight pieces for easy transportation, with the heaviest piece weighing only 32 pounds! To read more about the Merits Roadster S3, click the photo below.

Pride Mobility - Go-Go Elite Traveller

The Pride Mobility Go-Go Elite Traveller stands out as one of the most popular and high-quality indoor mobility scooters available. For over a decade, users have harnessed the reliability of the Go-Gos to improve their quality of life. The Elite Traveller has a weight capacity of 300 pounds, a top speed of 4 MPH, and a standard travel range of 7.25 miles. Additionally, there is a high-capacity battery option available to increase the travel range to 10.5 miles. Experience unparalleled comfort and freedom with the Go-Go Elite Traveller 3-wheel from Pride Mobility. To learn more about this model, click the picture below.

EV Rider - Transport Auto-Folding (S19AF+)

The Transport AF (auto-fold) by EV Rider is a fan favorite and a top recommendation for indoor mobility scooters. Its unique feature is its remarkable folding ability, with the press of a button it will automatically fold into a very compact shape, making it incredibly convenient to store and transport. This model has a top speed of 3.8 MPH, a weight capacity of 250 pounds, and a travel range of 10 miles per charge. Get ready to experience top-notch versatility and freedom with the EV Rider Transport 4-Wheel Auto Folding Scooter (S19AF+). To learn more, click the photo below.

Mobility Scooters & Your Indoor Floor Surface

Many of the scooters we carry have "scuff-free" tires which are great if you have laminate or any type of floor with a glossy or shiny finish. Other common indoor floor types (ie: tile, concrete, luxury vinyl, carpet) are fine to have when you own a mobility scooter made to use inside. All of the scooters you see come with batteries and a charger, free shipping, and no sales tax. Most of the products we carry also include a 1-year in-home repair contract for free too. We also offer 2 free accessories with the purchase of any mobility scooter on our website. Call or chat with a live mobility expert now to learn more!

Indoor Mobility Scooters | Free Shipping, No Sales Tax & Free Accessories (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.