How would you describe the steps in protein synthesis? Biology Q&A (2024)

Protein synthesis:

  1. Protein synthesis(translation) is the production of a polymer of a chain of amino acids which produces a functioning protein.
  2. It involves reading the information from mRNA (messenger RNA) to put together a chain of amino acids.
  3. Ribosomes are the structures that synthesize the protein chain.
  4. Protein synthesis requires a tRNA (transfer RNA) which helps in the transfer of an amino acid molecule to the growing chain.
  5. tRNA has anti-codons for the codons present on the mRNA molecule which helps to recognize the place of single amino acid.
  6. There are a total of 20 major common amino acids used in protein synthesis.
  7. There are five major steps of protein synthesis.

Major steps of protein synthesis:

A. Activation of amino acids:

  1. The activation of amino acids deals with the charging of tRNA and requires the enzyme aminoacyl RNA synthetase.
  2. It helps in the formation of the aminoacyl – AMP – enzyme complex.
  3. It yields the required energy from adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

B. Transfer of amino acids to tRNA:

  1. In this step, the aminoacyl – AMP – enzyme complex gets completely charged by reacting with the specific tRNA.
  2. The amino acid is transferred to the specific amino acid.
  3. Due to the transfer process, the enzyme aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, and the AMP molecule leave activating the tRNA.
  4. Hence the enzyme aminoacyl tRNA synthetase plays a major in the catalysis of covalently linking an amino acid to its cognate tRNA.

C. Initiation of polypeptide chain:

  1. The charged activated tRNA moves towards the larger subunit of the ribosome which already is attached to the mRNA strand.
  2. The mRNA strand is bound to the SOS sub-unit of ribosomes of 70S type.
  3. The ribosome reads the codon on the mRNA and the tRNA has the anticodon complementary to the specific codon on the mRNA.
  4. After specific recognition, the charged tRNA molecule enters the A-site (aminoacyl site) of the ribosome.
  5. The initiation codon of every polypeptide chain in prokaryotes is always for the amino acid methionine which is coded by the codon AUG or GUG (for valine).
  6. Further, the entry of successive new charged tRNA with another amino acid pushes the previously charged tRNA at the A-site to move into the P-site (peptidyl site).
  7. There is peptide formation between both amino acids at the P-site and A-site.
  8. The amino acid at the P-site gets removed from the tRNA and begins the formation of the peptide chain.
  9. The tRNA at the P-site enters into the E-site (exit) of the ribosome to leave the ribosome molecule and create space for the entry of a new charged tRNA molecule at the A-site.
  10. The cyclic process is repeated till the peptide chain grows and the mRNA is read until it reaches the termination codon.

D. Chain Termination:

  1. Once the ribosome reaches one of the three termination codons, UAG (Amber), UAA (Ochre), and UGA (Opal), it falls off from the mRNA.
  2. These codons are known as stop codons.
  3. They signal the termination of the growing peptide chain and hence, stop translation.

E. Protein translocation:

  1. There are different classes of ribosomes that assist in translation.
  2. The free poly-ribosomes directly release the growing peptide chain into the cytoplasm after the complete protein has been synthesized upon the termination.
  3. Whereas the membrane-bound polyribosomes do not release the protein chain directly into the cytoplasm, instead they divert the growing polypeptide chain into the lumen of ER for further post-translational modifications.

How would you describe the steps in protein synthesis?   Biology Q&A (2024)


How would you describe the steps in protein synthesis? Biology Q&A? ›

Protein synthesis involves six main steps: transcription of DNA to mRNA, mRNA processing, initiation of translation by the attachment of the ribosome to mRNA, elongation of translation as tRNAs bring amino acids to the mRNA, termination of translation when a stop codon is reached, and protein folding into its ...

How would you describe the steps in protein synthesis? ›

5 steps of protein synthesis
  1. Transcription. The first stage of protein synthesis. ...
  2. Translation. The second stage of protein synthesis. ...
  3. Initiation. ...
  4. Elongation. ...
  5. Termination.
Jan 31, 2023

How would you describe protein synthesis in your own words? ›

In biology, protein synthesis is an essential process that keeps cells functioning. The protein synthesis definition is the process that cells use to create proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of cells and "synthesis" means to make. So, protein synthesis is the process of making proteins.

What is the step during protein synthesis? ›

Summary. The first step of protein synthesis is transcription—the unfolding of DNA and the production of a messenger-RNA (mRNA) strand. In the second step of protein synthesis—translation—tRNA and mRNA interact to code amino acids into growing polypeptide chains.

Which describes the correct sequence of steps of protein synthesis? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The correct sequence of events in protein synthesis is transcription, then translation. First, during transcription, DNA is copied to mRNA in the nucleus. Then, the mRNA is edited, processed and exported to the cytoplasm. Next, translation occurs.

What is the process of protein synthesis A level biology? ›

Protein synthesis consists of two stages – transcription and translation. In transcription the DNA code is read, and in translation the code is used to build up protein molecules. DNA is a triplet code. Each triplet, a group of three bases, codes for a specific amino acid.

What are the six steps of protein synthesis in the correct order? ›

Protein synthesis involves six main steps: transcription of DNA to mRNA, mRNA processing, initiation of translation by the attachment of the ribosome to mRNA, elongation of translation as tRNAs bring amino acids to the mRNA, termination of translation when a stop codon is reached, and protein folding into its ...

What best describes protein synthesis? ›

Protein synthesis(translation) is the production of a polymer of a chain of amino acids which produces a functioning protein. It involves reading the information from mRNA (messenger RNA) to put together a chain of amino acids. Ribosomes are the structures that synthesize the protein chain.

How would you decribe the process of protein synthesis? ›

Protein synthesis is the process in which cells make proteins. It occurs in two stages: transcription and translation. Transcription is the transfer of genetic instructions in DNA to mRNA in the nucleus.

How would you describe protein synthesis quizlet? ›

Protein Synthesis- Extensive. The process in which amino acids are arranged in a linear sequence through the processes of transcription of DNA and to RNA and the translation of RNA to a polypeptide chain.

What are the stages of the synthesis process? ›

The synthesis of any macromolecule proceeds in three stages: initiation, elongation and termination. This is true for DNA replication as well. During initiation, DNA synthesis begins at a specific site, called an origin of replication.

What are the steps of transcription in protein synthesis? ›

Transcription is performed by enzymes called RNA polymerases, which link nucleotides to form an RNA strand (using a DNA strand as a template). Transcription has three stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.

What are the steps of the protein synthesis? ›

Protein synthesis is the process in which cells make proteins. It occurs in two stages: transcription and translation. Transcription is the transfer of genetic instructions in DNA to mRNA in the nucleus. It includes three steps: initiation, elongation, and termination.

How does protein synthesis occur? ›

The fundamental reaction of protein synthesis is the formation of a peptide bond between the carboxyl group at the end of a growing polypeptide chain and a free amino group on an incoming amino acid. Consequently, a protein is synthesized stepwise from its N-terminal end to its C-terminal end.

What is first step in protein synthesis? ›

The first step in protein synthesis is called transcription. Transcription is the process wherein DNA is used to create messenger RNA, or mRNA. The mRNA is produced using DNA's code, which is contained within the cell's nucleus.

What is the process of initiation during protein synthesis? ›

The initiation of protein synthesis is the process that results in bringing together an 80S ribosome with a messenger RNA (mRNA) and initiator methionyl-transfer RNA (Met-tRNAi).

What is a process that is a vital step in protein production? ›

Through the processes of transcription and translation, information from genes is used to make proteins.

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