How to Identify Halal Food and Product? An Easy Guide with Useful Tips: A blog that educates how to identify halal food and products. - URS Testings Laboratory LLC (2024)

How to identify halal food and products? It is a big problem these days. A lot of people are now conscious about the halal food they eat and the products they use. They want to make sure that these are halal before eating or buying them. Businesses that want to make sure their product is halal or want to promote their halal product should be concerned about the knowledge of their customers on using halal products by engaging in halal product testing in UAE. This is best done to educate and inform the end users about what makes it a halal product. The information in this article will help you know how to identify halal food products in the market.

How to identify if the food or product is not halal?

To understand halal food and products, it is important to know what the word “halal” means. Halal is an Arabic word meaning “lawful” or “permissible.” The opposite of halal is haram, which means “unlawful” or “forbidden.” Halal foods and drinks are permitted for consumption by the Qur’an.

When you’re shopping for food, look for products that have been certified by a recognized Islamic organization. Look at the packaging for a label or stamp of approval from an Islamic organization such as the Muslim Consumer Group for Food Products (MCGFP) or Islamic Food and Nutritional Council of America (IFANCA).

If you don’t see any labels on the package, check the ingredient list. There are some ingredients that are almost always not allowed in halal foods, such as gelatin made from pork products. Alcohol might also be present in many food items, even if it is not listed as an ingredient on the label. Many companies use alcohol in their production process as a flavor enhancer or preservative. For example, some brands of vanilla extract contain alcohol, but other brands do not.

Read the nutrition label.

If you’re looking for foods certified as halal in their preparation, you’ll want to pay particular attention to the ingredients list on the nutrition label and look for a “certified halal” symbol. These symbols will vary based on where you are in the world, but one of the most commonly used is a green circle with a white crescent moon and star inside.

Recognizing the Halal label

You can identify a Halal product through the Halal mark or by reading the ingredient list. It shows that the company hired laboratory testing services in Dubai to prove that the products are halal. This is a step-by-step guide to identifying Halal products:

Look for the Halal mark on the product. If it is present, you can be sure that the product is Halal certified and you may buy it.

If there is no Halal mark, look for ingredients in the product which may include animal derivatives. If any animal derived ingredients are used, check whether they are from halal sources or not. If they are from halal sources, you may buy the products as they are halal.

If there are no animal ingredients and if they are not written in plain English on the packaging label, you can assume that they are plant based and hence it is halal to consume.

If any of these rules cannot be applied to a product and there’s doubt about its origin and nature and you cannot find a replacement for the product, it is better not to purchase it.

If you do not find the halal label on the packaging itself you can always check with the seller.

Learn the names of non-halal ingredients.

In order to keep track of what is halal and what is not, it is first necessary to know the names of haram ingredients. Here are some common ingredient names that you might find on food labels:

  • Alcohol (and any ingredient ending with -ol, ex: menthol, butyl alcohol)
  • Animal Shortening (lard, suet)
  • Carmine (red dye made from crushed bugs)
  • Casein (milk protein)
  • Gelatin (derived from animal bones and tissues)
  • L-cysteine (commonly made from human hair or duck feathers)

Avoid food additives with E numbers.

E numbers are the unique numbers assigned to specific ingredients in food. They are used to identify and track food additives.

Food products often contain substances which do not naturally occur in food. They are therefore added to food products, most commonly as coloring agents and preservatives. There are tens of thousands of different substances that can be used as additives, but only a few hundred have E numbers assigned to them such as the code words E441 or E407 on an ingredient label that shows signs of gelatin.

The purpose of the E number system is to classify and trace the use of these substances in food. The purpose is not to control suppliers or prevent their use, but rather to ensure that consumers can make informed choices about their consumption of those substances, so that they can avoid adverse health effects when they choose not to use such ingredients in their diet.

Familiarize yourself with some other common ingredients used in processed foods that may not be halal.

  • L-cysteine or cysteine. It is a common dough conditioner in bagels, rolls, and other baked goods. It is derived from duck feathers or human hair.
  • It is a natural dye used to color foods like fruit filling, candy, jellies, jams, and dessert powders. It is derived from crushed cochineal insects.
  • It is an enzyme used to harden cheese. Rennet can be obtained from the stomach of slaughtered animals including non-Muslims (pork).
  • Vegetable glycerin may be found in toothpaste, mouthwash, and liquid soaps but can also be derived from animal fats.
  • Beeswax emulsifier in candies and chewing gum may be derived from beeswax or other sources such as shellac that are not halal based on Muslim scholars’ opinions.

Look for products labeled “100% Natural”

Most companies will print this on the packaging so consumers can easily spot it. Read ingredient lists carefully. Pay particular attention to the colorings, flavorings and preservatives. If you don’t recognize something listed, avoid buying the product until you look up its ingredients online.

Look for products labeled Organic.

Organic farming is an approach to agriculture that works in harmony with natural processes, not against them. The use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals is not allowed in organic farming. Therefore these products are free of synthetic additives such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and must not be processed using industrial solvents or irradiation.

Most certified organic products will carry the Halal certification symbol, which makes it easier to identify products suitable for Muslim consumption. However, organic certification does not automatically mean halal certification. Always check the ingredients list to ensure there are no animal-derived products that you need to avoid.


This article might have some useful information that you didn’t know before. If you’re going to do some shopping at the local store for halal foods, take a look at these few tips to make sure you’re spending your money on the right products. You are encouraged to share these tips with family and friends who might find this information useful as well. If you’d want to have your products tested, contact URS food testing labs in UAE and deliver to your consumers only the best.

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How to Identify Halal Food and Product? An Easy Guide with Useful Tips: A blog that educates how to identify halal food and products. - URS Testings Laboratory LLC (2024)


How to Identify Halal Food and Product? An Easy Guide with Useful Tips: A blog that educates how to identify halal food and products. - URS Testings Laboratory LLC? ›

Look for the Halal mark on the product. If it is present, you can be sure that the product is Halal certified and you may buy it. If there is no Halal mark, look for ingredients in the product which may include animal derivatives.

How to make sure food is halal? ›

Check for Halal certification or read food labels. Check carefully each time you buy food products, as manufacturers may change ingredients without notice.

How do you know if the food is halal or haram? ›

If the source of an ingredient is from a plant or other source, it would most likely be considered Halal, unless the process5 used to make the food contains Haram ingredients. If the source of an ingredient is from an animal, it must come from Halal certified meat to be acceptable.

What makes a product halal? ›

Halal certification applies to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors and attests that a product is manufactured in full compliance with the precepts of Islamic Law, that it does not include any “forbidden” components, and has in no way been in contact with any substances or objects considered “impure”.

What determines halal food? ›

Halal is not just all about dietary restrictions. It's also about the treatment of animals, specifically with how they are slaughtered. Halal food must be prepared with minimal suffering to the animal and the pronouncement of God's name during the slaughter, as the animal is being sacrificed to Him.

Is Doritos halal? ›

Doritos is not halal is the US and Canada because one of the ingredients listed as enzymes is derived from beef. Muslim countries have halal versions because it's mandatory for companies to sell products with halal ingredients in it whereas the same does not apply in other countries like US and Canada.

What are halal certified products? ›

What are halal-certified products? A Halal certification is a guarantee that the food is prepared adhering to the Islamic law and is unadulterated. In India, halal certification is given by many private companies which marks the food or products permissible for the followers of the Islam.

Can Muslims eat cheese? ›

Ensure that there are no ingredients that are prohibited in Islam, such as enzymes derived from forbidden sources (e.g., pig enzymes). Most cheeses use microbial enzymes, but some cheese types may use animal-derived enzymes. Therefore, verify that these ingredients are halal.

Can Muslims eat chocolate? ›

Because chocolate is a plant-derived food item or ingredient, it is generally considered halal. But the source of the food item is not the only criteria because halal also depends on cleanliness. For a specific brand to pass the halal certification, it has to go through a proper assessment by authorities.

Can halal eat butter? ›

Unsalted butter is Halal only if it is made with pasteurized sweet cream and lactic acid. But some times dairy companies add lactic acid and termed it as natural flavoring. It is better to call companies to confirm it. The natural flavoring is also made from Starter Distillate.

What makes something not halal? ›

Halal diets prohibit foods that contain blood, alcohol and foods prepared with it, and certain types of meat, including pork, most reptiles, birds of prey, and carnivorous animals ( 2 ).

Are M&Ms halal? ›

"M&M's are not suitable for a halal diet. We use additives that come from animal products when we're making M&M's and traces of these can be found in sweets.

Is pizza halal or haram? ›

Like any bread or bakery product, some additives, flavorings, or colorings may not be Halal. Pizza crust could contain lard, which is pig fat, as well as animal-based mono and diglycerides, enzymes, sodium stearoyl-lactylate, L-cysteine and more.

Can halal have milk? ›

In simple terms, produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs and milk are Halal. Moreover, products that are free from any prohibited (Haram)items can potentially be certified as Halal. The following are examples of products which can be Halal certified: Dairy and its by-products such as whey powders.

Why can't Muslims eat pork? ›

In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish (kashrut), Islamic (halal) and Adventist (kosher animals) dietary laws. The pig is considered an unclean animal as food in Judaism and Islam, and parts of Christianity.

What determines if meat is halal? ›

The animal has to be alive and healthy, a Muslim has to perform the slaughter in the appropriate ritual manner, and the animal's throat must be cut by a sharp knife severing the carotid artery, jugular vein and windpipe in a single swipe. Blood must be drained out of the carcass.

Can I eat meat if I don't know if it's halal? ›

If a Muslim specifically knows that their meat is slaughtered in an un-Islamic way - then it is prohibited for a Muslim for consume it. If a Muslim does not know if the method of slaughter was Islamic - then it is permissible for a Muslim, provided they pronounce God's name (Bismillah).

How do you know if meat is not halal? ›

Haram ingredients include pork, alcohol, and any other substances that are considered impure in Islam. Check the ingredients list on the packaging or ask the butcher about the ingredients used in the processing of the meat. If any haram ingredients are used, the meat is not considered halal.

What to avoid in halal food? ›

If the animal is treated poorly or tortured while being slaughtered, the meat is haram. Forbidden food substances include alcohol, pork, carrion, the meat of carnivores, and animals that died due to illness, injury, stunning, poisoning, or slaughtering not in the name of God.

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