How to open Custom HTML Link to open in new tab (2024)

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  • How to open Custom HTML Link to open in newtab (1)

    I am adding Custom HTML link through Custom HTML Widget on sidebar but the link is opening in the same window where in I want this to be opened in new TAB.

    Please suggest how to do it.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • How to open Custom HTML Link to open in newtab (2)

    Hi sumittaxaii,

    You can make a HTML link open in a new tab by adding the target=”_blank” attribute. You should insert this after the link address.

    Here is an example link that would open the homepage in a new tab:

    <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress Homepage</a>

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

  • How to open Custom HTML Link to open in newtab (3)

    Accepted answer

    Just as an update to this, you no longer have to edit the HTML directly. If you’re using the current WordPress editor, just highlight the word(s) you want to link, paste the URL, and toggle “Open in a new tab” in the box that appears. It looks like this:

    How to open Custom HTML Link to open in newtab (4)

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How to open Custom HTML Link to open in new tab (2024)


How to open Custom HTML Link to open in new tab? ›

You can make a HTML link open in a new tab by adding the target=”_blank” attribute. You should insert this after the link address.

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Set the value of the target attribute to "_blank" to specify that you want the link to open in a new window. This code will create a link that will open "" in a new browser window or tab when clicked.

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The target attribute of a link element specifies where to open the linked URL. If you set target to "_blank" , the URL will usually open in a new tab.

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To set the link to open in the same tab, remove the lines rel='noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" from the HTML.

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But you want it to open in a new tab. So simply add a new attribute, target: <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a> Think of “_blank” as the browser opening a new blank tab, and then replacing its URL with the href property.

How do you make a link open in a new tab using HTML? ›

The href attribute set to the URL of the page you want to link to, The target attribute set to _blank , which tells the browser to open the link in a new tab/window, depending on the browser's settings, and. The rel attribute set to noreferrer noopener to prevent possible malicious attacks from the pages you link to.

How do I force all links to open in a new tab in HTML? ›

Just add target="_blank" in the base tag, it will open in a new tab for all the link present in the webpage. I post very frequently on twitter related to frontend tips.

How do I make sure links open in new tab? ›

Configuring links to open in a separate tab is accomplished by adding text to the end of your page URL. This instructs the web browser to open the link in a new tab.

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Our link text is “Example Text Link” and the target of the anchor tag is “_blank”, which lets us know it's going to open in a new tab. The most straightforward way to notify a user that a link is going to open in a new tab is to state it in the link text.

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Opens the URL in a new tab. Type a URL, then press Alt+Enter. Highlights the URL.

How do I open the same link in a new tab? ›

Method 1: Ctrl+Click

The first method requires a keyboard and a mouse or trackpad. Simply press and hold the Ctrl key (Cmd on a Mac) and then click the link in your browser. The link will open in a new tab in the background.

How do I open a link in a new tab but stay on the current page in Chrome? ›

Some links are coded to open in the current tab while others open in a new tab. To take control of this behavior, press Ctrl when you click a link to stay on your current page while opening the link in a new tab in the background.

How do you edit a link so it opens in a new tab? ›

Answers. If you add &target=_blank or ? &target=_blank (if there isn't already a ? in the URL) to the end of the link it will force it to open a new tab.

How do I make a link open in a new tab in HTML react? ›

Opening a link in a new tab in React using the target attribute # The first obvious step is to use the target="_blank" attribute. Keep in mind to use rel="noopener" to avoid the security vulnerability that target=”_blank” may expose.

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Opens the URL in a new tab.

How to make a button open a link in HTML? ›

To add a link to a button, you can use an anchor tag <a> which will wrap your button. Here's an example code with HTML. You can replace with the URL you want to link to and "Click me" with the text you want to display on the button.

How do I link the submit button to another page in HTML? ›

In HTML, linking submit buttons using the Anchor Tag is a simple and dependable approach. Write/Declare a Submit button between the Anchor tag's Starting and Closing tags. Give a Path where you wish to link your Submit Button by using the href property of the Anchor element.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.