How Two-Factor Authentication Keeps Your Accounts Safe (2024)

For most services and accounts, this extra code isn't required every single time you open the app or site—that would get tedious very quickly. Instead, 2FA jumps into action when you try to log in on a new device that you haven't used before or haven't accessed in a long time, like a new phone or a laptop that hasn't been associated with your account in the past.

An authenticator app is one of the best 2FA options, as there's no way for shady characters to intercept the codes without physical access to your phone. (This is a risk with SMS and email.) You have a choice of apps, and the best support the most popular services: Authy is just about the best in the business, while Google and Microsoft offer very competent apps too. Some popular password management apps include an authenticator app, including Dashlane and LastPass.

We're seeing a growing use of biometric information like a fingerprint or a face as that second authentication step, which should make two-factor authentication even more secure and convenient in the future, provided the technology continues to evolve. Adding 2FA is a quick and simple process most of the time, and there's really no excuse not to set it up if you have the option—just remember that it should be used as part of overall good security hygiene, not in isolation.

How to Add Two-Factor Authentication to Your Accounts

Many apps and services offer 2FA now, especially those that store important and sensitive data: emails, financial information, files, social media, contact details, and so on. Most of the accounts that don't have a 2FA option, such as Netflix, for example, aren't at such high risk from attack—hackers usually aren't so interested in binge-watching Netflix Originals and messing with your recommendations.

Every service uses 2FA slightly differently, but the option shouldn't be too hard to find. For Google accounts (which cover Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube, and more), head to your Google account page on the web and then click on Security to find the two-factor option—as the second step of authentication, you can use an authenticator app, have prompts appear on your registered phone, or have SMS codes sent to your cell number.

In the case of Apple accounts, your best option is to use an iPhone or a Mac to switch 2FA on. On iOS, from Settings, tap on your name, then select Password & Security and Turn On Two-Factor Authentication. On macOS, you need to start from System Preferences and then choose Apple ID, Password & Security, and Turn On Two-Factor Authentication. Verification codes can be sent via SMS, and they will appear on other devices using the same Apple ID that you have previously registered with 2FA.

You can access Apple ID 2FA settings from inside macOS.David Nield via Apple

How Two-Factor Authentication Keeps Your Accounts Safe (2024)


How Two-Factor Authentication Keeps Your Accounts Safe? ›

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process by making it harder for attackers to gain access to a person's devices or online accounts because, even if the victim's password is hacked, a password alone is not enough to pass the authentication check.

How does 2 factor authentication help protect you more? ›

2FA protects against phishing, social engineering and password brute-force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials. This dramatically improves the security of login attempts.

How can two-factor authentication improve your account security? ›

It requires users to provide two authentication factors: something they know (password) and something they have (e.g., a mobile device or security token). 2FA helps protect against unauthorized access, even if passwords are compromised. Popular examples of 2FA include authentication apps, SMS codes, and biometrics.

Does 2FA make your account safe? ›

2FA provides an additional layer of security beyond traditional username and password combinations. This extra step ensures that even if login credentials are compromised, unauthorized access is prevented without the second factor.

How does two-factor authentication help protect your account if someone else tries to login? ›

With 2FA, you need to provide two things — your password and something else — before you can access an account. The two things you use to authenticate (prove you are you) can be: something you know, and. something you have or something you are.

What are the strengths of 2 factor authentication? ›

Used on top of the regular username/password verification, 2FA bolsters security by making it more difficult for intruders to gain unauthorized access, even if a perpetrator gets past the first authentication step (e.g., brute forces a username and password).

How does two-factor authentication make you safer online? ›

Two-factor authentication requires identity verification beyond simple login credentials, providing more protection from potential hacks. It gives you an extra layer of data protection that can mean the difference between identity theft and a safer online experience.

What are the pros and cons of using two-factor authentication? ›

The Pros And Cons of Two-Factor Authentication
Pros and Cons of 2FA
Enhanced security: Two or three extra security requirements add extra levels of security.User perception: Extra level of authentication may frustrate some users.
3 more rows
Aug 1, 2023

Why is two-factor authentication useful for preventing information attacks? ›

Two-factor authentication is an effective way to protect customer data by adding an extra layer of security instead of relying on just a password. This extra layer of protection makes it more difficult for threat actors to access sensitive information.

How do hackers overcome two-factor authentication? ›

Since the cookies contain the user's data and track their activity, hijacking them allows the attacker to bypass 2FA easily. A phishing website is one of the most popular tools to conduct MiTM attacks. By posing as a trusted entity, the criminal prompts the victim to authenticate themselves via an attached link.

Can hackers get around 2 factor authentication? ›

Hackers may attempt to bypass a two-factor authentication system by using a variety of methods, such as using stolen credentials, exploiting software vulnerabilities, or using social engineering tactics.

Is 2FA 100% safe? ›

Still, like most online activities, there are ways that criminals can bypass 2FA security and access your account. For example, lost password recovery usually resets your password via email, and it can bypass 2FA. Even though it's not 100% secure, 2FA can bolster your online security and is recommended.

Can your account still get hacked with 2FA? ›

Can two-factor authentication be hacked? We now know how 2FA prevents hacking, but can hackers get past 2FA? The short answer: Yes, 2FA can be bypassed by hackers. But before we get into the potential weaknesses of 2FA, it's worth noting that even the biggest cybersecurity companies aren't immune to digital attacks.

Which is more secure account key or two step verification? ›

Security keys are a more secure second step. If you have other second steps set up, use your security key to sign in whenever possible. If a security key doesn't work on your device or browser, you might see an option to sign in with a code or prompt instead.

Does two-factor authentication prevent identity theft? ›

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a critical security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to online accounts. By requiring users to provide two forms of identification, such as a password and a unique code sent to their mobile device, 2FA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Why is two-factor authentication better than single factor authentication? ›

With 2FA, users are required to provide two pieces of verifiable information to authenticate. 2FA was designed to add an additional layer of security to sensitive information. Primary credentials and passwords are often forgotten or compromised, so 2FA can be used to help ensure that sensitive information is secure.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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